
Webinar 062

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Announcement of the Recording Summary of FCT Webinar #62, held on
Monday, May 7, at 12 PM NYT

I.   FCT clinic

  1. More of important and documented successful cases of treating pancreas.
  2. A 36 year long unproductive ordeal of a patient, since the age 16, in alternative-integrative medicine, in spite of this suitcase of ‘natural cures’ and other treatments.
    Her multiple medical problems and treatments consumed, as well as FCT’ bio-resonance testing findings and remedies will be presented.
  3. Danger zone: using FCT with insufficient training.
    A practitioner with insufficient FCT training tried FCT detox on oneself. This is the photo I have received with the request to correct the pain and sufferings which followed:

    The detox, complaints, bio-resonance testing findings and remedies will be presented, along with a clinical quiz for the participants concerning the clinical significance of the many secondary effects of such detoxes.
  4. Recently uncovered the additional important blocks to FCT
    This may answer a question, just received from a patient, why after 6 months of FCT treatment by an experienced FCT practitioner, a patient hasn’t made any progress. Ceasing on this presentation, we can stress, again, to our patients that the essence of FCT, is not in just bio-resonance testing and remedies, per se, which other alternative practitioners use, too.
    A table summary of all the major blocks, to recovery known so far, will be presented.

II.   New Pertinent Research Concerning Remedies Protection Against EMF

As the Spirit leads and time allows, new important information concerning an old topic − protection of remedies with aluminum foil − and a new experiment with copper wraps.
These have been kindly shared with me by a PhD in physics, who is the most prolific researcher in the world, concerning physics of homeopathy, bio-resonance testing and digital remedies.

III.   Questions and Answers

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