
Webinar 090

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Announcement of FCT Webinar #90
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
12 PM Noon ET

Please note the change of the regular Webinar day, Monday, to Tuesday

(Sorry for any inconvenience) 

Ⅰ. Important new studies and information for successful FCT practice and self-care 

  1. Worms in the brains, indeed, of “healthy people” 
  2. Another cancer epidemic that is tied to common virus
  3. Vaping, its use, and residues are not to be taken lightly 
  • The tragic death of a teenager from vaping
  1. Mouthwashes, cancer, and hypertension 
  2. Vitamin D: the panacea or just another chemical obsession?
  3. The world is catching up! Human destruction by EMFs and heavy metals
  4. What handles sex drive in the brain?

Ⅱ. FCT Clinic

  1. Extremely surprising cause of insomnia
  2. Great feedback, not  just from DNA, but energetic human organ DNA remedies
  3. Follow up on the terminal metastatic liver cancer patient 
  4. A woman with so many health problems

Ⅲ. Questions & Answers

With regards,

Dr. Yurkovsky

120 Kisco Ave, Suite X
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
P: 914-861-9161

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