
Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance Through a Different Paradigm

Journal of Clinical Trials and Case Studies

Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance Through a Different Paradigm? Documented Cases of Resolved Pneumonia and
H. Pylori Infection without the use of Antibiotics

Savely Yurkovsky*

Department of Cardiology, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY, USA



The presented cases suggest that microbial drug resistance may be overcome rather through enhanced host immune response using energetic vaccines than “stronger” antimicrobial agents. While this paradigm concerns the interface of biology and physics, its application is easily grasped by physicians because it is based on established medical knowledge.


Energetic vaccines, Antimicrobial resistance, Antibiotic resistance, Bacterial drug resistance

Correspondence to: Dr. Yurkovsky, S. Email: info@yurkovsky.com
Received: June 8, 2023, Accepted: June 16, 2023, Published: June 30, 2023
DOI: 10.1042/JCTCS.1.1.003

Citation: Yurkovsky S, 2023, Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance Through a Different Paradigm? Documented Cases of Resolved Pneumonia and H.
Pylori Infection without the use of Antibiotics. J Clin Trials Case Stud. Vol 1.

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Despite the use of multiple generations and 10 different classes of antibiotics, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) remains the leading international health concern with high morbidity, hospitalizations, mortality, and related economics [1]. Lower respiratory infections cause the highest mortality with 1.5
million cases in 2019. Additionally, antibiotics are associated with many chronic diseases, including malignancies, adding further morbidity, mortality, and an economic burden [2]. Antibiotics also lead to potentially lethal fungal infections and compromise the overall host resistance through damaging
immune cells, the microbiome, and possibly the human genome that contains numerous bacterial remnants [3-4]. All of these factors question the viability of the current paradigm of “stronger” pharmaceuticals that only perpetuate their predestined evolutionary defeat and if the sought solution is to come from a host’s enhanced immune response using a vaccine-like model. This would also raise the host’s future immune resistance to infections, unlike “stronger” antibiotics. While conventional vaccines cannot be used as therapeutics or even prophylaxis since their production timing is far outpaced by the ongoing microbial mutations due to billions of used annual antibiotic courses worldwide, the full body of science offers a different option. It concerns well-established matter-energy duality and natural resonant frequency concepts in physics which cover all matter in the universe, including microbes and humans. The physics and science of water support that molecular energy fields of microbes can be imprinted in water that becomes a putative energetic vaccine, without scientific conflicts [5-11]. Since human organs, including the immune system, also obey the duality concept and fundamentally function through electromagnetic signaling, their response to novel vaccines is obligatory [12-14].

Figure 1: Reflecting the overall scientific premise.

There are two technological platforms for water programming. One is through subjecting an original substance, such as a microbial culture or infected bodily fluids, to serial dilutions and mechanical impacts, as used in homeopathy. Despite traditional labeling of these remedies as “overdiluted

Journal of Clinical Trials and Case Studies

placebos,” materials scientists deem this a “distortion of and ignorance in science” that confuses physics with chemistry [15]. The American FDA and its counterparts worldwide registered energetic vaccines that were prepared through this method from infected bodily fluids. Unlike pharmaceutical vaccines, these are also successfully used therapeutically and established a high safety record. Physicians may also use the greatly shortened Korsakov’s preparation method for this purpose [16].The other preparation platform uses an automated water imprinting device that obviates direct contact with microbes (US patent #10941061). This also renders clinical versatility by individually adjusting a charge of an energetic vaccine according to infection severity. Electronic copying of homeopathic water preparations based on physics has been scientifically validated [17].

Nobelist, and virologist Montagnier, among other researchers, has produced successful experimental evidence of biological responses to electronically transmitted energetic microbial preparations in water, with water imprinting being owed to its conduction properties [18-19].


All of the utilized microbial and a few toxicological energetic preparations were obtained from homeopathic pharmacies. The aforementioned imprinting device was used to adjust the energetic potencies of these remedies according to the patient’s clinical needs and to prepare energetic antidotes against pollutants. The antidotes were produced using the corresponding water samples with absorbed tobacco smoke and polluted house air and in the case of the mosquito oil spray, directly from it. Both patients signed informed consents concerning the unorthodox nature of this approach.


A 48-year-old male reported in July 2019 that after using an oil spray against mosquitoes, he and his friend developed a severe respiratory illness. The patient developed 103°-105°F fever, right-sided chest pain, productive with yellow-green mucus cough, and fatigue for 10 days. His pertinent environmental history included smoking, exposure to dust from refinishing old furniture, and a propane gas leak in his camper. Also, the smells of mold and a gas stove in his girlfriend’s house aggravated the cough and fatigue. Natural gas, like all fossil fuels, contains mercury and other toxic metals [20]. The chest x-ray revealed a right middle lobe infiltrate consistent with pneumonia however, the patient refused antibiotics due to becoming chronically ill with fungal infections following prolonged antibiotic courses in the past for Lyme disease from some alternative Lyme “specialists.” Because of his refusal, not having health insurance, and being financially strained, he was spared the expense of a sputum culture and an antibiotic sensitivity test.

Considering that environmental pollutants cause impairment of local and systemic immunity, the treatment addressed both infectious and toxicological agents [21-22]. Following the first two energetic preparations, Streptococcus pneumonia, and combined lung with mercury, the patient reported a prompt marked decrease in fever, cough, and fatigue. After the third remedy, an energetic antidote against his girlfriend’s contaminated house air, the cough, fever, and chest pain ceased and he resumed full-time work. Before repeating the chest x-ray, three weeks later, he repeated the Streptococcus pneumonia remedy and took the tobacco smoke antidote, due to the return of a mild nonproductive cough.

The chest x-ray reported a small infiltrate reduction. Because of becoming clinically free from pneumonia, and the aforementioned fiscal circumstances, a second follow-up chest x-ray was postponed and he was periodically managed clinically for his usual adverse environmental exposures and intermittent upper respiratory infections over the winter. For these, he received energetic vaccines of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza A plus B, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stochybotrys chartarum and antidotes against propane gas, and mosquito oil spray. His final chest x-ray repeated some six months later read “no evidence for acute focal alveolar infiltrate or consolidation that would represent pneumonia.”

The four-year clinical follow-up did not indicate a recurrence of pneumonia.

According to his narrative, his friend was treated with several courses of antibiotics in an ICU and as an outpatient for pneumonia, but never fully recovered.


Sixty-nine-year old male presented in May 2015 with stomach pain for three months. His environmental history was significant for having six amalgam fillings over decades that contain 50% mercury that also has significant gastrointestinal adverse effects [23-24].While the ordered H. Pylori testing was pending, he received an energetic H. Pylori vaccine, and stomach mucosa-mercury antidote, a day apart. Following these, the pain ceased and a stomach biopsy in July confirmed H. Pylori. He refused the gastroenterologist-prescribed two-week antibiotic course and acid blockers and opted for weekly H. Pylori energetic vaccines, totaling three doses. Since he remained free of pain, he kept postponing retesting for H. Pylori until March 2017 when the breath test that was ordered by his gastroenterologist returned negative. The six-year follow-up indicated freedom from stomach pain.


In the author’s 30-year experience using this paradigm against a variety of infectious diseases, antibiotics have proven unnecessary. While the setting of physician practices precludes the proper methodological rigor, whenever positive outcomes are also met with considerable scientific support and the absence of scientific conflicts, as in these cases, such methods deserve formal scrutiny. The presented cases followed more inclusive models of finding solutions by striving to match the complexities of the problem at hand, instead of just relying on hammer-nail acts like antimicrobial agents. Even when the latter seems successful in the short term, the detriment, in the long run, is common since these acts leave out important components of the problem.

As stated by decision scientist, retired MIT physics professor George Pugh, unless a problem is addressed through an optimal description, “absurd solutions” follow. The corresponding number of therapeutic means used in these cases attempted to optimally match their individual complexities. The latter is to include the very terrain for infections, commonly compromised mechanical, chemical, and cellular defenses of mucosal surfaces [25]. The dysfunction is commonly caused by environmental pollutants that are ubiquitous in the bodies of modern populations, with tens of millions of mercury fillings alone being annually implanted just in the US. As is the case with the ignored role of toxicants in the pathogenesis of infections, leading to the exorbitant use of antibiotics so is a fundamental property of the living – electromagnetism – that expands potential solutions to the different therapeutics when effective pharmaceuticals are lacking [14].


Journal of Clinical Trials and Case Studies

Enhancing the body’s innate ability to defeat infections is in line with evolution and if carried through the pertinent body of science might solve antimicrobial resistance faster than the circular searches for “better” pharmaceuticals.



None Received


The author holds a patent for the Therapeutic Frequency Imprinting Device.


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