
Webinar 082

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Monday, February 7, 2022
12 pm EST

I.   Management of COVID and variants, Omicron, etc.

  1. Includes FCT management of a patient with potentially fatal diagnosis of ARDS
  2. Why following COVID or vaccines old diseases or symptoms may return
  3. A very common poisoning procedure that many patients undertake during COVID and other infections
  4. Encountered several cases of severe neurological disease shortly following vaccines
  5. Why are insurance companies reporting an unprecedented 40% increase in premature deaths among 18-60 year-olds, non-COVID diagnosed?

II.   FCT Clinic

  1. Very painful and face disfiguring ailment
  2. After having her sore thumbs rubbed the night before, a middle-aged woman collapses the next day
  3. A young woman can’t swallow, eat or sleep because of gigantic painful tonsils. One drop solves it all.

III.   Questions and Answers

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