
Webinar 064

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Announcement of the Recording Summary of FCT Webinar #64, on
Monday, September 10, 2018 at noon (NYT)

I.   “My people perish for lack of knowledge”
Not being religious but just trying to learn from my own mistakes and of others in life, I’ve been taking this admonition of the prophet seriously. Unfortunately, these two recent cases related to FCT have not.

One case concerns a patient who stopped my treatment, in the past while making a progress, against my advice. She opted to be treated by her doctor-husband, with limited FCT training and no effort in continuing with FCT webinars and seminars. She has recently returned with bad health problems where I diagnosed her having metastatic cancer. This was soon confirmed by oncological tests.
The other case ended up with even worse outcome – death. This concerned an MD, only in mid-sixties, an FCT student. Following my first and the only testing and treatment, I advised him to continue FCT for his serious heart disease. Unfortunately, he didn’t and, instead, did chelations, homeopathics and supplements. Last month, he did not wake up. My lessons learned from many such occurrences in the past, diseases, death don’t send certified warning letters or even a 24 hour notice. They come and kill suddenly, as a thief in the night. The only protection – the right actions, beforehand.

Brief overview of these cases.
II.   Important implications from recent medical literature for testing and remedies.

  1. Particular sarcodes to test in order to improve detoxification and infections of the brain
  2. Is there a special time to administer certain remedies for optimal response?
  3. Some patients carry genetic predisposition to certain infections, and how this is to affect our treatment strategy.

III.   Bio-Resonance testing news
How tested as initially unnecessary glandulars, often, turn necessary, through a modified testing.
IV.   FCT clinic

  1. A case of a gigantic clitoris and ob-gyn doctor’s: “I’ve never seen anything like this and don’t know what to do!”
    Girls, don’t run for the hills as this has been settled through just two different drops.
  2. Sea and ‘healthy’ earth salts revisited.
    More patient cases leaving no doubt concerning many of these ‘natural nutritious’ ingredients being outright common poisons.

    1. FCT treatment of one of these and quoted response too a patient
    2. Documented reversal of hypothyroidism following FCT treatment of a ‘healthy’ salt
    3. The list of identified, so far, salts and their available filters
  3. Worms remain high on our respect list
    1. New worm isodes available. A treatment with one of these and a dramatic patient response to
    2. A list with new worm filters
  4. A very common herbicide and: FCT findings, clinical response, toxicological literature review and how it has found its way even in children vaccines!
    Does it, among other pathologies play a role in autism? This filter is available
  5. Back to our best source of learning—patients—and blocks to treatment.
    A patient report concerning his reaction to vitamins filler.

V.   Questions and Answers

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