
Webinar 077

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Monday, February 8, 2021
12 pm EST

I.   Mostly COVID
With the death toll from COVID-19 vaccines approaching 400 and nearly 10,000 registered severe side effects, we will discuss all of the related COVID-19 vaccine issues.

  1. Management of COVID-19 vaccine side effects.
  2. Dangers of COVID-19 nasal swab test.
  3. High risk and unnecessary groups for COVID-19 vaccinations.
  4. Documented recovery and patient testimonials treated with FCT approach for COVID-19.
  5. Medical/legal issues concerning forced vaccinations and if the employer can legally compel an employee to take it.

II.   FCT Clinic

A trap to avoid. Detoxes, de-poisonings and re-poisonings.

III.   Questions and Answers

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