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FCT® Webinar Program

Star-bullets — the real causes of and key factors in chronic diseases
Multisystemic complexity of chronic diseases caused and sustained by star-bullets.
Bio-resonance tuning for star-bullets,
causes of diseases hidden
inside of internal organs

“Medicine has failed in the care of chronic diseases. It has overestimated the importance of scientific findings. None of the types of research or clinical trials have made a difference because we have not identified a cause. This is disconcerting level of failure.”

– Book, Complexity and Medicine by Prof. Colin Alexander, MD

‘FCT is an ingenious medical system, and it is an absolute outrage that the world does not know about these treatments.’ Statement of a patient after only two FCT treatments, whose health had been devastated following 20 years of mainly alternative medical treatments which claim to be ‘progressive’, ‘natural’ and ‘effective’.

Examine presented by her actual tragic story presented by her in the Webinar #012 and her response to FCT in the Webinar #013. Likewise, every FCT Webinar program offers the most challenging cases, with most of these at the end of their tether.

This Webinar program or FCT clinical academy teaches medical practitioners through concrete examples how they can very successfully manage the most severe and diverse chronic pathologies, if they know how to address their main causes.

For this they must master the main four pillars of FCT medical system which are:

  1. FCT theory concerning the main causes or star-bullets of chronic diseases
  2. FCT main diagnostic tool that apprehends these causes—bio-resonance testing
  3. FCT therapeutics—the novel homeopathic system that addresses both causes of chronic diseases and restoration of internal organs and tissues which have been damaged by these causes
  4. FCT patient’s life style guidance that removes blocks in the way of the treatment to release causes of disease.

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Thanks to a broader availability of Skype this webinar program that continues FCT clinical training started with the E-letters, can now connect our FCT students from all continents and allow for more dynamic hands-on teaching and exchange. This involves exchange of clinical experience between all of the participants, questions and comments concerning any medical, patient or disease related issue. Likewise, the participants are encouraged to discuss true merits or claims of other treatments, medical products or technology, conventional and alternative, as one must realize that because of the absence of exactness or of a reliable scientific theory in the entire history of medicine against which one can objectively judge claims of medical approaches or products, all claims, indeed, appear equally plausible or ‘make sense’. However, as the practice has confirmed where it counts the most, at a patient bedside, practically 100% of these claims turned out to be wrong. That is why FCT did establish an exact theory that is based on laws of complexity or laws or systems — the fundamental property of human body in health and disease — against which all medical approaches and products can be, finally, objectively assessed at this time. Such an assessment automatically exposes deficiency of any medical approach or product for chronic diseases.

The webinar goals:

  1. To provide the participants with practical examples of the most diverse, challenging and difficult to treat chronic diseases. The great majority of these chronic diseases had not yielded to or worsened following prior conventional and alternative treatments.
  2. To demonstrate through numerous patient examples how these have responded to concrete steps of FCT medical system thus confirming the soundless of its theory of causes of chronic diseases and the proper diagnostic and therapeutic means to address these in your daily practice.
  3. To demonstrate that practically all chronic diseases yield to FCT’s fundamental star-bullet approach that focuses exclusively only on the main causes of chronic diseases. A concept of a bullet reflects how akin to an actual bullet of residing in internal organs and tissues it inevitably causes multiple chronic conditions and pathologies – chronic inflammation, pain, excessive clotting or bleeding, suppression and exhaustion of immune, hormonal, excretory, detoxifying, and energy producing organs and functions. Likewise, residing bullets will produce countless abnormal clinical, laboratory or imaging findings. Star stands for exact category of these bullets or causes which have been presented in the greater detail in DVD, Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with Co-infections, & Morgellon’s Disease. That is why a disease can no longer sustain itself regardless of its generic diagnostic label or perception, conventional or alternative, once these star-bullets or main causes of disease have been removed.
  4. To underscore the primary and unique capability of skillful bioresonance testing to uncover these causes. Yet to edify bioresonance test practitioners in common mistakes committed in bioresonance testing methods as practiced throughout the world: Applied kinesiology, EAV (electro-acupuncture according to Voll, VEGA testing, ART (autonomic reflex testing), NR (neuro-kinesiology), Omura Bi-digital O-ring testing, quantum reflex analysis, and numerous other techniques with their countless varieties.
    • Important technical errors and omissions in bio-resonance testing.
    • Important conceptual errors, common to all medical specialties in chronic diseases, based on inability to differentiate between the findings which are countless in numbers and are formally present and relevant in disease from the findings which are only a few but highly meaningful to the very existence of disease.
    • To highlight and draw practitioners focus only to the latter findings of high meaning or to star-bullets of disease since properly addressing these is the only road to recovery, while the former, relevant ones, are just the paths to failure.
    • It is the inability to determine or properly address these star-bullets in disease that prompts bio-resonance test practitioners to overcome this through resorting to different testing techniques or diagnostic and therapeutic items. A good example of this is computerized bio-resonance testing technology such as EAV (electroaccupunture according to Voll) that lures with tens of thousands of items combined, diagnostic and therapeutic, the overwhelming majority of which is irrelevant to both the origin and sustainment of disease.
  5. To demonstrate through numerous examples of patients treated by all alternative medical specialties, including bio-resonance testing based modalities, how these treatments fail and cause severe side effects even if the star-bullets of disease were correctly suspected. This is because these were managed with the wrong therapeutic means and without proper patient’s guidance.
  6. To demonstrate these common therapeutic errors so that these can be avoided.
  7. To present these concrete the most challenging or sickest patient cases with any chronic disease who had not been helped for years by other treatments, alternative and conventional. In order to avoid the most common form of misrepresentation that has been correctly defined in academic medical literature as selective reporting, where occasional formally positive outcomes are publicized yet prevailing failures are silenced in both medicines, we present many of these sickest cases right after their first visit, before their therapeutic response, positive or negative, is known.Likewise, on those occasions when a positive therapeutic response is lacking we candidly analyze all of the possible reasons for this. We examine such factors as patient’s lack of compliance, blocks to treatments in patients’ lifestyle, possible oversight in bioresonance testing or omissions in the treatment, length of time period of the treatment in relation to patient individual state of disease, his residual health reserve or inherited weaknesses in his constitution, the remaining and unaddressed yet causative agents or disease layers, and other pertinent factors.
  8. To present documented reversals in a variety of serious chronic diseases treated by FCT practitioners, which are all confirmed by the objective conventional laboratory or imaging tests.
    • As importantly to demonstrate that these reversals were genuine or not artificial where in the latter a disease is being simply covered up, or temporarily suppressed, by a continuous administration of and dependency on conventional or alternative pharmaceuticals or other therapeutics, leading only to cosmetic improvements, while the underlying causes of disease continued to erode and destroy more organs. This, as throughout FCT curriculum, is confirmed through ample examples of patients who, unfortunately, developed serious chronic diseases, including cancer, while displaying a mere reduction in symptoms of their original medical conditions. Just to the contrary, even decades long FCT clinical experience of patients on periodic FCT health maintenance regimens have established absence of them developing serious chronic diseases, and even in the elderly.
    • To deliver basic fundamental rules of science concerning key principles of effective construction of scientific knowledge. Because these rules and principles are followed by exact sciences such as general and quantum physics, mathematics, materials science, chemistry and other, their based technologies from aerospace to telecommunications have displayed a tremendous progress and success. On the other hand, inexact science such as medicine, as one renowned professor of physics noted correctly, utilizes just the rule of thumb or some specialty favored approach, and has utterly failed in chronic diseases. The absence of these rules and principles in sound construction of scientific knowledge in the entire medical education, conventional and alternative, represents the single most important gap in medicine, not lack of research or more different products and approaches. Practically 100% of health practitioners have not been taught these principles, with catastrophic consequences for quality of health care. As a concrete example, I have recently polstered a sizeable group of integrative physicians, all medical doctors who practice one or more alternative medical specialty. The question was simple: ‘Have you been taught or do you know the exact criteria of sound and effective versus poor and ineffective scientific theory?’ None knew the answer. A very practical ramification of this is that if your medical approach keeps misfiring, as all have been, because it is based on a scientifically poorly constructed theory, do you realize that simply ‘improving’ it with further self-study, seminars, conferences, research, certificates, products or new methods will amount to nothing else but wasted time, energy and resources? Yet, the reality is that ‘natural’ alternative medicine has become a multibillion dollar industry that dispenses anything from ‘natural’ products to practitioner training events, media, gadgets, certificates and diplomas of all types, and its cheerleaders behind all these are not about to tell you the truth, even if they knew or wanted to know it in the first place. The reasons for this are obvious since truth often spells for all of us paying some sacrifice for as losses in profits or professional prestige.
      Feel free to challenge and prove me wrong by submitting documented consistent successes in reversals of chronic diseases with whatever methods. Except for FCT none or only a sporadic few will be found.
      However, one is not to be intimidated by these rules of science while it took me years to discover and assemble these piece by piece from many scattered technical sources, yet these all are based on very simple principles through which you can reliably screen any complex problem: medical, scientific and even personal or financial. As an example, isn’t this indeed a simple question: ‘How much can one improve things by just keep on adding more and better parts to an airplane or any vehicle that is based on a wrong or ostensibly non-flying design?’
      Obviously, as this illustration reflects this is not possible but we need to know the clear difference between what constitutes a flying from a non-flying design or a sound scientific theory from a pseudoscientific speculation.I have learned of the necessity of knowing this first hand because without it I used to resort in the past to the same endless game or just switching parts—alternative approaches, products and certificates— which still prevails among alternative practitioners. In the end none of these could help me to separate my practice from these false designs as one could not separate himself from his shadow as these all come as an inseparable package–wrong theory, wrong means. These were not just ‘my’ bad choices because at the time these were the only options which alternative medical industry was and is still offering now. Read this quote of this naturopathic doctor:“I have been in practice for 15 years now and have assembled quite a lot of technology. I started as a classical homeopath but realized its limitations. Along the way I have been through Applied Kinesiology, VEGA, Kirlian, EAV, IV’s including chelation, DMPS, hydrogen peroxide. Hydrochloric acid and the usual vitamin and mineral protocols. Also neural therapy, darkfield microscopy, biological terrain assessment and complex homeopathy both oral and injectable… And I am tired of running after all these things …. I feel that my concept of ‘underlying’ causes needs to make a shift into a different level of understanding.”
      – A.H., Naturopathic Doctor, Ontario, Canada

      I have heard, through the years of teaching FCT, the same statements from many alternative or integrative doctors who have practiced for 30-40 years, before they came to, finally, learn FCT. Read this statement of an ardent proponent of alternative and integrative medicine.

      “If there is a dirty little secret in our profession, it is this: there is a paucity of scientific evidence for most things we doctors do, orthodox and alternative.”

      – Larry Dossey, MD
      Book author, and chief editor, former and current, of the several prestigious
      alternative medical peer review journals.

      Yes, he is a proponent yet he has what it takes to tell the truth, many others don’t. Read a textbook with hundreds of scientific references, Integrative Medicine and find there one single cure from a single chronic disease.

      Yes, he is a proponent yet he has what it takes to tell the truth which many don’t. Read a textbook with hundreds of scientific references, Integrative Medicine and find there one single cure from a single chronic disease.
      Examine the textbook, of so called, Functional Medicine with over 1,000 scientific references and find one single cure or documented reversal of a single chronic disease in it. None is found, either. Yet inspite of this obvious failure functional medicine teachers and the owners of multinational natural pharmaceutical company ‘educate’ alternative practitioners in their products which retail for even more than many drugs! Worst of all is not even the price, but ‘scientific studies’ which ‘proved’ these products ‘effective’. Anyone who understands science basics will find such studies as far more humorous than scientific. Examine skillfully any academic book or anything in alternative or integrative medicine concerning chronic diseases—the same outcome—high activity, low productivity. Why? Because all of these scientific references and their based therapeutic and diagnostic approaches carry the single and most important scientific error of being based on just many relevant findings instead of the relatively few findings of high meaning which concern the true causes of chronic diseases and their effective management. And even when these approaches stumble onto star-bullets they mismanage instead of manage these well. This is the only most important and truly scientific bottom-line which alternative medical teachers and merchants quietly chose to… ignore. This is no different than the drug companies, the majority of medical doctors and medical school faculties who have quietly chosen to ignore that conventional medicine has failed in the cure and prevention of all chronic diseases. Even though, to their credit, some respected members of scientific conventional medicine community started seriously questioning its scientific platform.

      That is why one of the cardinal rules of science is to separate scientists or people from science itself. Because we, people –scientists, doctors, teachers, etc., —tend to choose things which please us, while science chooses only what pleases its ultimate object of study—Nature. And that is why, it is not some novel exoteric approach but only hard core science and knowledge which explain why alternative medical specialties, in spite of their aura of novelty or progress, are actually incapable of meeting the basic criteria of high quality science that is solving difficult complex problems or serious chronic diseases, instead of just offering new ‘interesting’ approaches.

    • This also explains why entities, as ‘natural’, ‘holistic’, ‘progressive’ etc., carry no meaning because no problems in science, or life in general, can be solved based on pleasant epithets or man-made labels. That is why the only entity that matters in science is a nature and true capability of certain action, whether it was viewed as ‘therapeutic’, ‘natural’, ‘quantum’, ‘cosmic’ or any other impressive term is completely irrelevant. The relevance is only in the meaning or therapeutic weight of its action in relation to a cause of that individual patient individual disease state, the end result of that force—cure or failure—and a sound explanation of either.
    • This knowledge also explains, through concrete patient cases, gross therapeutic errors and proneness to side effects of all of the alternative modalities, in spite of the popular belief of their practitioners that ‘natural’ is necessarily good or ‘can’t hurt.’ But the factual scientific truth is that natural treatments do not, never have or will ever exist, in the first place. What does exist is only a force: chemical-pharmaceutical, energetic, thermal, mental etc. As only a few examples: tsunamis, earthquakes, poisonous mushrooms or snake venoms, decaying uranium are all natural too, but does this per se make us benefit from their actions? Synthetic insulin is not natural, but did save millions of lives in insulin dependent diabetes. So, let us stop playing children games with science and that is why through this webinar program we present actual tragic cases where the ‘most natural’ products, and even including as seemingly benign as ‘the best probiotics’, have made many people severely and chronically ill.
    • To demonstrate the real practical meaning and benefit to practitioners of having the ability to apply rules of science to medicine, we display actual communications between myself and some recognized ‘innovative’ teachers or ‘leaders’ in alternative medicine. There, while offering them ample benefit of a doubt I asked for a confirmation, but based on the real rules of science, of their claims concerning their methods, ideas, products or technology. Following this their high agendas have instantly collapsed, as you can judge it yourself.

These and many other examples will demonstrate to those of you who are truly concerned with integrity of scientific knowledge and its consequences at patient bedside in daily medical practice. These will answer questions including whether FCT just selfishly elevates itself over other medical approaches as FCT, finally, in the entire history of medicine has introduced objective scientific criteria by which FCT itself as any medical specialty can be judged both critically and objectively. The difficulty for both medicines and FCT to find such a criteria has been a well-known fact that the main logical tool that has been utilized so successfully by the exact sciences and their based technologies for centuries—exactness and reliability of mathematical formulas— is inapplicable to non-liner complex systems as human bodies, in heath or disease. Also, most of the theories of another exact and most fundamental science of all—physics—cannot, for the most part, help medicine to solve the enigma of chronic diseases, either or be the ultimate judge to its interventions. Do we realize the practical or ‘the meat and potato’ significance of this for daily medical practice, conventional or alternative? It means that if one claims to move successfully from point A to point B we can prove this right or wrong in an instance by applying simple mathematical measurements. But since we, in medicine, cannot apply such simple measurements or other exact formulas how do we tell exactly if our approach moves us from A to B, sideways or even in the direction opposite from B? Can alternative medical teachers or distributors of their products and technologies answer this simple question? But fortunately, mathematics does not constitute the only logical tool in science to explain or assess correctly all phenomena existing in nature, therefore, if we can apply with good precision and success other appropriate scientific methods and platforms toward human body in health and disease, we can do without math. The most successful single scientific platform that we can apply in medicine is based on laws of systems or the ones which govern functioning of complex systems such as man body. Science of complexity represents one of the most rapidly advancing and promising fields in science, today, toward all complex systems whether in biology, medicine, economics or international relations. That is why many scientists, including Nobel laureates in biology, medicine, physics and other sciences, have been assembled under the same roof of the prestigious Santa Fe Institute or American think tank.

FCT uses laws of complexity throughout its curriculum starting with its DVD Basic Course and provides real practical and simple means how one can utilize these rules very successfully in one’s medical practice. Other practical reasons for applying this rules include objective scrutiny of any product, specialty or intervention in medicine which can finally be subjected to sound scientific criteria to judge their true value. This is similar to the criteria which have existed in exact sciences and their based technologies and which are necessary to compare and grade correspondingly, cars, computers, airplanes and other technologies, as inferior or superior, within each category. So, before we continue machine gun ‘natural’ products whether detoxers, chelators, cleaners, balancers, or some energetic, mechanical or even electrocuting into people we must have a clear scientific criteria if these can or cannot arrive us from A to B. The answer is they can’t, because these have proven it by the simple fact that they have not. Let us not be naïve, the alternative medicine industry has followed the exact same footsteps of the pharmaceutical industry where the latter took over the training of medical doctors with teaching only some isolated scientific facts being just relevant enough to distribute drugs, which are not even remotely capable of reversing chronic diseases.

Be aware also, that exposing all of the deficiencies in either medicine, according to the rules of science, is not a mean act but a necessity because progress in science cannot be achieved by simply attaching progressive labels but only through following strict rules of science which lead to progress. That is why one of the two chief working tools of science is scrutiny or impartial analysis with the other one being conjectures or new ideas. Because without scrutiny new ideas, just let to themselves, run the high risk of turning into new fairy tales, and that is another reason why scientific theories are judged in science not only by its message of something new or interesting, but as importantly by their content of falsehood or omission in pertinent important knowledge. That is why among numerous examples, Thomas Kuhn, Ph.D., in physics and in philosophy of science, Philosophy of science at Harvard and Yale, in his lucid book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (in top 100 book list of science of 20th century) gave us an example how an expert of chemistry gave a formally correct answer, yet once it scrutinized against other pertinent knowledge – physics – the answer turned out to be point blank wrong. Do you think Professor Kuhn was a mean man? How many teachers and product sellers in alternative medicine have ever commented on a content of falsehood in their presentations? I have studied alternative medicine for 30 years by now, and have never encountered a single one. Over the years, and as FCT has exactly predicted since its first, Basic Course in 1999, more than a dozen large human clinical trials have found numerous natural supplements, antioxidants etc., claiming as being necessary for treatment and prevention of chronic diseases, as being just the opposite. Ineffective, harmful and increasing the incidence of other chronic diseases and even premature death. Can anyone point to a single nutritional/natural company that pulled a single bottle or can off the market, in light of these studies? Why not? How do you explain such a bias? Because any serious scientist knows this because this is an inherited part of our human nature to fall in love with our ideas or products. This is well reflected in this poignant quote of Harvard biology professor Eugene Wilson, Ph.D. made this statement: “Nothing in science – nothing in life, for that matter – makes sense without theory. Anyone can have a theory; pay your money and take your choice among the theories that compete for your attention (My comment: in medicine it is the one that pleases our specialty or something that is just easier for us to learn or relate to). It is our nature to put all knowledge into context….because scientific theories contain speculation, they too may seem just more guess work, and therefore build on sand. Everyone’s theory has validity. (My comment: because each is relevant in some way). Scientific theories, however, are fundamentally different. They are constructed specifically to be blown apart if proved wrong, and if so destined, the sooner the better. ‘Make your mistakes quickly’ is a rule in the practice of science. I grant that scientists often fall in love with their own constructions. I know, I have. They may spend a lifetime vainly trying to shore them up. A few squander their prestige and academic political capital in the effort. In that case – as the economist Paul Samuelson (Nobel Prize laureate, MIT professor) once quipped – funeral by funeral, theory advances.”

Book: Consilience, The Unity of Knowledge.

Is he a mean man? If yes, so am I.

Einstein, likewise, stated the necessity for science to expose its deficiencies, ‘Once we recognize our limits we go beyond them’, meaning that this is the necessary prelude for achieving true progress. So, this is where it’s at or making the choice between pleasant fairy tales or true science, or as reflected in the aforementioned tragic case of the Webinar #12, between real hype and real life. Hardly, there is a neutral land in-between.

So, let us all join and strive to learn and practice true medical science, together!

FCT’s nonforce Applied Kinesiology bio-resonace testing in non-invasive screening of the entire body.

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