
Webinar 069

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Happy Fourth of July!
Recording of Webinar #069 of July 1, 2019

I.   FCT Clinic

  1. A Solved Mystery

  2. How crazy are not uncommon FCT findings of bioresonance testing of worms infection in the brain?
    A documented case of a teenager dying from exactly that.
    Also, are drugs for worms infection in the brain a blessing or a curse?
  3. Prime on Parkinson’s Disease
    • Two follow up cases from Webinar #68
    • One new case
      ⚬ The cases involved interesting combinations of toxicological and infectious agents in the brain.
  4. A good reminder about gas, from patients’ emails.
  5. How long do remedy actions last?
    Hear this patient’s report
  6. Against all Odds
    We started one of the presentations of a patient with metastatic cancer. This also contained general FCT clinical strategy concerning malignancies.

II.   Questions & Answers


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