
Webinar 085

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Interesting information:
1. What is this?
The findings, protocol & follow up.

2. Should we accept suicidal patients??? Duty vs liability. A very edifying case.
3. Sick houses & their deadly spots.
4. Unusual FCT solution to a long unresolved stomach problem by gastroenterologists and FCT
5. We neither want patients to suffer after quitting FCT nor lose them. This was about to happen until a simple tool was employed.
6. What is the highest potency we can use?
7. The better way to test supplements by BRT.
8. Following one FCT protocol & discontinuing testosterone, a man in his 60s achieved first orgasm in many years.

Questions and Answers: Send your questions in advance, see you there.

With regards,

Dr. Yurkovsky

120 Kisco Ave, Suite X
Mount Kisco, NY 10549
P: 914-861-9161
F: 914-861-9160

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