
Patient Testimonials

I.  Our son, Zane was adopted at six weeks old. His birth mother worked at a convenience store located at a gas station in Oklahoma during the entire pregnancy, exposing Zane to hazardous chemicals in utero. At eight years old, after being treated with a ten-day course of Amoxicillin for a strep infection, Zane’s school nurse called to say he was exhibiting an eye blink/head roll combination tic. At first, it occurred 50 times per day but after a week, the tics increased to about 200 times per day. Zane was examined by a neurologist and leading PANDAS (Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder) expert and diagnosed with PANDAS in March 2014.

From March 2014 through August 2015, Zane’s condition continued to deteriorate. He exhibited myoclonus like tics (which looked like epileptic seizures). He was evaluated by an immunologist and leading PANDAS expert as well as three neurologists. Zane’s MRI and 24 hr EEG test results were normal and the EEG while capturing the myoclonic tics, indicated that they were not seizures. In addition, Zane’s IGeneX Lyme test was negative. During this time period, Zane was treated with prednisone, Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Bactrim and a few other antibiotics, and multiple courses of antibiotics were received. We also tried alternative treatments (i.e., essential oils and other supplements), but without success.

Due to the full body tics and corresponding diminished cognitive ability, Zane could no longer attend school. Once an “A” student with a charming personality and liked by everyone, he could no longer read or write without having painful tics and violent headaches. At the time, the only thing that helped Zane was playing Minecraft or another exciting game on the iPad. He spent 16 hours a day playing on the iPad to avoid having painful tics and headaches and was lost in his own world. At night, he would have irrational fears and it was difficult for him to fall asleep.

In August 2015, we started seeing Dr. Yurkovsky and being treated through his FCT approach consisting of periodic bio-resonance testing and homeopathic remedies. After spending three hours with Zane, Dr. Yurkovsky diagnosed Zane with Lyme, mercury, heavy metals, candidiasis, strep, parasites and significant electromagnetic radiation, with all of these affecting his brain. Some of these, Dr. Yurkovsky has stated were also detrimental to his immune system, and that is why it could not resist Lyme, strep and other infections, and accounted for failure of multiple antibiotic treatments. Over the next ten months, Dr. Yurkovsky prescribed remedies to detox Zane. He also advocated no electric magnetic frequencies (iPad, t.v., video games, etc.), removal of all fluorescent lights in our home and a special candida diet, essentially eliminating white flour, yeast and all sugar. We also have installed Memon in our house and car, in order to minimize electromagnetic stress on our son’s brain and immune system. We complied with all of his advice.

The detoxes for Zane were very difficult. While he was detoxing a particular toxin, his tics often increased and were combined with violent headaches. The range of his tics included jumping tics, slapping tics, vocal tics, blinking tics, head jerking tics, body shaking tics, and he experienced violent headaches, body aches and irrational fears. It was interesting that, as it was correlated with the treatment based on the causes of our son’s illness, we were able to discern that each of these categories of tics belonged to a specific cause. As an example, jumping and slapping tics were due to Lyme, vocal tics due to worms, etc. Zane has also suffered from joint and entire body pains that Dr. Yurkovsky felt were due to the Lyme’s disease, overlooked by the PANDAS specialists. As Zane was detoxed from various parasites, we witnessed parasites (small white worms) being discharged from his nose and in his stool, of which we have multiple photos. They were really coming out by the dozen on a daily basis.

During this time, Dr. Yurkovsky also discovered mercury vapor within our home which he believed was causing the rather unusual aggravations of the treatment, as well as prolonging its course. He also believed that the antibiotics have inadvertently led to the development of mutated and more aggressive Lyme bacteria, for which he had to prepare a special homeopathic remedy. In July 2013, to combat any potential mold issues within our air filtration system, we installed a UV light in the air ducts. In February 2016, we removed the UV light because it was emitting low levels of mercury vapor. In addition, my husband, daughter and I became patients of Dr. Yurkovsky. Both my husband and daughter tested as strep carriers by Dr. Yurkovsky through the same bio-resonance testing and were treated for this. Also, both my husband and I removed our amalgam fillings containing mercury and were detoxed from it and other toxic metals with Dr. Yurkovsky’s method. All of the main treatment consisted only of homeopathic remedies.

By June 17, 2016, Zane’s motor tics, headaches, joint and body pains, and irrational fears were gone, and his cognitive abilities have completely recovered. He is on track for fifth grade and doing extremely well. As parents, we watched our son almost go insane primarily from Lyme, mercury and heavy metals, parasites and strep but in ten months’ time after detoxing those toxins, he has been healed. We will always be grateful to Dr. Yurkovsky and his wonderful staff.

Mr. and Mrs. EZ & MZ
August 15, 2016

To our beloved Dr. Yurkovsky:

I am writing to document the results of using your Field Control Therapy (FCT) within a Neuroscience Intensive Care Unit at a major university medical center, with dramatic results.

Our 23-year-old son, an expert cyclist, was seriously injured in a bicycle accident late Friday night, August 1, 2014 where he landed head first against the back of a Ford Bronco and would have died at the scene had witnesses not phoned paramedics immediately and they arrived within minutes. He was rushed to the nearby university medical center, where they stabilized him in the Emergency Room and then admitted him to the Neuroscience ICU in critical condition with a broken neck, broken jaw, major brain injuries, and other injuries to the rest of his body. An extraordinary aspect of this case is the CT scans revealed a colloid cyst at the center of his brain, a congenital condition which he had all his life but did not know. There were also hospital-induced complications adding even greater challenges to the above conditions.

Below is a brief chronology of key events in our son’s recovery:
Saturday morning, August 2: External Ventricular Drain (EVD) catheter inserted into his brain for draining cerebral spinal fluid.

Sunday, August 3: A doctor came into the room in the morning and said: “Mrs. ,we have good news. Your son’s CT scan shows no traumatic brain injury. We expect a full recovery and no permanent damage.” In the afternoon, another doctor came into the room and said: “We have made a mistake. When we were inserting the EVD we nicked a blood vessel and there is bleeding in your son’s brain. The blood is around the EVD and flowing down to the ventricle below. This happens rarely but it has happened to your son.”

The EVD catheter became blocked by a resulting blood clot and stopped working, and also became a serious threat for infection into the brain.

Tuesday morning, August 5: The EVD catheter is clamped and removed.

Wednesday, August 6: My son is taken to the operating room for jaw surgery. It was too soon and his body could not handle it. I had begged the attending medical resident as well as several of the other members of the medical team to postpone the surgery but they did not. Later, they all denied I had made this request.

For post-surgery recovery he was brought back into his ICU room and he went into a coma.

After an emergency CT scan, they inserted a second EVD catheter into his brain. By morning, he was regaining consciousness. During this recovery overnight, he had spiked a very high fever with risk of seizures, which, if it happened, would be catastrophic given his jaw was wired shut and he had a neck brace immobilizing his head. Later I was told of multiple hospital-induced infections in my son’s body, including in his blood and in his lungs.

Wednesday, August 20 – Bacterial infection identified in his cerebral spinal fluid.

Thursday, August 21- Staph infection identified in his scalp.

Family meeting takes place with family’s three doctors brought in to discuss the case, of which Savely Yurkovsky, MD was one, with the hospital’s attending neurosurgeon and her medical team. The hospital was represented by the attending neurosurgeon, a resident medical student, a nurse, an attorney, an ethics consultant and a social worker. The family had Dr. Yurkovsky in New York and our Neurotherapist in Maryland on the speaker phone with myself and our kinesiologist present in the room. The attending neurosurgeon, whose brother is a homeopathic physician, stated her position strongly opposed to homeopathy when Dr. Yurkovsky introduced himself and his work via speakerphone. Her theory was that our son crashed because he blacked out due to the colloid cyst and that he had hydrocephalus before he crashed, and she was determined to install two tubes, called shunts, permanently into our son’s brain, one on the left side and one on the right side, which would be implanted beneath the skin behind the ears, go through the neck and down into his abdominal cavity for draining cerebral spinal fluid from his brain. These would be there for the rest of his life, and he would face multiple future brain surgeries, possible infections, valve malfunctions, etc. This is all she and her medical center had to offer, and she refused to remove the EVD brain catheter unless our son had this surgery. My husband and I said no!


MarkOur son, Mark, started showing symptoms of asthma at the age of three when his cough from a cold turned into dry hacking that never subsided. Then he started having difficulty breathing on occasion. We started using Albuterol in a nebulizer and mild anti-histamines as prescribed by our pediatrician and pulmonologist to stop the coughing and allow him to breathe. The treatment lasted four years, but Mark never really got better.

At the age of 7, Mark received an amalgam dental filling. Almost immediately his cough started getting worse and progressed to the point that he was coughing 5 to 6 times per minute all day, every day for months on end. But that wasn’t the only problem. He also started developing other symptoms—a desire to chew on his clothing, super-sensitive skin, difficulty sitting still to concentrate or listen, and an involuntary tic that jerked his arm as if he were hammering a nail. We desperately wanted to find relief for our son. At the same time, I was concerned about the side effects of the increasingly powerful drugs Mark was prescribed.

When Mark’s coughing got worse, our pulmonologist prescribed a drug (Advair) clearly labeled as “not to be used by children under the age of 12.” The possible-side-effects list included lung collapse, heart problems, stunted growth and death. How can it be that the treatment supposedly intended to restore proper lung function can cause lung collapse? And death?! I was incredulous. I struggled for days between wanting to trust my friendly, well-meaning “medical experts” and listening to the voice in my gut saying, “This isn’t the path to health for our son!” In the end, I refused to administer the medication to our son. Having never heard of homeopathy, we had reached, it seemed, the end of our medical options. As a family, we prayed for wisdom and healing and had Mark anointed with oil in our local church congregation.

Soon thereafter, a friend of mine recommended Dr. Yurkovsky, saying that he practiced homeopathic medicine with very effective results. We made an appointment, and, to our surprise, Dr. Yurkovsky spent 2 hours with us on our initial visit asking questions and recording every symptom that we described. On the doctor’s advice, we immediately had the amalgam filling removed.

Now, after two years of taking Dr. Yurkovsky’s remedies, following his prescribed diet and field control protocol, Mark breathes freely with no help from dangerous medication. His tic is gone. He has no trouble concentrating, no desire to chew his clothing, and he rarely coughs. We are so thankful for Dr. Yurkovsky’s diligent study of medicine–not willing just to accept the status quo but insisting on drawing his information from multiple disciplines. We also appreciate his conscientious care of his patients–not willing to subject them to treatments with dangerous side effects. We want to tell everyone about him in the hopes that one day widespread understanding of his practice of medicine will change the way chronic diseases are treated in our country.

Ruth E. Lee
May 5, 2014

Another Case Of Cured PANDAS And Saving A Child From Psychotropic Drugs

From: Kristina
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2015 1:41 PM
To: info@yurkovsky.com
Subject: Update Regarding Claire—


I’d like to provide Dr. Yurkovsky with some information/insights about what I have observed about my daughter Claire during the 5 weeks of treatment she has just completed.
As a whole, I have witnessed a dramatic change in her behavior – it was almost immediate. The absence of certain behaviors have highlighted just how intense they actually were from Sept/Oct (2014) through January (she commenced treatment on Jan 9).

Her first drop was Strep A. on Fri night 1/9. The next morning she was irritable (typical) moving from activity to activity (starting projects and quickly abandoning them) all morning. In retrospect she was restless (cartwheels and flips on couch almost constantly – I’ll go back to this), she kept telling me she was “bored” (she started describing herself as bored with increasing frequency for the past 3-4 months). By noon that day she became frustrated with a project and had an “episode” (screaming, shouting, out of control). It lasted only an hour. (My comment. This represents a known in homeopathy “therapeutic crisis” when a treatment of an etiologic agent is accompanied with a transient aggravation of its symptoms. Yet, the reactions are usually short-lasting, “only an hour”, unlike the actual pathology).

By day three, she had both strep A. 240 and Lyme 240x. This day brought a dramatic change that has persisted she woke up and felt “serene” to me, “still” “calm” “placid.” Her entire being/energy felt altered. Calm. Since that morning, 5 weeks later, the restless energy, the CONSTANT cartwheeling and flipping and handstands have STOPPED…she is no longer almost constantly flipping around doing handstands and cartwheels. I see now very clearly that they represented a restlessness that have virtually disappeared.

She also has stopped starting so many projects. These last few months were characterized by a “jumping from project to project in a very restless, intense manner.” She has not once told me she’s bored – she has gone back to playing calmly in her room for long stretches, creating lego situations without frustration, or smashing her legos etc because she’s frustrated. In short she has:
• stopped moving/flipping/cartwheeling so often/intensely
• stopped restless activity/starting a new project what seems like every 20 min
• stopped lashing out in frustration
• almost completely stopped fighting with her sister. This is a HUGE change. They started playing together for the first time in months without huge fights
• become much calmer
• absolutely more patient
• absolutely more cooperative

The change is dramatic – so much so that I can see in retrospect that she was in a “frenzy” working up to what felt like some sort of crisis…
She coincidentally is having a growth spurt she’s taller and very very thin.

We have dramatically reduced, and at times, eliminated sugar. Curiously, she has not complained once, which is shocking to me. We cut out sugar 95% I would say. She has been unbelievably cooperative and has taken her own initiative with regard to protecting her diet.

I gave her Hippocampus 240x (very last treatment) on Fri 2/6. The next morning she got angry with her sister and was so out of control, I physically removed her from the room (carried her out). Unlike past episodes, she did calm down, alone in her room, after an hour. (My comment: another healing crisis where homeopathic-energetic Hippocampus 240x was given to stimulate release of mercury that was detected there, via a bioresonance testing).

Thank you, Kristina

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