
Student Testimonials

Student Testimonials Regarding the FCT® Curriculum



Jason L. Pickel, D.C., D.A.C.N.B. · Overland  Park, KS USA
Tel: 913-381-5958 Email: docpickel@gmail.com
Website: www.AskDrPickel.com


“Hi Dr. Yurkovsky,

Below please find a “framed poem” from one of our patients. This is in regard to our work using FCT with her daughter. This 2-year-old child was suffering from “Ulcerative colitis” and the medication, of course, was only making her worse.

Constant crying, multiple bouts of daily diarrhea, developmental issues (cognitive and physical), insomnia, lethargy, and the list goes on…

Thank you for FCT and allowing me to be a part of this. The results are amazing and far-reaching – beyond any other treatment/protocol that I have ever experienced with patients (including myself). Life-changing!

Dr. Pickel”


A brief conversation with Dr. Michael L. Johnson, Head of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group –

Dr. Johnson: The first thing that I would like to say is thank you for developing FCT. As you already know, FCT is the best thing to happen to health care… period. There is nothing that compares to it! I know that you know all of this but I can’t tell you how grateful that I am to be a part of it and the doctors in our group feel the same! We will grow FCT to new heights!

Dr. Yurkovsky: I must share with you that, unfortunately, not too many professional organization heads welcome or introduce FCT to their members, because they see it as a threat to their personal control.

Dr. Johnson: That is unfortunate, very unfortunate because it is not only the doctors that are losing out but also the patients.

Dr. Yurkovsky: This is correct, because FCT is closing the most important gap in all medicine – its inexactness or guess work – as it relates to different alternative approaches, products, machinery and claims. And without exactness, any science loses its very unique hallmark – reliability – which dooms it to just doing fancy guess works, and selling snow to Eskimos in the process.

Dr. Johnson: I agree with you, 100%!

Dr. Johnson: I studied Dr. Klinghardt’s work right before I found out about FCT, and you are correct. It doesn’t work.

Dr. Johnson: Please know, Dr. Yurkovsky, that the doctors in our group have seen the incredible success that some of us have had with FCT.

Dr. Johnson: I am willing to do whatever it takes to further FCT. Because I sincerely feel that FCT is THE BEST in healthcare, today!

Dr. Michael L. Johnson – Head of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group


Mark Orbay Mark Orbay, ND

“Thank you for another excellent training. If I were to practice a single medical modality, it would be FCT.”


Lonnie Herman, Chiropractor

“After multiple post-graduate studies, I realized there was always something missing from the complete package to help somebody with chronic conditions and even some acute conditions get really well until I came across Dr. Yurkovsky and his Field Control Therapy. This system really helped me to realize how to pinpoint different disease causing agents, different infections and toxins which are hidden in certain tissues.”


Heidi Helgeson, RN

“I started out as a FCT patient myself and had amazing results, and decided to really work into it as a possible area for me to explore.”


“Hi Dr. Yurkovsky,

I can’t thank you enough for all your help…yesterday, I had a 15 yo patient with acute gastroparesis of unknown cause, not solved by all of her docs, and go specialists, who told me she finally got some relief after she took ‘vagus 150x’. Prior to this only have a bm every 4 days, now every day! I cancelled their very expensive stool test, mom thinks with this progress stool testing is no longer needed…and of course I totally agree. 🙂 anyway, so grateful to have this very gentle, very controlled way of addressing chronic health issues… I cannot thank you and Dr. Wei enough!!!

MV, FCT Practitioner”


David Ou Dave Ou, MD, Dip.FCT · Board Certified in Int Med, Acupuncturist · Atlanta, USA
Tel: (001) 770-922-3023 · E-mail: info@drdaveou.com

“I’ve studied conventional and alternative medicine for years and this is the most effective system I’ve ever come across. I’ve been disappointed many times by the promises of other therapies, but not by FCT.

“I use FCT extensively in my practice. Its ability to remove those deeply-embedded toxins which underpin so many intractable diseases still amazes me.”


Carolyn Green Dr Carolyn Green, BDS, Dip.FCT, L.F.Hom · Biological Dentist, Bristol, UK
Tel: (0044) (0)1934-844757 · Email: info@henryshawclinic.co.uk

“FCT works. The lecturers guide students in a painless sequence to ensure patient safety and student confidence to carry out the testing. As a mercury-free dentist FCT has taken my patient care quantum leaps ahead. I can protect them through the process as never before. I can take them beyond into true detox and a chance of health.”


Jonathan Frewing Jonathan Frewing, Dip.FCT, BA (Hons) · ART Practitioner, East Sussex, UK
Tel. (0044) (0)1342-826864 · Email: jonathan@autonomic-response.co.uk

“I know of no other detoxification modality which targets the specific patient’s complaints so precisely and methodically. FCT has transformed my practice. I am able to provide tailored support during amalgam removal and to treat many seriously ill cases successfully and precisely that would otherwise have relied on broad spectrum and blunt instruments.

“Having practiced and taught at the forefront of the field of heavy metal detox for years, I know that FCT provides the diagnostic and therapeutic tools to reach deeper, to address specific tissues and layers and to prevent the redistribution of toxins. FCT now forms the core of my practice..”


Bob Roberts Bob Roberts, ND, Dip.FCT, Dip.Hom · Homeopath & Naturopath, London, UK
Tel: (0044) (0)20-8265-4076 · Email: elsantabob@hotmail.com

“Having graduated as a classical homeopath and a naturopath, I wanted to find a therapy which offered the best of both worlds. I knew something essential was missing at the heart of my practice. Field Control Therapy is the answer — truly a quantum leap in the understanding, and hence treatment, of health and disease. The only people more pleased than me are my patients!”


Antonio Betancourt Antonio Betancourt, MD, FAPA, Homeopath · Tallahassee, Florida, USA
Tel: (850) 878-4100  · Email: ambetancourt2003@yahoo.com.

“I am treating some very difficult patients who have been previously treated by many others practitioners, both conventional and alternative, and my results have been excellent!”

Update: “I continue to use FCT and continue to experience great results. As I have mentioned previously, I have not seen better results with any other system and I have used homeopathy (without FCT), nutrition, TCM, so called Functional Medicine and conventional medicine among others.”


Marguerite Lane Marguerite Lane, ND · Sydney, Australia
Tel: (02) 9499 2088

“I’m a naturopath with additional training in homeopathy. Four years ago I purchased a Mora bioresonance machine and received training in Germany. I first read of Dr Yurkovsky’s work in several articles he published in The Townsend Letter. That prompted me to buy his book, which I devoured. It got me so excited I couldn’t sleep for a week, just thinking of the possibilities.

When I discovered that his courses were available on DVD, I couldn’t believe my good fortune — I didn’t have to travel to New York to be trained in FCT. So last month I ordered all 3 courses and watched them over a very short span of time (my head is still reeling — obviously several reviews will be required). The information is priceless!”


Simon Rees Simon Rees, ND, Dip. FCT, Dip.Hom, Dip. TCM · Naturopath & Homeopath, Galway, Ireland
Tel. (+345) 91 – 596160 · Email: phoenixhealingcentre@yahoo.com

“FCT® is a breath of fresh air. FCT draws from many other fields, and yet is different from all of them. It’s the most essential piece in the jigsaw puzzle, the one that reveals the whole picture. I found that it’s a dramatic step forward- not only for me, but for the whole field of medicine. No matter what approach you currently take to medicine, I can guarantee that once you get to know FCT you will see that it is striking unique. It integrates the best of other approaches and is an ingenious new way forward. On studying FCT, you’ll acquire new insights and tools that you did not have before, and you will come, as I did, to wonder, ‘How on Earth did I manage before without this?!'”


Nina Ennaji Nina Ennaji, Dip.FCT · Kinesiologist, Cornwall, UK
9 Berkeley Mews, Falmouth, Cornwall TR11 2BW, England. · Tel: (0044) (0)1326-211891. · Email: ninaennaji@yahoo.co.uk

“FCT ends the frustration of having ‘difficult’ clients who don’t seem to be able to get any better. It has opened up a whole new way of looking at diseases and the human energy field which results in an enormous amount of job satisfaction! I have studied with world experts in many fields, but never before learned such a deep and effective system.

“Stimulating teachers – extremely supportive. Many, many thanks to both of you for providing this opportunity to learn FCT.”


Joe Fox Joe Fox, Dip.FCT, MIHCA · Massage Therapist, Kilkenny, Ireland
Holistic Healing Centre, High Street, Graighnamanagh, Co Kilkenny, Ireland. · Tel: (00353) (0)59-9724298. ·
Email: holistichealingcentre@eircom.net

“As an FCT practitioner I am truly humbled at the almost endless list of problems, many that are extremely debilitating, that I can address and resolve with FCT. A life-changing experience for those who use it therapeutically, and a life-enhancing experience for those who are practitioners.”


Dr. Nestor Shapka Dr. Nestor Shapka, BSc DDS DipFCT, President of the IAOMT · Biological Dentist, Alberta, Canada
Bonnyville, Alberta, Canada. · Tel: (1) 780-826-5333. · Email: nestor_shapka@hotmail.com

“As a long standing member and the current President of the IAOMT I have been exposed to and been made aware of almost everything that science has dreamed up to help people manage and improve their health. Over the past fifteen years, spent both as a patient and as a health care provider researching and experimenting with all sorts of alternative and conventional health care systems and therapies, to this very day there is one and only one system that I can categorically say is heads and shoulders above any and all others to safely and effectively improve one’s health – and that is Field Control Therapy. None that I have tried to date has matched the gradual but steady improvement in my own health and all the while avoiding unwanted and undesirable side effects. Once I learned the rationale behind the therapy itself and the science and logic that forms the basis for everything that we do, all other treatments and therapies were exposed for their weaknesses and incompleteness in dealing with the true roots or causes of disease and their inability to achieve the permanent and longstanding results that all of us as practitioners, and as patients, dream of.”

Dr Shapka runs a cutting-edge mercury-free dental clinic in addition to keeping up an active career in FCT and in the IAOMT.


Dr. Sophia Clarke Dr. Sophia Clarke, MBBS DipFCT MSc MFHom · Medical Doctor, Kent, UK
Phoenix Clinic, Goudhurst, Kent, England. · Tel: (44) 1580-212265. · Email: info@phoenixclinic.org.uk · Web: www.phoenixclinic.org.uk

“Having trained in many complementary therapies, as well as medicine, I have found FCT to be the most logical of all, and therefore it works above and beyond any other system of healing, to give permanent improvements in health. This is State-of-the-Art Medicine for the 21st Century! It is both sustainable and tailored to the demands of the chronic diseases of today. FCT is my preferred method of treating patients.

“The FCT Graduate Programme is essential to the professional practice of FCT. The modules are taught clearly and concisely, with great practice-set-up aids and clinical support from the teachers.”

Dr Clarke practices FCT and classical homeopathy with a background in general practice. She is also qualified in acupuncture.


Dr. David A. Siegel Dr. David A. Siegel, DC DipFCT CCN DACBN · Chiropractor, Columbus, Ohio, USA
BioHealth Wellness Center, 1335 Worthington Woods Blvd, Worthington, near Columbus, OH 43085, USA. · Tel: (1) 614-431-0555. · Email: biohealthcenter@att.net · Web: www.biohealthohio.com

“The FCT approach is not just a discussion in theory but a REAL and PRACTICAL application of a true healing modality. There is hardly a day that goes by where the results of testing and response to treatment don’t amaze and astound me. It is truly FUN to practice and I look forward to going to “Work” every day. I would encourage all serious students and practitioners to strongly consider the FCT Graduate Training Program if they are serious about being involved in REAL HEALING.

“ ‘Although the World is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it’. This quote from Helen Keller (a U.S. Blind and Deaf Educator: 1880-1968) conveys what’s possible when HOPE & BELIEF are your guides in addressing the suffering that many people face today. For practitioners and students alike, instilling Hope and Belief in patients is of high priority. However, to do so requires a level of skill and confidence by the practitioner. I know of no greater way of beginning and building upon that skill and confidence than by going through the FCT Graduate Training Program.

“FCT is a patient oriented, science-based system of determining and prioritizing which key tissues/organs have been affected by toxic elements (ie: heavy metals; chemicals; drug and vaccination residues; bacteria; virus; parasitic and/or fungal infiltrations and more). It is the premier system of finding and eliminating toxicity (and doing so with precision and safety).”

Dr Siegel has attained especially remarkable and amazing FCT results treating autism and numerous other complex health problems.


Dr. Stewart Wright Dr. Stewart Wright, BDS DipFCT · Biological Dentist, Glasgow, Scotland
Glasgow, Scotland. · Email: stewart@stewartjwright.co.uk · Web: www.stewartjwright.co.uk and www.barmolloch-cottages.co.uk

“For anyone who’s considering removing their amalgam fillings, or for any dentist who’s considering safely removing amalgam fillings, FCT is an essential tool. An understanding is great, but being able to practise is a real advantage to helping your patient.

“The course has been well thought out and allows the student at any level to gain optimum information and support. I look forward to the new Graduate class starting. I commend Simon and Kevin on all their hard work in putting this course together.

“For the treatment of any chronic condition, or indeed acute condition, an understanding of FCT – and preferably an ability to practise FCT – is a must.”

Dr Wright has pioneered many exciting clinical innovations in his dental & FCT clinics, and runs a special low-EMF health retreat.


Margie Lynch Margie Lynch, ND DipFCT DipHerb RGN(ICU) CHF · Herbalist & Naturopath, Cork, Ireland
Ballinreeshig Nature Farm, Ballygarvan, Co. Cork, Ireland. · Tel: (353) 86-252-8627. · Email: info@healthwithmargie.ie · Web: www.healthwithmargie.ie

“Although diet, lifestyle, herbs and other remedies have proved very successful in my clinic, there are times that there may be something ‘blocking’ a patient’s healing. On discovering FCT I realized that toxins such as mercury, especially in dental amalgam fillings, may be the cause of this blockage. FCT also addresses the toxic build-up of other substances such as other heavy metals, antibiotic residues, vaccinations, aspartame, pesticides, conventional medicines and radiation residues, to name a few. The information, specificity and thoroughness that FCT has to offer make it invaluable. The specificity and thoroughness of FCT enable me to get to the source of a person’s imbalance and help bring them back to health.

“FCT is medicine of the 21st century. This exciting therapy achieves profound results with many chronic debilitating conditions including those that may be deemed incurable.”

Margie Lynch is devoted to herbs, nutrition, emotional healing & spiritual work. Her partner Sean, Naturopath & Herbalist, also studied FCT. His experiences with it inspired Margie to do the same. She now uses FCT regularly in her practice.


Ann Pearcey Ann Pearcey, DDS · Bolton, UK
“ FCT® is a revelation and a revolution in healing.”


“Thank you so much for teaching me this wonderful therapy, FCT. I find it so valuable in my practice.”
– Nora Keane


“Field Control Therapy®, is the best I have found in the world…”
– PK, Registered Nurse


“… an ingenious system, a true revolution in Medicine.” “This is a phenomenal system!” “Worthy of the Nobel Prize in Medicine.” “…The more I read your work, the more I am completely convinced of how amazing a modality it is. I have been getting some fantastic results at this end on patients who otherwise were at the end of their tether with their health issues. Thank you so much for your incredible contribution to the ‘new medicine’!!”


“Dr. Yurkovsky says that he has created a new medical system. That is a big claim. In order for that to be true, his work must allow doctors to diagnose and treat patients in ways which are not incremental improvements from previous techniques but rather based on a truly new understanding of how the body works. That is exactly what FCT® has achieved and as such it represents a huge step forward in treating chronic disease.”


“I’ve been practicing Alternative Medicine for 30 years and always knew that something was missing. Thanks to your teaching, now I know what.”


“Very stimulating and coherent paradigm.”


“Excellent explaining of theory of FCT.”


“New ideas.”


“Interesting concept. Full of promise.”


“Brand new information.”


“New paradigm.”


“Thank you for an amazing three days! Immense amount of research, information. The tips given were of great help. Excellent, interesting, brilliant research.”




“I love the teaching of Dr. Yurkovsky’s very much. Helpful to heal ourselves from poisons.”


“I appreciate the depth of Dr. Yurkovsky’s knowledge, experience and confidence.”


“Dr. Yurkovsky is inspiring as a teacher and innovator.”


“I like the generosity in spreading a valuable skill. Integrity, expertise and energy of Dr. Yurkovsky and all involved.”


“Good, logical methods of testing/treatment backed by excellent results. World class practitioner of specialist medicine allowing us to all benefit from his system.”


“Wide-ranging and authoritative.”


“Dynamic and cutting edge.”


“Good presentation for the vast amount of information involved.”


“Medical Einstein.”




“Soon, it will be deemed malpractice not to practice FCT.”


“I had tried to help my wife and myself for 20 years and only after I had watched your tapes, had I recognized why I couldn’t.”


“Positive innovative approach to essential knowledge of healthcare.”


“Excellent amount of knowledge imparted.”


“Getting to the root cause of illness!”


“Deeper insights to causes of illness.”


“The method itself seems excellent and has the potential to answer a lot of unaddressed issues.”


“It indicates the various levels for curative treatment.”


“Excellent. Very interesting and well explained.”


“Introduces an apparently excellent system for finding why the patient is diseased, and an excellent treatment system.”


“Excellent and valuable.”




“After the FCT seminar I’m feeling very excited. But I’m also feeling in a state of professional paralysis. As soon as I went back to my clinic, I realized that I could not go on practicing in the same way as before. I must start offering FCT instead. …. In the meantime, I’m feeling frustrated and paralyzed in my work.”

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