
Webinar 072

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Announcement of FCT Webinar #72
February 3, 2020

I.   Clinical Quiz

  1. A Paralyzing Vacation
    A 23-year old healthy woman became paralyzed with a complete loss of sensation in her legs, following one hour of surfing without any injury. She made slow progress after intravenous steroids in a hospital and after one year, still is not completely recovered. This condition has been described in surfers, but its true cause remains a mystery. What do you think?
  2. Following removal of mercury fillings, BRT still points to mercury presence in some of the teeth where the fillings used to be.
    How does one tell if an excavation of the new fillings or crown is necessary or not?

II.   Medical literature review with favorable legal implications for our practice.

  1. Dental metals, including our best friend, mercury, are implicated in serious pathologies by a mainstream medical journal.
  2. Homeopathy, based on a well-conducted blinded, controlled study indicates a robust biological and placebo free action.

III.   FCT Clinic

    1. A challenging high guest from Thailand.
      A woman in her early 40s, a virtual medical textbook of problems, following a “treatment” with fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
    2. I’ve told you so. “MTRHF gene is a paper, money-making tiger.”
      A biological dentist who has been sick for many years, “due to an inability to detoxify” mercury and you name it, because of a mutated, i.e., “bad MTRHF gene,” shook off all of his sickness after a single FCT treatment.
    3. A case of Parkinson’s for 10 years, on three drugs with poor control of many neurological symptoms comes just short of completely cured after the first FCT protocol, based on the new testing of the bone marrow.
      The testing was presented at the October 2019 FCT seminar.
    4. An extreme case of food intolerance with numerous other problems.
    5. A documented case of a doubled prior low testosterone level into the normal range, and good progress in related activities.

IV.   Questions and Answers

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