
Webinar 080

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Monday, September 13, 2021
12 pm EDT

I.   Miscellaneous

  1. The saga of two COVID-19 vaccines
    One, the “real” received by a medical doctor and the other, a “water placebo” by his “medically ignorant” wife
  2. “An odd couple”
    Barbecue and EMF hypersensitivity
  3. How the salt isode cured type 2 diabetes. A documented case
  4. Saving money and losing years of life by stopping FCT – the real story.
  5. How our cookware is cooking poisons and diseases
  6. Is vaccine shedding for real?
  7. Just two remedies and a different child
  8. Not walking or talking ALS patient – walks and talks again
  9. A nightmare story of a holistic patient with “grounding,” “detox,” and “nutritious” supplement
  10. A couple with cancer in remission, both die within weeks after COVID-19 vaccine
  11. Not your usual dental infection

II.   Questions and Answers

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