
FCT – What and Why

Free Ai Generated Albert Einstein illustration and picture

“All matter is energy fields”
Albert Einstein

Observatório Cósmico: Conheça a Cura Reconectiva.

“Future medicine will be based on controlled energy fields”
Professor Emeritus and former Chairman of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University, William A. Tiller, PhD

A person in a white coat sitting at a desk Description automatically generated

“Chronic diseases can be only solved through energy fields”
Savely Yurkovsky MD

“For technology to succeed, the reality must take precedence over PR.”
Nobel Laureate in Physics Professor Richard Feynman

A person with white hair and a beard Description automatically generated

Are Biology and Medicine Only Physics?
Executive Director of the Max Planck Institute for Physics
Professor Hans-Peter Durr PhD

The only way to unravel chronic diseases!

A person with internal organs Description automatically generated

AI-drawn energetic, vibrational copy of the body

FCT, Field Control Therapy ® is based on the premise that the foundation for health or disease is determined by the corresponding energy fields, as was emphasized by Professor Emeritus, retired Chairman of the Department of Materials Science at Stanford University, William A. Tiller Ph.D. in the article Toward Future Medicine Based on Controlled Energy Fields.

Among its novel distinctions from other medicines is that operating on this deeper than the chemical-morphological level of the body, it can overcome the impossibility of the latter to prevent and reverse chronic diseases. The facts are that whether chemical medicine is practiced through conventional pharmaceutical medicine or alternative, integrative, functional, etc., its failure is doomed by the evidence that it is scientifically incapable of meeting the three fundamental requirements for the solution.

One is to establish the exact causes of chronic diseases since internal organs in the living are inaccessible to these tests. Two and three are that it is also unable to provide specific, safe treatments to remove disease causes and restore afflicted internal organs. Yet, it is possible through The Body Electric, a book by two-time Nobel Prize in Medicine nominees, Professor Robert Becker, MD, and Gary Selden. FCT conducts diagnosis and therapeutics through this deepest and main physiological level of the body via specific and clinically meaningful electromagnetic signals. Think of a metal wire where its underlying energetic level can produce electricity and electronics that the superficial chemical level cannot.

Candid message to conventional physicians who seek alternative, functional, integrative medicines based on something “scientific” and “plausible”

Spare your time and resources, which I didn’t in the past until you read and try to disprove the information on this website because even the least capable medical approaches offer something “scientific” that makes sense. This is typical of all inexact sciences and reflects a peculiar trap in medicine where anything trivial makes sense because there are more than a million factors and their combinations that are related to health and chronic diseases. These factors consist of abnormal test findings and thousands of possible disease causes – environmental pollutants, infectious agents, bad diet, substance abuse, cell towers, 5G, and many others. Yet, even medical doctors are not taught how to distinguish sound medical theories from speculations and assume that the published studies do. The reason is the absence of a gold standard in science, a sound model of a problem – in chronic diseases – that can be only established through their documented reversals, that no medicine except FCT has consistently produced. The significance of the model is that it guides with the key components of disease: main causes of afflicted organs, capable diagnosis, and treatment. The absence of these components amounts to GPS-less practice and research where formally scientific means, such as studies, research, and discoveries lack a point of reference – meaning and precision – leading to an ultimate no-man’s land and its speculations.

The land cannot tell if research and treatments move closer to the destination or away from it if the disease is regressing, stuck, or progressing, even if symptoms or lab tests improve. Homeopathic teachings have wisely called these blind improvements, suppressions, which are usually artificial due to drugs or supplements overload, leading to worse diseases because unidentified or not properly addressed primary causes of disease continue to destroy the internal organs.

Unfortunately, quoting editors of the world’s top twelve medical journals, “clinical research has been transformed into a commercial activity”

Both the absence of a sound model of disease and the inexact nature of medicine as a science, have resulted in a commercial paradise for both pharmaceutical and alternative-integrative industries, through countless speculations of how chronic diseases should be treated. All that is needed are some formally existing facts, to conceal conflicts and conduct robust marketing of products and technology.

As an example, another integrative medicine avant-garde these days, so-called functional medicine, has virtually used a medical dictionary to impressively cover anything, from “biochemical individuality” to genes and mitochondria malfunctions, microbiome, oxidative damage, and the rest, yet neglecting to mention that it has no capable means to properly diagnose and treat these. Despite this, it lures practitioners by presenting its products with the scientific aura of “nutraceuticals” and allegedly addressing “root causes” of diseases, that body chemistry likewise cannot even properly establish or treat. The marketing also impresses with the names of some prestigious institutions that favor chemical speculations like this as something “integrative”, even as true science never emphasizes names of real estate or institutions, but only the actual results and weight of a theory.

While “the root cause” of disease attracts health practitioners who, in turn, mislead patients through this spirited claim, no one questions why this “root cause” approach does not produce documented reversals of chronic diseases. The mostly commercialized alternative-integrative media, instead of following the rule of science to impartially scrutinize presented approaches uses the delivery of ‘natural breakthrough’ hype to attract readership and marketing income from such companies. Overall, dozens of books and articles written by top medical academicians, scientists, and journals stated that research efforts target profits from drug and vaccine patents, often forging studies in the process, instead of benefiting the public and medical profession.

Confirmations from health practitioners and academicians about the medical failures.

Conventional medicine side: “Who among us has not repeatedly seen claims of fourth generation drugs with no side effects, new operations that yield glowing results with minimal complications, or the latest infallible, high-tech diagnostic procedure only to discover months or years later that these claims missed the truth by miles?” (A Piece of My Mind” Journal of the American Medical Association, February 27, 1991).

A year later: A medical school faculty member and former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Lester S. King, MD: “Medical libraries filled with books or hospitals with sophisticated machinery didn’t make any difference in the quality of care.” (Medical Thinking, Princeton University Press, 1982)

Years later through now, no change.


“Mechanistic chemical paradigm failed. Science is becoming our enemy”

Two-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in medicine, Professor Robert Becker, MD

The reasons for the “enemy” are the development of unsafe EMF and electronic technologies, ignoring their harm, and blocking medical innovations. “The problem begins with the public’s rising expectations of science. Being human scientists are tempted to show that they know more than they do. Emphasis is often given to single studies instead of the big picture…The ability to prove something false continues to be a hallmark of science. But scientists need to improve the way they do their research and how they disseminate evidence…Eventually, findings that bear on treatment decisions and policies should come with a disclosure of any uncertainty that surrounds them. It is fully acceptable for patients and physicians to follow a treatment based on information that has, say, only a percent chance of being correct. But we must be realistic about the odds.” John Ioannidis, MD, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University School of Medicine. ((An Epidemic of False Claims: Scientific American. June 1, 2001)

Obviously, neither research nor treatments based on one percent correct information can deliver progress. This was also reflected in the book by the two medical academicians, Vinayak Prasad MD and Adam Cifu MD, Ending Medical Reversal: Improving Outcomes, Saving Lives. They emphasized that most medical progress is mainly illusory by forged benefits of studies, for commercial reasons, to only reverse itself with failures in the actual practice. Consequently, our top research body, the NIH, admitted to failure: “The bench (research) to bedside practice medical model has failed” (The NIH Road Map, 2005) and that just doing science isn’t an answer. A recent book by a medical academic, explains this by practicing blindly e.g., without knowing the real causes of chronic diseases that concern conventional and alternative medicines. (Snowball in a Blizzard A Physician’s Notes on Uncertainty in Medicine by Steven Hatch, DD Basic Books, 2016).

The American Journal of Medicine declared the collapse of the very gold standard of scientific medical practice – evidence-based medicine (EBM) – that was based on thousands of formal scientific studies. (AJM, Vol. 130, No. 11, Nov 2017). All of these turned into evidence of failure, with another top, third-ranked medical journal in the world, BMJ, referring to EBM as a “commercial gimmick.” The official statistics of 60% of the adult US population suffering from chronic diseases, 40% of these from multiple ones, and even over 40% of children having at least one chronic disease, with all leading to poor quality of life and premature death, are the outcomes of the 1% correct science and commercial gimmick of pharmaceutical-chemical medicine.

The rest of the world pays high tolls for chemical medicine, too. More than a third of the world suffers from neurological disorders, and the astronomical cancer epidemic is expected to grow. (Citroner, G. (2024, May 17). More than a third of the global population have neurological disorder. Study: Over 3 billion people were living with neurological conditions in 2021- an 18% increase since 1990. Epoch Times. Retrieved from (https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/more- than-a-third-of-global-population-have-neurological-disorder-study-5632878) (World Health Organization. (2024, February 1). Global cancer burden growing, amidst mounting need for services. WHO. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/news/item/01-02-2024-global-cancer- burden-growing–amidst-mounting-need-for-services).

Alternative-Integrative Medicine

While conventional medicine follows the rules of science in acknowledging failures, at times, the alternative-integrative medical industry uses the only rule in its vast, non-peer-reviewed media and marketing– “sailors do it better.” The field is replete with references to low-meaning research and outright falsehoods to profit from senseless products, treatments, and educational events. The latter and peer-reviewed alternative-integrative publications despite covering broader treatments, tests, and potential causes of disease than conventional medicine, cannot distinguish their relative significance for the aforementioned lack of a sound model of disease.

To mention that the number of noxious pollutants alone in daily environments is some 100,000- 120,000, which usually harms countless combinations that no lab test can establish. As the confirmation, Harvard Medical School autism researcher, Martha Herbert MD, PhD who favors integrative medicine, stated that it would take 2.5 billion lab tests to establish all possible neurotoxic combinations of just three thousand environmental chemicals. For this reason and the lack of effective detoxifying treatments, neither she nor the autism research of other scientists has made a difference in curing and preventing autism.

The alternative-integrative industry faces the same no man’s land research in chronic diseases and its seemingly open-mindedness usually collapses once it senses that a medical smartphone system, such as FCT, threatens its control, products, and academic events. The bottom line is that regardless of the type of medicine, success cannot be achieved by blindly practicing in a blizzard.

Confirmations from alternative and integrative practitioners

“I have been in practice for 15 years now and have assembled quite a lot of technology. I started with classical homeopathy but realized its limitations. Along the way, I have been through VEGA, Kirlian, EAV, and IVs including chelation, DMPS, hydrogen peroxide, hydrochloric acid, and the usual vitamin-mineral protocols. As well as neural therapy, dark field microscopy, biological terrain assessment, and complex homeopathy. I can see an upgrade on the horizon, but I am tired of running after all these things. I feel that my concept of ‘underlying causes’ needs to make a shift into a different level.” AH ND

A disenchanted integrative MD referred to the marketing hype of integrative medicine as “the best thing since sliced bread” and quit practicing.

Practitioners who fell for the savvy marketing of functional medicine stated that they never cured a single patient. Some of these patients who ended up in my office called this medicine a joke. The Director, Josephine Briggs, MD, Ph.D., of the highest academic body of alternative- integrative medicine, the Office of Alternative and Integrative Medicine under the NIH, stated the lack of evidence of the efficacy of these treatments in chronic diseases (Boston Globe, November 2014). The current office does not know how to overcome this, either.

Realistic conclusion by the medical academician of both medicines

“If there is a dirty little secret in our profession, it is this: there is a paucity of scientific evidence for most things we doctors do, orthodox and alternative.” Editor, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and book author, Larry Dossey, MD.

Patients’ confirmations

—-Original Message—
From:…[mail to: contact@…com]

Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2017 12:13 PM
To: info@yurkovsky.com
Subject: Please send a referral for our young son

We need help! We have been trying to help our son who is 10 for 10 years to heal with his many challenges. We have been to dozens upon dozens of practitioners and he is still unimproved. Can you refer to a practitioner trained in your technique near our home?

—-Original Message—
From: Elaine…@comcast.net
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 12:05 AM
To: info@yurkovsky.com
Subject: FCT Field Control Therapy Contact: Mold exposure & Lyme

I was wondering if you could help me. I’ve been sick for 30 yrs. Have gone everywhere spending thousands of dollars. I heard you were very good.

“A fellow sufferer on Facebook gave me your name. Head-neck condition is what I started with but 4 years later still can’t get past it regardless of any therapy I do. I’ve done the gamut of 33 therapies, 30 doctors. My symptoms are all over the place so no one knows what my problem is anymore. They want to continuously blame the diagnosis… by Dr… on why nothing works. That it’s for life. and somehow this went into my whole body. The worst is chronic burning, squeezing pain everywhere, including the back of my head and face. I can’t lie on my back at all. There’s more but that’s the worst. Please let me know how this works and if you can help. Thanks”

“After I spent four years on the best conventional specialists in New York City, I received no reprieve from my illness. Spending another four years on the best alternative-integrative centers

Note that even a medically uneducated shaman wrote a book, not about shamanism that can be therapeutic, but medicine that ‘made sense’ to this educated young woman. This, as explained later, is a curse of complexity in medicine where many speculations and their recipes that are not meant to work make sense.

This illustration reflects the dead-ended research and medical practices today.

A diagram of a disease Description automatically generated

Feedback from the health practitioners about FCT 

  • “FCT is a revelation in medicine”
  • “FCT is a breath of fresh air”
  • “Medical Einstein” (This is for this Personal compliments are senseless as all knowledge is always collective and talent comes from God).
  • “FCT is a gift to the world”
  • “Excellent, interesting, brilliant…”
  • “Thanks to your teaching, after 30 years of practicing alternative medicine, I know what’s been missing.”
  • “Enlightening”
  • “Unique!”
  • “World-class practitioner allowing us all to benefit from his ”
  • “Dynamic and cutting edge”
  • “Brilliant!”
  • “Getting to the root cause of illness!”
  • “Deep insights into causes of illness”
  • “I am completely replacing my current method of treatment with FCT. I have been a student of “functional medicine” for years and have never truly gotten the long-term results in patients that I expected. While watching the Basic FCT Seminar I knew FCT is what I have been searching, for 40 years. Thanks again!”
  • “…The more I read your work the more I am completely convinced of how amazing a modality it is. I have been getting some fantastic results at this end on patients who otherwise were at the end of their tether with health issues. Thank you so much for your incredible contribution to the ‘new medicine’!”
  • “If I were to practice a single modality it would be ”

In patients’ words:

  • “This treatment is worth a million”
  • “It is light years ahead of its ”
  • “I have been on my health healing journey and I feel very lucky to have found your method – blessed really.”
  • “Thank your lucky star for having this treatment”.
  • “If it wasn’t to this treatment, I would’ve committed ”
  • “We give thanks to God for having you in our Thank you for all you have done for our family.”
  • “You are brilliant, a genius, and a We love you.”
  • “This is amazing, I want you and your wife practice for long time!”
  • “This is amazing!”

Another case of years of failure from the hands of conventional specialists and alternative medicine.

  • “It is some miracle! Your great talent brought me back from the dead – and I mean that! I have my life back which I never thought I would have again after 5 years. I had forgotten how nice it can be just to be normal without 24 hours of burning, itching, and bleeding. It was truly a nightmare that I never could wake up from. You saved me and I mean that in every sense of the After all my drastic efforts before finding you, I was helpless and TRULY, LITERALLY, dying. I don’t know what it is, but when you are dying suddenly you know it and your body and mind change. My family thanks you as well and I am so glad I believed in you and your philosophy. Thanks again for saving my life because it was gone for years!”

“I wish other people knew this and it was available to the public.”

A person smiling for a picture Description automatically generated

“I was suffering from fatigue, a poor immune system with frequent infections, anxiety, allergies, depression, and hormonal problems. My husband suffered from mercury poisoning and spells of rage. My daughters suffered from anger, rage, mood swings, eating problems, regular vomiting, yeast and parasitic infections, poor energy and concentration. My husband, a successful Wall Street executive and I did not spare any resources on the most lucrative alternative and conventional medical specialists in Manhattan. Yet, in spite of spending a six-digit figure on our family’s medical problems, the outcomes were effectively poor. Field Control Therapy gave us a new life, with my daughters becoming A students.”

Why I was forced to develop FCT

Initially, out of curiosity, I began questioning “science” and “research” claims in my internal medicine and cardiology training after encountering no cured patients from chronic diseases despite the millions of scientific articles and research findings supporting all drugs. The same question returned after conventional specialists and many alternative approaches that referred to science and research too, had failed to help my very sick son following his immunization. As a scientific matter, harm produced by any treatment does not necessarily call for its abandonment. Likewise, calling people who used one of the key tools in science, observations, to report harm in these cases, “anti-vaxxers”, whose only fault is to seek safe conduct of the practice, is not science but cult.

Trying many alternative approaches in my practice, I saw little progress too. Claims of being “scientific,” without specifying quality, began to resemble Charles Darwin’s quote, “preaching ignorance with confident faces” and the Soviet Union propaganda of my youth which claimed democracy, while ignoring the obvious conflicts. After I polstered a sizeable group of integrative physicians, with some of these being Ivy League medical school graduates, on the criteria of high- quality scientific theories versus speculations, with no one knowing the answer, I realized that we, doctors, are so scientifically ignorant that we can be handed any plausible speculation as ‘science’. The science educators from the American National Academy of Sciences confirmed that the majority of university and college graduates lack an understanding of science as a system of managing knowledge and even of its main purpose. As a result, they confuse scientific tools of science: research findings, studies, articles, and textbooks, which can be all of low meaning, with its main purpose – solving difficult problems, chronic diseases – through sound theories and models.

Following this realization, I engaged in a self-study of high-quality science that invariably directed to the premiere one that is singularly responsible for trust in science – physics. All of the great technological achievements of the Industrial Revolution from telecommunications to space rockets stemmed from physics due to its unique ability to construct effective theories and engineering models. I became curious how physicists and engineers solve problems so successfully. One of the cardinal rules to start with, wrote my acquaintance, retired DoD decision scientist and MIT physics professor George Pugh PhD, is to “offer an optimal description of the problem, otherwise absurd solutions will follow.” As an example of absurd solutions, if scientists who are engineering everlasting machines based on their own energy source omit the related second law of thermodynamics that states that this is impossible, the entire research and its published scientific articles become absurd. Most of this has been the case over 100 years, since the Flexner Report in 1911 when American pharmaceutical medicine became exclusively ‘scientific’ and homeopathy, with its stunning and far-reaching observations, and other useful alternative modalities, was dismissed as “magic”. Yet, neither an optimal description of the problem nor its solution could even be remotely possible since this “scientific” medicine has provided training that cannot help 90% of the patients. A leading gastroenterologist, “ninety percent of the patients I see have problems that my training does not enable me to solve.” (Mullin, G. (Ed.). (2011). Integrative Gastroenterology. Oxford University Press Inc.)

Consequently, after the NIH and drug companies have spent trillions of dollars on “science” and “research” since, we ended up with more epidemics of chronic diseases and the sickest population ever. Unlike pharmaceutical medicine which is concerned with only the superficial chemical- morphological level, physics, being faithful to its optimal description of objects and problems, describes humans too, at all of its functioning dimensions. These are chemical and one of the “magic”, more fundamental levels where homeopathy acts, electromagnetic, and quantum.

Noteworthy also, is that abnormal body chemistry and morphology in diseases, that pharmaceutical medicine ‘scientifically’ treats with drugs, can be far better corrected through energetic dimension than chemical because the former ultimately runs the body chemistry and morphology. If physicists described and used only the chemical level of metal wire and ignored electromagnetic one, we would still be lighting candles for the lack of electricity. Should they have also ignored the electronic superconductivity of metals, based on the Nobel prize-winning Josephson effect, modern superfast computers would not exist.

The bottom line is that high-quality science is impartial to all relevant phenomena and facts, to produce optimal descriptions for finding solutions. Mediocre science favors only those that satisfy its fancy or commerce. Physicists and other international multidisciplinary scientists, including molecular biologists, in their joint work What is Life? Scientific Approaches and Philosophical Positions emphasized the primary importance of this fundamental energetic level in medicine for more productive biophysical tests and treatments. They questioned why conventional medicine widely uses the electromagnetic dimension of organs for physics-based tests such as ECG, EEG, MRI, and CT scans, but not for alternative medicine tests, and therapeutics such as homeopathy and acupuncture that are based on the same properties.

Physics overall including six Nobel laureates, views the living as fundamentally macroquantum, biocomputer-like energetic systems that function through the physics of fields and signals. Based on this salient premise, Professor of electroengineering Cyrill Smith PhD published an article Are the Living the Macroquantum Systems?, and physics Professor Hans Durr, Are Biology and Medicine Only Physics? Additionally, the largest component of the body, water, also functions as a charged and informed biocomputer, with abundant scientific support, and the science of water addresses the crucial role of the physics of water in organisms. Nobel laureate in medicine Professor Albert Szent-Gyorgyi prophetically warned already in 1960, that biology (medicine) was studying “dead matter” without the physics of cells and water, leading to the dead medicine of today. But studying dead matter has continued to dominate medical research and qualified some 60 years later for “the greatest scientific error in biological sciences, initiated in 1930.” (Jaeken L. How the Physical-Chemical Study of Cells took a Wrong Direction Some 50 Years ago. The Greatest Scientific Error in Biological Sciences Initiated in 1930. ChemXpress. 2017; 10(2): 122.) The author underscored the premises of Nobel Laureate in physics, Professor Irvin Schrodinger in 1944, that life operates through physics, and the pioneering work of Chinese-born American biochemist and physiologist, Professor Gilbert Ling, of the special role of energetic water in cells. (Ling GN. In search of the physical basis of life; Plenum Press: New York 1984)

The domino effect of dead matter medicine

 Once an optimal description of the body omits one cardinal part, this, like a computer virus, generates a domino effect of black holes in the model, magnifying its absurd solution status. Being deprived of fundamental information on the primary causes of chronic diseases and all of the relevant afflicted organs, the optimal description becomes an impossibility because of not utilizing physics-based bioresonance testing that can establish these in seconds.

The next oversight is the entire field of enormous pathogenicity of environmental pollutants that textbooks of toxicology state that laboratory tests cannot determine where it counts the most, inside the internal organs in the living. Even as these cause any head-to-toe disease, toxicology itself has been blackholed too in medical training that teaches just a few hours in mainly acute poisoning.

Another black hole is a universal co-cause of chronic diseases – infectious agents – particularly parasitic, fungal, and viral, as well as harmful residues of pharmaceuticals. Even common bacterial infections such as Lyme and co-infections are known for their falsely negative tests. The blindness extends to treatments for environmental pollutants or infectious agents because chemistry tests cannot tell if these have been resolved within the internal organs such as the brain, heart, gut, liver, or immune system.

Additionally, even the gold standard of chemical medicine and its “health checkups,” so-called normal ranges of lab tests, may miss abnormal findings within these ranges, due to individual variations. Deprived of the precision of physics, and knowledge of toxicology, and driven by commercially and politically motivated factors, chemical medicine has also been using other “normal ranges,” even non-existing ones. It designates normal levels of toxic environmental pollutants in the bodies of modern populations, only because these are widely present while the science of toxicology states that normal levels of poisons in human bodies cannot exist.

The complexity of humans, due to the interconnected and interdependent nature of organ functions, precludes an optimal description since laboratory tests cannot diagnose subtle organ malfunctions that affect one another.

All of these reasons render a seemingly advanced practice by so many specialties to be of low problem-solving power and ineffective, as the official statistics of rampant chronic diseases confirm. Yet, instead of resolving these black holes and questioning why decades of research went to waste, both the NIH and its complementary, integrative health branch (NCCIH) keep wasting more of the taxpayers’ dollars by grasping at straws in “more research”. The NIH, to its credit, did realize this by blaming this on “some organizational barriers” for the failed “bench to bedside” research model.

However, neither the NIH nor the NCCIH can discern the nature of the barriers due to another “no way out” conundrum since researchers’ and physicians’ training is void of the physics of humans and water, toxicology, and related capable alternative medicine tests and treatments. As proof, the NCCIH even excluded homeopathy, the single most effective therapy in the world, from its research grant program. When based on toxicology, physiology, infectious diseases, and other modern medical knowledge, these remedies can prevent and reverse chronic diseases. Homeopathy, once practiced based on modern medicine, is the only therapy in the world that can destroy the very foundation of chronic diseases, due to its highly specific electromagnetic signals in relation to the physics of organs and water, causes of disease, and sick organs. Homeopathic- like remedies were produced by physicists through the electronic copying of homeopathics which are signals.

Without the inclusion of this therapy and bioresonance testing, “the barrier” essentially leaves “scientific” medicine with the only option: “When all you have is a (pharmaceutical) hammer, everything looks like a nail”. Unfortunately, this is the prevailing mindset of integrative doctors too, who seek ‘natural’ nails to accomplish the impossible, by treating apples, human biocomputers, with oranges, and chemicals. Since by definition, cause is something that without which a problem would not exist.

“Medicine has failed in the care of chronic diseases. None of the types of research or clinical trials have made a difference because we have not identified a cause.”
Complexity and Medicine: The Elephant in the Waiting Room, Professor Colin J. Alexander, MD


This requires using depth-of-body physics-based diagnostic tests and therapeutics to address the primary causes of chronic diseases. The father of quantum computers, Oxford University physics Professor David Deutsch PhD pointed out that diseases can be managed far easier at this level The Fabric of Reality, without so many specialties. He stated in his book,  “Depth makes it easier; breadth (body chemistry with endless abnormalities that stem from unknown causes) makes it hard.” The level of depth can be addressed most effectively only through bioresonance testing, and homeopathy / homeopathy-like practices.

Are bioresonance testing and homeopathy fringe methods as commonly portrayed?

While these modalities have been defined as ‘alternative,’ as if alternative knowledge has ever existed, better-educated scientists, abundant scientific references, and practice indicate that these actually belong at the forefront of medicine. The reason for “fringe” is bias, due to exclusive “hammer-to-nail” pharmaceutical medical education and aforementioned “commercial activity”. More enlightened biologists, such as retired Harvard University biology Professor Edward O. Wilson PhD, noted that biologists don’t even know what an electron is and confuse string theory in physics with violins. Science educators also remarked on poor physics education in biology, in the book published by the National American Academy of Sciences. The physics branch, biophysics, whose methods have won some 90 Nobel prizes in medicine, chemistry, and physiology, including for the discovery of the DNA structure, addresses the level of depth, as practiced and taught by FCT.

Biophysical diagnosis

A close-up of a device Description automatically generated

Bioresonance testing is the only test capable of overcoming the mentioned major black holes in medicine by establishing the exact causes of diseases, all relevant affected malfunctioning organs, and screening the individual capacity of treatments to successfully address these. Its unique asset is direct communication with the causes and organs noninvasively via two main aspects, technical and clinical.

Technical uses an energetic ID, natural frequency field of any substance through testing vials that contain all internal organs and the prevalent causes: toxicological, infectious, residues of recreational and pharmaceutical drugs, EMF, 5G, Wi-Fi, and others. These, through another physics phenomenon, resonance, connect with a patient’s body and issue a positive muscle response concerning the presence of certain causes and sick organs. Due to the noninvasive, force-free nature of this FCT testing method, it can be used at any age, from infants to the elderly.

The published studies in technological and conventional medical peer-reviewed journals emphasized the presence of resonant frequencies in humans, and specific organs, as well as the specificity and sensitivity of resonance in the detection of cancer (Randall, J. M., Matthews, R. T., & Stiles, M. A. (1997). Resonant frequencies of standing humans. Ergonomics, 40(9), 879–886. https://doi.org/10.1080/001401397187711) (Lucia, M., Duarte, M., Pereira, M. (2006). Vision influence on whole-body human vibration comfort levels. Shock and Vibration 13, 367-377. Ios Press) (Vannelli, A., Battaglia, L., Poiasina, E., & Leo, E. (2010). Diagnosis of rectal cancer by Tissue Resonance Interaction Method. BMC gastroenterology, 10, 45. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-230X-10-45)

Thanks to its direct communication with the internal organs and main causes involved in disease the test is the only way out of millions of speculations concerning causes of and solution to chronic diseases. If the legal system relies on concrete working laws, physics on reliable concepts, and mathematics on precision, then medicine on a blizzard of speculations. Dressing these up in flashy facades, such as evidence-based medicine and “scientific studies,” has produced only more wasted time and billions of dollars, not solutions. Some enlightened minds in conventional medicine, the founder of the Cleveland Clinic George Crile Sr., MD, and Yale University Medical School Professor Saxton Burr PhD, proclaimed decades back the unlimited potential of body electricity through its diagnosis of cancer and other diseases, far in advance. However, chemical medicine ignored the promising research.

The test, overall, is not only indispensable for the diagnosis of primary causes of chronic diseases but also for their capable treatments by promptly establishing what these did or did not accomplish. This is a must particularly in medicine with billions of leads and combinations combined to follow the key rule of science, “make your mistakes quickly”, quoting Harvard University biology Professor Edward O. Wilson PhD. He is also one of a few biologists who realized the link between physics and molecular biology. (Wilson, E Consilience The Unity of Knowledge, Vintage Books 1998).

Unlike modern technologies, that use sophisticated tests based on physics and computer simulations to avoid time consuming mistakes, “modern” medicine spends decades to find out it made many. The best example is a lipid, cholesterol-heart disease theory that took 40 years and billions of dollars to fall apart.

Is the level of energetic depth in the living alone sufficient to solve chronic diseases?

According to the National Center of Complementary and Integrative Health, “there are more than 200 energy healing modalities. These modalities come from traditions around the world, including ancient practices and more recent creations.”

Science does not succeed based on the volume or mere level of interventions but on their quality or synergism of knowledge concerning problems.

Granted energy medicine may improve symptoms but except for sporadic cures it has not produced a high percentage of success in chronic diseases. Despite, some of these practitioners or organizations claiming flashy ‘quantum’ actions, the synergism of high-quality science also requires other pertinent knowledge. This relates to the substrate, organs, their physiology and other important conventional medical disciplines that these non-MD or DO practitioners lack.

One of many emails, below, reflects this deficiency.

Subject: Sessions? Message:

Dear Support,

I wanted to know if Dr. Yurkovsky does remote sessions on zoom or the phone as I have been practicing energy work for over 12 years but nobody is able to help me to get to my root causes not even Body Quantum…etc.

Let me know



FCT training helps energy practitioners to reduce this gap in knowledge.

Physics and the body can’t lie: the bioresonance test is solid

Just a few of many recent testimonials about a patient’s experience with FCT bioresonance testing.

A fourteen-year-old boy, Fall 2023.

‘Dear Doctor Yurkovsky,

I felt waves of energy go through me when you tapped my feet together. Whenever you changed remedies on the metallic plate my body became more tense and more loose depending on the combination. It is amazing and I am grateful that you devote your time to take care of me and many other people like me.



A middle-aged academician who was tested for prolonged sinus and chest infections, in spring 2024.

Doctor, what did you do to me on the (testing) table? I left you and my whole head started draining like you opened a pressure relief valve. It just finally slowed down. I feel like I got run over by a truck for 3 hours.
Dr. AF’

The next day:

Much less congestion, very little coughing at all, which is great, nose a little runny but nothing like yesterday. Hopefully another good night’s sleep. The complaints I had are 90% gone.
Praise the Lord.
I will start my protocol when I get the delivery of remedies. You bull’s-eyed this one.”

This means that the testing vials from a testing platform reached a high resonance interaction with internal organs concerning the exact causes of their infections and underlying immunosuppressive environmental pollutants. This elicited a powerful healing response.

In one of the FCT seminar videos on Autism and Lyme Disease, a severely agitated boy with ADHD and autism was seen calming down once the test vials with the causes of his hyperactivity were placed on the testing platform.

Dogs don’t lie either

A dog sleeping on a blanket Description automatically generated  A dog being held by a person Description automatically generated   A black dog walking in a field Description automatically generated

Paralyzed, lethargic 14-year-old dog, with a vet in the house ready to euthanize him. He was completely recovered days later following homeopathic-like water signals based on the causes of his paralysis.

Biophysical therapy

For a treatment to invoke an optimal therapeutic response it must speak to the body in its native language – electromagnetic signaling – (not chemistry) and deliver it in a highly clinically meaningful message. The latter must contain the primary causes of malfunctioned organs in disease. These basic requirements narrow down hundreds of treatments to virtually one, homeopathic / homeopathic-like, by its unique versatility in programming and delivering water with a specific energetic match for any cause, organ, and tissue. This is where real treatment and prevention of diseases lies, not in cholesterol-lowering and antioxidant pills.

Is homeopathy overdiluted placebo water?

This portrayal of homeopathy in professional and mainstream media, according to real scientists, represents “ignorance in and distortion of science”, as stated by professors of materials science, “unnecessary confusion” by professors of physics, and “deliberate misinformation”, by academicians and researchers of integrative medicine like Professor Peter Matthiessen MD. The vast potential of different homeopathic modalities that are based on toxicology, infectious diseases, and organ physiology are poorly understood by both conventional and alternative- integrative medical practitioners, or homeopaths themselves.

Top medical journals add to the misinformation by publishing biased, junk-science articles: Can We Have An Open Mind About Homeopathy, The End of Homeopathy, and others to “educate” physicians. Both the placebo statements and articles represent an embarrassment in basic science by confusing physics, which homeopathic remedies represent, with chemistry. These scientists measure pounds in inches and feel accomplished.

Furthermore, physicists state that the ‘experts’ either omit mentioning a concurrent preparation process of mechanical impacts that is instrumental in the energetic programming of homeopathic remedies or dismiss it as “a ritual.” Copious research has identified the voltage and electric field- like components in these remedies. (Cartwright, S. Homeopathic potencies may possess an electric field(-like) component: Evidence from the use of encapsulated solvatochromic dyes. Homeopathy 2019;109(01): 014-022.) (Bhattacharya, T., et.al. (2019). Investigation of the origin of voltage generation in potentized homeopathic medicine through Raman spectroscopy.
Homeopathy, 108(02), 121-127.)

Just recently, in 2023, professors of materials science, which has the last word like substances, confirmed again that homeopathic remedies represent and act through electromagnetic signatures. (Bhargow, H, Sharma, M, Strivastava, A et al., Unraveling the low frequency triggered electromagnetic signatures in potentized homeopathic medicine J Materials Science and Engineering: B vol. 292, June 2023, 116365). Pioneer of homeopathic research in immunology, Professor of immunology Jack Benveniste MD was astonished to learn that molecular researchers did not even know that molecular signaling is based on physics, not chemistry. Consequently, as presented in my publications, the remedies that are based on physics/materials science were personally endorsed by Nobel Laureate in physics Professor Brian Josephson PhD, retired MIT physics Professor George E. Pugh PhD, and Stanford University retired Chairman of Materials Science, Professor William A. Tiller PhD. Professors of medicine who are also homeopathic researchers from the US and Europe, implicated top medical journals in embarrassment too, by publishing a blatantly rigged metanalysis study by ‘scientists’ that “prove homeopathy is a placebo”.

The misinformation is no question deliberate, as the statements that studies proved the placebo stigma since the majority of metanalysis studies indicated just the opposite–homeopathic biological effect. Studies with NMR and other modern instrumentation proved the physical, energetic nature of homeopathy and even its effect at the gene level, which has been hundreds of years ahead of genetic drugs. It is not surprising that Nobel laureate in Medicine, Professor Luc Montagnier MD, knowing the biological effects of homeopathy in his own successful experiments with programmed water, warned against “the monumental mistake of excluding homeopathy from medicine.” He also referred to this state of misinformation and grant denials for homeopathy research as “intellectual terror.” Ultimately, since the FDA has been regulating homeopathic remedies, has it been regulating placebos?!

Nobel Laureate in Medicine Professor Luc Montagnier MD

Here comes the final judgment, photos of these cured children with FCT homeopathy:

A close-up of a child Description automatically generated A child with a puffy jacket Description automatically generated

Cured autoimmune disease, vitiligo. Prior alternative treatments and traditional homeopathy failed.

A close-up of a baby's face Description automatically generated A baby with red rash on its face Description automatically generated A baby laughing in a car seat Description automatically generated

An 11-day-old infant who was cured of mercury toxicity, staphylococcal and candida infections in one FT treatment.

Did they respond to a placebo?!

Do parasites respond to placebo, too?

After bioresonance testing diagnosed this patient with worm infection and following just homeopathic-energetic signals, not toxic, costly anti-parasitic drugs, or lengthy herbal and other protocols to “kill” infection the patient released these worms. The photo and comment:

—-Original Message—-

From: Donna
To: Dr. Yurkovsky
Sent: Wed, Jul 30, 2014 10:11AM
Subject: As Requested: Photo of Intestinal Worms Released in July

Hi Dr. Yurkovsky: As requested, I am attaching a photo of worms released from my intestines on July 25, 2 days after I finished my remedies for this month.
See you on August 8th. Donna.

Following the same methods, worms that were diagnosed in the brain or affecting it, were released through the sinuses and photographed by the patient in April 2024.

A close up of a white object Description automatically generated

This patient’s prior unproductive health ordeal is described below.

“Hi Dr. Yurkovsky. I felt ill for the past 8-9 yrs and seeing many Drs: 6 infectious disease, 3 GP’S, 1 gastroenterologist, 2 cardiologists, 1 endocrinologist, and 1 Naturopath. I had numerous blood tests, a tilt test, 3 MRI’s (2 with contrast), 2 ultrasounds, stool samples, researched everything under the sun on numerous natural websites, parasitic websites, Yahoo health groups, Patient Advocacy websites, etc. Invested in parasitic protocol from the Parasitology…(which i bought & took for well over a year). Bought and implemented coffee enemas, a portable ozone machine, found and invested in a wellness center to incorporate colonics and infrared sauna to better my health…Mind you i have been utilizing my savings to do these things and also had to move three times due to mold issues in all 3 apartments.”

This is another photo resembling a worm, released through a teenager’s nose following a homeopathic-like energetic signal. (Taken from the parents’ photo, “Worm on the Nose.” )

After bioresonance testing detected mercury in his brain, the same signals led to an apparent shifting of mercury from there to his torso.

Besides the fact that the rash was promptly cleared by skin-mercury remedy, the likelihood of mercury, worms, and other infections in his brain was supported by a complete cure for his severe neurological disease. It had not yielded to the previous long conventional-alternative-integrative treatments. These consisted of neurologists, immunologists, infectologists, pediatricians with multiple antibiotics, other drugs, Ig (immunoglobulin) infusions, nutritional supplements, traditional homeopathy, osteopathy, etc. The details can be found in the FCT Webinar 49 recording.

The distinction between FCT bioresonance testing and other similar tests, including computerized.

To preface this section with sincere credit to Reinhold Voll MD, Helmut Schimmel MD and George Goodheart, Jr., DC for their significant contribution into development of bioresonance testing.

Since science emphasizes value-driven decisions or usefulness in solving problems, one must question why treatments based on bioresonance or similar energetic tests in alternative medicine have underachieved in reversing and preventing chronic diseases. Despite the impressive image of computers, citing a pioneer in computer and AI technology, MIT Professor Marvin Minsky PhD, they can only know what people do who program them. Speaking scientifically, no bioresonance test practitioner or method knows in advance the most important factors to test for in disease, due to the multitude of potential causes, without a sound model of disease. This tragic case exemplifies that computers know only what people do and no test can make up for a flawed disease model.

Years ago, I was contacted by a heartbroken integrative MD who introduced me to this field through the practice of computerized bioresonance testing and homeopathy. He shared the passing away of his young son, from Crohn’s disease. I refrained from telling him that I had two cured cases of Crohn’s disease, with one documented by colonoscopy. The other case was of a young woman who had been recommended for chemotherapy and surgery by specialists and had a complete recovery. Despite my referral for a colonoscopy to formally document the recovery, she was so disgusted with the specialists that she refused to deal with them anymore.

The sound model is necessary because it is impossible to test for some 100,000 pollutants or hundreds of aggressive microbes in our daily environment, without understanding their pathogenicity. There are many teachings and techniques of bioresonance testing that carry some useful rationale, however, when these failed in practice, I decided to evolve these to a more productive level. The latter could be only confirmed through documented conventional tests (labs, MRI and CT scans, ECG, etc.) reversals of chronic diseases, and recoveries of the patients who remained sick after undertaking many other conventional and alternative treatments. Another key criterion that I followed was from Chinese medicine and ingenious Hahnemann, that real treatment, unlike patch-up jobs, must also yield long-term good health with the absence of serious diseases. Commonly, both conventional and alternative treatments can produce, at best, what Hahnemann called suppression: short-term reduction in symptoms.

Most of the detected and treated causes ought to also have scientific confirmations of forming serious pathologies, as is the case with toxicological agents, certain infections, and EMF. Superior tests strive to detect disease causes at multiple levels within organs, tissues, and cells in order to produce more expedient recovery and prevent aggravations due to the facial tissue box effect, where a pulled tissue automatically ejects the next one out. That next-in-line pathogen may produce more intense symptoms than while being buried under the others. Kind guidance in physics by Professor Tiller and his work enormously aided in the energetic detection of multiple causes at deeper cellular levels. Sincere gratitude to another academic physicist, a British professor of electroengineering, and the eminent expert in the physics of water, homeopathy, and bioresonance testing, Cyril W. Smith PhD, for sharing his vast knowledge.

A close-up of a person Description automatically generated

Homeopathy involves physics, frequencies, and their effects on living systems.
The theory of homeopathy has implications for both alternative and orthodox medicine and the chemical and electrical environments. It challenges convenient and comfortable paradigms.
Professor of Electroengineering Cyril W. Smith PhD

The progress and innovations in both bioresonance testing and treatment have led to astonishingly high recoveries and many documented reversals of a great variety of chronic diseases. Concerning suppressions, virtually all patients, including those in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who periodically receive FCT to address ongoing exposure to environmental pollutants, daily stresses and aging maintain active lifestyles, are free of serious degenerative diseases, do not take vitamins or hardly any drugs.

Summary of basic distinctions of FCT bioresonance testing.

  1. Uses an efficient time and clinical algorithm to detect only key causes and afflicted organs in disease
  2. Avoids technical blocks in testing that can preclude or distort readings
  3. Avoids subjectivity in obtaining readings through applying force by practitioner, or computer probe
  4. Tests at several deeper energetic levels, instead of just one superficial, since disease causes are always present in onion-like multiple This assures optimal, safe and expedient treatment benefits
  5. Screens for adverse environmental factors, in residence, and workplace, such as excessive EMF, wi-fi, fluorescent lights, electronics, pollutants, and molds.
  6. Screens for side effects of medications, or supplements
  7. Teaches how the phenomenon of physics entanglement between a practitioner and a patient, commonly misleads into wrong causes and treatments.

The difference between FCT-based homeopathic approach from traditional homeopathy

Homeopathy as physics consists of different fields of knowledge and application. Physics consists of classical Newtonian physics, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and theoretical physics.

Each field contributes to the whole of important knowledge and technological progress. If physicists applied only classical Newtonian physics, as important as it is, computers, smartphones, space rockets, and other powerful technology would not exist. A rough equivalent of Newtonian physics in homeopathy would be Hahnemann’s original 18th-century concept, the ingenious totality principle approach, where one remedy covers the most important symptoms of the disease.

However, unlike the allopathic use of drugs, herbs, and other supplements to just suppress symptoms, totality addresses the underlying genetic infirmities of the organs and tissues which are manifested by symptoms when triggered by acquired causes. This makes the approach the deepest in medicine, however, it often lacks specificity concerning disease causes, which emerged since Hahnemann’s time, and erodes its curative power. Since in modern times, 100% of newborns enter the world being poisoned already with environmental pollutants and accrue these further, from nursing polluted breast milk and consuming contaminated baby formulas to time of death, finding one remedy to successfully counteract all of these becomes increasingly impossible. This impossibility magnifies with other ‘advancements’ of modern life, such as the consumption of junk food, antibiotics, substance abuse, psychotropic drugs, excessive vaccinations, and EMF. All of these together generate millions of individual totality symptoms that only a few thousand of existing homeopathic remedies cannot match.

Modern homeopathic textbooks and prominent homeopaths acknowledged the failure for these reasons. Even when a right totality remedy is found, continuous environmental poisoning tends to commonly block, or reduce its benefits. The answer comes from another, yet neglected modality of homeopathy which offers the highest, utmost specificity in detoxification of environmental pollutants, harmful pharmaceuticals and other substances, eradication of infections, and restoration of sick internal organs and tissues. These modalities can be likened to homeopathy subspecialties in toxicology, endocrinology, cardiology, neurology, gynecology, fertility, and others. Besides Professor Benveniste’s pioneering research in homeopathic immunology, scientists from the US premiere cancer institute, MD Anderson Cancer Center demonstrated benefits of homeopathic oncology, also by utilizing homeopathic cancer vaccine (Frenkel M ,Mishra BM ,Sen S et al.Cytotoxic effects of ultradiluted remedies on breast cancer cells. Int J Oncol. 2010;36(2):395-403).

Concerning pollutants, heavy metals and metals cause utmost damage and pathogenicity, since these penetrate the cytoskeleton the deepest, down to DNA, and cannot be metabolized.

I named this approach causative homeopathy which is based on the evolutionary principle of similar or same and carried out through energetic programming of the known semiconductor, water, with specific therapeutic signals of causes and organs. This unique capacity of water to be easily programmed or informed is the reason why eminent water scientist Professor of Bioengineering from Washington State University, Gerald Pollack PhD, sees it as “tomorrow’s wonder drug”. Both the FDA and the US Patent and Trademark Office validated the scientific premise of water-programmed remedies. If still necessary, the totality approach is used for prominent genetic infirmities. Prudent environmental, nutritional, and other lifestyle guidance, along with reasonable patient compliance, greatly expedites and complement FCT to effectively prevent and reverse the chronic and acute diseases.

FCT strives to practice a scientifically superior paradigm to mere integration – synergism – that is the only natural medicine.

Whereas integration only implies combining things, as conventional and alternative medicines attempt against disease, claiming that this represents “the best of both” in the absence of the aforementioned sound model and reversals of disease is false. The combining is based on mere speculations and since conducted blindly, is liable to incompatibility between the components and the body, leading to low benefit or even harm. Yet, synergism is as free of these as a matrix of nature because of the balance and harmony of its systems between substrates and forces.

Synergistic treatments are the least invasive, by not forcing body components into unnatural, artificial states that is done by the majority of chemical interventions. The body cannot stay in these artificial states anyway, since the innate homeostatic mechanisms tend to undo these as imposed chains, while the unaddressed causes worsen the disease. Conversely, synergism is harmonious with homeostasis by only removing obstacles in its way to self-healing and restoring health, because forcing homeostasis to do this cannot attain good health for two reasons. One is that homeostasis is an unfathomable ocean of millions of coordinated actions per second, that can’t be controlled. And two is that forcing chemicals blindly on one part of the body risks being suboptimal or disrupting to its mechanisms and overall homeostatic balance in other organs.

This approach is akin to having a computer virus, where removing it properly is far better for the unit’s synergism than trying to rework the entire machine. From this perspective, truly natural treatments are those that like FCT, acupuncture, or certain other energy medicines, get out of the way of homeostasis without forcing it to do the job that it knows best. This interdependent, interacting mechanics of multiple cogwheels reflects homeostatic mechanisms.

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Such systems compel maximum precision and economy of actions. Otherwise, an action to benefit one cogwheel may harm others. Such complex living systems that also share common receptors and pathways and easily become saturated or suppressed by chemical agents, are virtually impossible to optimally manage with chemicals. The latter is prone to numerous unpredictable unintended actions.

FCT has established a sound model of synergism by extracting relevant knowledge from conventional and alternative medicines better than these do, as well as relevant sciences based on information that is derived from depth. Synergism also considers the body’s evolution-shaped innate homeostatic responses and mechanisms that function on the principle of similar as practiced by homeopathy and supported by the science of hormesis, not the allopathic principle of anti-chemical medicine. The latter, by violating evolutionary principles not only failed in chronic diseases, but instead of using a similar principle to strengthen mankind, cultivating survival of the fittest, it has cultivated survival of the sickest.

This is not to advocate their early death, but to state that survival of the population can and must be done through a similar approach to evolution, not drug studies. Not only do these people still die prematurely after being treated with drugs, but they also procreate progressively weaker generations. I often observe in my practice people becoming chronically ill in their 50s, their children in their 20s, and their grandchildren, already, in their first year of life. It is not surprising that the lifespan in the US is projected to shorten.

Yet, in thousands of studies in hormesis and homeopathy, it is a low dose or energetic copy of similar, drop of the same environmental pollutant, toxic drug, infectious agent, or other pathogen that elicits curative responses and prolongs life. There is even an editorial on the subject, Longevity Hormesis, for the known fact that nature, throughout evolution, trained all the living to survive by adapting to the same adverse factors. Anyone is welcome to prove it otherwise by submitting photos of polar bears wrapped in blankets or camels using fans.

Key principles of hormesis, which is another important missing science in medical training, are low doses of poisons stimulate, high doses, even of seemingly healthful agents as nutritional supplements, suppress. But unlike physics-based bioresonance testing, laboratory tests cannot determine such exact doses, even less for an extended time and for people who are known to have genetically, or acquired individual sensitivity to substances. Consequently, major studies of even nutritional supplements and antioxidants showed that their consumers ended up with more cancers, heart, and other diseases than those who did not consume these.

Speaking of “the best of both”, the FCT approach is supported by contemporary researchers in water science, as reflected in the recent edifying work, Transdisciplinary and Transnationality in High Dilution Research: Signals and Images GIRI Series. They explored therapeutic synergism between high-dilution homeopathic remedies and various medicine-related entities, based on modern medical knowledge. It concerns tissue factors, immune modulators, organs, toxicological and infectious agents, and genetic and epigenetic mechanisms. Such synergistic matches, through directly addressing altered substrate and its pathogens, represent unlimited potential and advantage of homeopathy over any medicine because the evolutionary principle of similar is also expressed in the fundamental language of the living, energetic signals. For the same reasons, other conventional scientists, such as Professor of pathology at Verona University School of Medicine Paolo Bellavite, MD, and clinical biologist Andrea Signorini MD presented homeopathy in their book as a Frontier in Medical Science. Professor Benveniste referred to this science frontier, as Digital Biology.

The end result, it is the only medical system in the world that:

  1. does not have scientific conflicts
  2. produces documented reversals of chronic diseases
  3. has solved chronic diseases
  4. teaches how to scrutinize itself and any paradigm for deficiencies and conflicts

FCT’s synergism has met another standard of high-quality science – Occam’s Razor rule – to achieve solutions with the fewest possible means, akin to nature which is very economical in utilization of its resources to sustain itself.

The following illustrations are a perfect lesson in impressing the importance of problem-solving models that correspondingly neglect or utilize optimal descriptions to avoid absurd solutions. The first two pyramids of tests and treatments that are commonly used in variations in alternative- integrative-functional medicines for all chronic diseases, neglect it.


Diagnostic tests are ordered by integrative, functional medicine doctors to treat Lyme disease.

(From Solving The Mystery Of Lyme And Chronic Disease by Richard Horowitz MD)

C:\Users\Savely Yurkovsky\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCacheContent.Word\warehouse.jpg

Another warehouse: Treatments used (The same source)

Pharmaceutical drugs: numerous antibiotics in the dozens intravenous and oral including fluoroquinolone antibiotics which often cause life-long crippling disabilities, anti-tuberculin, antimalarials, anti-inflammatory, pain killers, immune modulators, tranquilizers for anxiety or insomnia, antidepressants, amphetamines, multiple hormones and their manipulator drugs for conversion or stimulation, antifungal, anti-parasitic, antiviral, anti-histamines, mood elevators and stabilizers, anticonvulsants, intravenous immunoglobulins, blood pressure lowering and raising agents, muscle relaxants, heavy metal chelators – injectable, oral and suppositories.


Herbs to kill Lyme and co-infections, candidiasis, and parasites, for liver cleansing, sedation, pain, anti-inflammatory, Herxheimer reaction, others.

Vitamins: B family, oral and injectable, E, D, K.

Minerals and trace elements: calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, others.

Other supplements to allegedly: improve digestion, heal the gut, immunity, repair mitochondria, and cell membrane, to decrease and protect from oxidative damage, detoxify, alter body pH. These are: Alpha-lipoic acid, glutathione, acetyl-L-carnitine, Resveratrol, co-enzyme Q-10, NADH, glutamine, glycine, sodium sulfate, inulin, arabinogalactans, DGL (D-glycerinated licorice) with aloe vera, n-acetyl cysteine, fish oils, antioxidants. NT factor, Alka-Seltzer Gold, lymphatic drainage remedies – Itires, Pekana, SY Detox, NAC, LDN, beta-cryptoxanthin, OptiCleanse GHI, by Xymogen, with flaxseed complex – alpha linoleic acid, betaine hydrochloric acid, quercetin, potassium D-glucarate, turmeric, NAC, ginger, watercress powder, green tea extract with L-glutamine, medium chain triglycerides.

Other treatments: Physical therapy, acupuncture, massage, lymphatic massage, meditation, yoga, Tai-Chi, homeopathic products, elimination and rotation diets.

Despite the seeming sophistication of these tests and treatments that claim to cover the immune system, mitochondria, genes, infections, biofilms, heavy metals, and A to Z in medicine, their sheer volume is already a red flag for the model being at a loss for real priorities in disease.

Q: Why?

A: A missing optimal description of a problem due to the absent reliable means to determine at the level of depth from patients’ bodies, of the key elements of disease.

These are:

  1. Exact compromised immune organs that caused systemic immune deficiency, leading to infections
  2. Other infections, fungal, parasitic, and viral, with their priority, that are known to cause systemic immune suppression and exhaustion
  3. Specific malfunctioning endocrine organs that contribute to systemic immune deficiency
  4. Immune barriers of the affected tissues and organs that add to vulnerability and sustainment of infections
  5. Exact causes of the four preceding factors: heavy metals, mercury, and others. The absence of these key factors in the description of the problem creates more speculations and grasping at straws, such as bacterial biofilms that require “special” treatments. While the speculations seek the answer in biofilm ‘explosives’, the solution is in restoring the immune system by depoisoning its organs that will care less about biofilms. I never treat biofilms in Lyme and co-infections, with a 100% cure rate.

Evidence of these pyramids being an absurd solution:

  1. Poor cure rate
  2. In the great majority, chemical treatments do not eradicate Lyme, and many other, particularly chronic bacterial My bioresonance testing indicated this and so did one of the aforementioned Nobel Laureate in medicine Professor Montagnier.
  3. Cultivation of mutated, more aggressive strains of Lyme and other bacteria due to antibiotics and herbal treatments
  4. Since the immune system remains suppressed and all of the attempted microbial killings are done by chemicals, pharmaceuticals, these patients remain just as defenseless against future tick-borne infections
  5. Both antibiotics and antifungal treatments correspondingly lead to overgrowth and the cultivation of mutated and more aggressive fungal infections. Medical literature is currently flooded with rising epidemics of highly aggressive, lethal fungal infections of Candida Auris and mucormycosis
  6. Antibiotics have been implicated in causing dozens of chronic diseases, including cancer
  7. Exorbitant

The overarching lesson from this example of chemical medicine

Despite the credit to conventional research for elucidating some important pathophysiological aspects in disease, this still leaves “the job of the physician impossible,” quoting scientists who are familiar with the unique complexity of medicine. This is because the potential causes, targets, interventions, and their combinations run in the billions. Consequently, another apples and oranges trap, the great distance between basic and applied research remains disguised. While chemical medicine refers to the domain of the basic research of legitimate and important findings of existing genetics, infections, pollutants, mitochondria, and many others, yet optimally addressing these belongs to effective applied research through the capable interventions.

If Thomas Edison, having only five components in a working light bulb, said there were 1000s of ways not to produce it, arriving at successful applied science facing billions of targets (100,000 pollutants alone) and their combinations is an impossibility without a sound medical model. Thus, by just pointing at formally correct basic research, something that just exists, and assuming that this amounts to the accomplished mission, successful treatments, is as deceptive as it is to assume that only because airplane parts exist this automatically amounts to successful aviation. The fact that the pyramids contain something “new discoveries and studies” is completely irrelevant to solving scientific problems.

Nobel laureate in medicine, Professor Joshua Lederberg, PhD, has offered a realistic view concerning the true worth of innovations in medicine: “The true value of innovations lies in their utilization” or actual benefit to their consumers, people; otherwise, it is just a marketing hype. (Innovations vs Hype, Scientific American, Custom Media, Jan. 2014).

Nobel laureate in medicine, Professor Joshua Lederberg, PhD

The correct medical model based on the optimal description, synergism and Occam’s

Foremost, patients confirm the difference. I saw in my office patients for whom the pyramids failed and who were surprised that they were presented in that Lyme book as “successes” after only reporting feeling better at some visit, far from being cured. One of them mentioned that the treatment failure was so profound, after spending tens of thousands of dollars, that he was considering suicide due to relentless pain. Such drug and ‘natural’ pharmaceutical bombardments reverberate wisdom of homeopathy and Chinese medicine that demands evidence of long-term health. But, the use of massive antibiotics alone for Lyme and other chronic infections is an antithesis of long-term health. My articles on the subject reflect this and FCT’s approach to Lyme and other infections.



One may also view a Lyme patient’s testimonial, who remained ill following the pyramid approach but was cured by FCT’s simple triangles.


The same difference between the FCT approach to ‘long’ COVID or any chronic infection, as the foregoing testimonials reflect, and new “specialists” for ‘long’ COVID who use unsuccessfully dozens of products.

“It’s all good news… I came to you for long covid symptoms which completely disappeared after our first treatment in January.

I feel wonderful and will reach out in the future. Again – many thanks.


“To whom it may concern,

On December 21, 2023, I received a treatment with energetic water remedies from Savely Yurkovsky MD from Mount Kisco, NY, for symptoms of long COVID. These symptoms lasted for three years, since I contracted COVID-19, and consisted of low energy, constant coughing, frequent colds, impaired taste and smell, and excessive thirst. All of these problems were resolved following that single treatment with energetic water remedies.

Sincerely, TJ”


The NIH has just sponsored a $500 million grant to research into ‘long’ COVID that will fail just as much as the billion already spent, because of the same poor pharmaceutical model.

Medicine must apply the superior problem-solving principle of Occam’s Razor toward any pathology to simplify progress, as the technology sector did by having smartphones completely or largely replace fewer effective technologies.

As promising as some epigenetic, mitochondria, and other impressive experiments appear to be, determining and removing the exact causes of the related malfunctions is far superior to just searching for ways to stimulate these blindly. This is as logical as having a horse run far better by freeing up her legs from chains, rather than through energy drinks or adrenaline shots. Whether it is inflammation, infection, allergy, or any malfunction, removing their causes as internal bullets from the body is the priority, overstimulation.

Even if mitochondria malfunctions might play a role in autism and other diseases, the following examples, photos of two of many cured autistic children, prove that removing chains and bullets from the brain and other organs is a priority. Occam’s wisdom, to avoid unnecessary details and actions is observed here too, considering that some common environmental pollutants, such as mercury, and infections such as worms and Lyme, have multisystemic effects. Thus, removing these will benefit multiple organs, their cytoskeletons, and functions, including the mitochondria. These children, along with many others, were cured of autism after only a few FCT treatments.


Autistic boy before FCT treatment

After only 4 treatments, 5-6 months later with causative homeopathy for environmental pollutants, infections, and excessive vaccinations

A five-year-old girl cured of autism after 3 treatments, with causative homeopathy for mercury, and worm infection in the brain.

Years ago an autistic boy was cured just as quickly after a failed, year-long, costly mitochondria treatment in a prestigious institute. Despite the attractive portrayal of its services, “research,” “individualized,” “advanced diagnostics,” and “genetic,” the institute, to its credit, admits that it is easier said than done. Even with “advanced diagnostics,” it states that “mitochondrial disorders can be very difficult to diagnose because these diseases affect so many different organs in the body.” But to reiterate, so do certain environmental pollutants and infectious agents. “There is no proven cure for mitochondrial disorders.” Again, they confirm that depth is the one that makes it easier, breadth hard.

This chemical-pharmaceutical model, philosophically speaking, has an inborn genetic defect because it is incapable of differentiating between the fundamental scientific issues in chronic diseases – causation and association. The defect is undeniable by the definition of high-quality scientific theory with one of its key properties – precision. In lay terms, the defect amounts to the inability to distinguish between bystanders, victims, and criminals. This has been the case with high cholesterol, excess free radicals, malfunctioned mitochondria, and thousands of other abnormalities.

Another example is today’s popular focus on abnormal gut flora, microbiome, and its alleged link to autism, ADHD, and other brain or immune disorders. Yes bioflora, as anything abnormal in the body has a degree of importance but, in my long experience, it is never the cause of autism or other brain diseases. It is only another of many victims in the body of toxicological and infectious agents, antibiotics, and junk food. So is high cholesterol, just the associated factor not a cause of heart disease.

The lesson: stay away from the blizzard of chemical medicine despite its impressive verbology and research, since its ultimate destination will always be the same, a dead end since science knows no blind solutions. This is not to mention that most of these associations are undertaken by their research for commercial activities, to obtain grants, patents, and more targets for medical products. However, the mainstream Journal of Biophysics essentially confirms too that true, productive targets can be easily determined through body physics: “cell structure (including the mitochondria) can be interrogated since cell organelles possess electrical activity.” (Horwitz R. (2016). Cellular Biophysics. Biophysical Journal, 110(5), 993–996. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2016.02.002).

A close-up of a cell Description automatically generatedThese AI-drawn cell vibrations reflect the concept

Bioresonance testing conducts interactions with any part of the body. Likewise, with the microbiome, FCT uses the same physics for the diagnosis of its imbalances, as NASA does by detecting energy fields of bacteria over 100 million miles away on other planets. It does it through spectroscopy, which is attuned to the same universal phenomenon of individual fields of every substance.

Why learning FCT is life-saving for health practitioners and their families, themselves

Whether global atmospheric warming is man-made still remains a speculation, but what isn’t is an internal global warming by environmental pollutants inside the bodies of modern populations, through air, water, and food. This has been amply proven by tests and data linking all chronic and predisposition to acute diseases to environmental pollutants. The relentless parallel rise of all chronic diseases, and disability claims among progressively younger populations affirms this. Even children’s health statistics, including cancer and death rates, are worsening and cancer, overall, registered a nearly 80% astronomical increase between 1990 and 2019 in younger, 14-49 year old people. Their cancer mortality also significantly increased, by 27%. The projected 75% for chronic diseases by 2030 and 100% by 2050 for cancer means that “new research and treatments” do not instill much hope, with people continuing to become sicker and dying earlier.

Many young and middle-aged celebrities, including British royal Kate Middleton, despite having the “best specialist” care, are just as common prey to cancer as everybody else. Many celebrities shared being shocked by the cancer diagnosis, because of a presumption that their healthy diet, exercise, and checkups were offering protection. Yet, their well-meant advice to the public to prevent cancer with more mammograms, colonoscopies, pap smears, x-rays, and CT scans confuses real protection with earlier detection. Scientific literature indicates that in many cancers even earlier detection does not necessarily result in better survival. (Vinayak Prasad MD, Malignant How Bad Policy and Bad Evidence Harm People with Cancer. John Hopkins University Press, 2020). Being a part of this poor preventative approach, medical specialists themselves fare as poorly as their patients. One of these recent examples on NBC was a case of a pulmonologist, “A doctor with lung cancer got a lifesaving treatment after seeing an NBC News Report”, 3.30.24.

Further evidence of this poor chemical approach to health and prevention is that he assumed that he was ‘healthy,’ as most people before they suddenly face a crippling disease. Unfortunately, his treatment, lung, and liver transplants, are not lifesaving but only prolonging. It is only logical that the most reliable prevention is in the timely removal of causes of any disease, such as carcinogens in cancer that for the aforementioned reasons, the superficial chemical-pharmaceutical approach cannot detect or remove. Screening organs through bioresonance testing for carcinogens, cardiovascular, neuro, and other pathogens, causes is far superior based on the fact that cancer, as any serious degenerative disease has been virtually absent among the long-term, reasonably compliant FCT patients.

Despite countless “detox” recipes in alternative medicine, these not only poorly work due to low specificity, but often cause short and long-term harm by uncontrollably spreading mobilized toxicants from the tissues into blood circulation throughout the body. I happened to promptly cure a middle-aged woman who remained very ill for 10 years, following two days of the first “colon detox.” Chelations and chelators, which I have also experienced on myself before I evolved FCT, have produced similar re-intoxications in many patients. Over the years I have seen sick conventional and integrative MDs, alternative practitioners, their teachers, and families who remained ill or became sicker after using a variety of alternative integrative treatments. A tragic example of not understanding that a generally good idea of depoisoning requires good detail work was the sudden death of a middle-aged integrative MD. After my single FCT session that suggested the presence of mercury in his coronary arteries, he decided to pursue his care with just homeopathy through an ND and more impressive intravenous chelations for heavy metals and mercury. He died in his sleep from a myocardial infarction a year later.

Another integrative MD in Germany, in his 50s, following my concern over his unhealthy looks despite being fit, ignored my explanation of the difference between bioresonance testing, homeopathy, chelation, and other detoxifications, that he was practicing and consuming himself, and FCT. Having learned these modalities in the Mecca of alternative medicine, Germany, he was particularly skeptical. A year later, regrettably, I learned of his death from lung cancer.

Besides learning FCT for professional satisfaction and a successful practice, it is as important to apply it for one’s own and family’s health, since between pervasive environmental pollution and a progressively genetically weaker population, due to the chemical suppressive treatments, avoiding serious disease at any age has become impossible. This impossibility, in the absence of exact measuring tools such as skillful bioresonance testing, is further sustained by a universal delusion that tomorrow will be the same as yesterday and today, where “nothing bad happened.” Superficial “normal health checkups” cannot detect a pending disaster.

Wouldn’t Olympians and professional athletes be the healthiest people who also receive stringent health screening? The answer is no, since even 10 Olympic champions were officially diagnosed with cancer and so were many professional athletes. Our human nature doesn’t help by preferring the comfort of the psychological illusion of being healthy over reality. The majority of these ‘healthy’ people, including health practitioners, make it through the day on fixes: sweets, chocolate, sodas, energy drinks, excess of coffee, and drugs, without realizing that their disease has already arrived since a healthy body abhors these.

FCT can be also life-saving in pandemics and intensive care, where drugs and machinery seem powerful.

I saved the lives of both of my parents using FCT in the prestigious teaching hospitals, in Boston. A recent case of a young man in a neurosurgical ICU in a teaching hospital on the East Coast was just as edifying of the serious flaws of pharmaceutical medicine, including these settings. He entered the ICU with a brain hemorrhage due to a skull fracture, following a severe accident.

Weeks after being bedridden without progress, his family requested FCT. But, his attending physician, a medical school faculty member, confidently stated on a recorded line that “homeopathy has no place in a university hospital ICU”. Out of desperation, the family administered the remedies anyway and carefully monitored and reported his progress. Following each of the three FCT protocols, the family record reflected the following.

  • Dramatic response was noted by the amazed medical staff, where shortly after the first remedy he suddenly left his bed and ambulated with little assistance (The placebo effect was ruled out since he was lethargic when a remedy drop was placed in the mouth).
  • Also, at the same time, his intracranial monitor displayed a drop of previously elevated brain pressure.
  • Hemorrhagic discharge through brain catheter
  • Within some two weeks, a CT scan registered a significant mysterious size reduction of his congenital brain cyst.
  • The brain procedure planned by his neurosurgical specialists, with the necessity of annual repetitions in the future, was canceled.
  • The rehab program was significantly and unusually reduced, considering the severity of the brain injury.
  • He resumed his full-time professional job in a few months following hospital discharge, without any mental or physical limitations.

Citing the family, his total medical care bill was in the million-dollar range, but FCT’s consultations and remedies cost some $2,100.

COVID-19 Pandemic

None of my FCT patients who were receiving energetic virus preventive remedies came near emergency rooms or hospitals during this time. Having full confidence in the therapeutic power of these remedies, neither my family nor I bothered with preventative remedies. On the occasion when we developed COVID symptoms, a remedy cured us in a day. One of my patients stated that when she gave one drop of FCT energetic COVID-19 vaccine to her 78-year-old (“high-risk age group”) neighbor who was about to go to a hospital with signs of COVID-19 pneumonia, she completely recovered.

For FCT training details and information, go to Starting Your FCT Training and Its Goal.

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