
Webinar 061

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Announcement of the Recording Summary of FCT Webinar #61, held on
Monday, March 5th, at 12 PM NYT

I.   Finishing last dinner-webinar leftovers

  1. Speaking of cancer and FCT
    In webinar #059, we presented a documented case of a deadly glioblastoma of the brain, where its growth first halted, and then reduced, only after FCT joined conventional oncological treatment. But neither treatment could formally claim the credit, since it is impossible to objectively estimate their respective contribution to this regression. However, time has settled this issue, after one of these treatments was stopped.
  2. Strange observations from FCT clinic
    A treatment of pancreas has eliminated chronic muscle pain and increased mental and physical stamina

II.   Finally, some reliable and unhealthy information on chemtrails

III.   More interesting recipes from FCT clinic:

  1. ‘Seemingly out of the blue’ I developed a gum abscess, size of an egg in total, half egg on one side and halfon the other, while becoming a victim of a nasty rule of a shoemaker kids having no shoes. In a simple language, none of the remedies and measures which normally used to work on patients, under the circumstances,were working. Luckily, the last attempt of pulling a straw worked, and seeing our dedicated dental colleagues with long knives became unnecessary.
  2. The same straw has finally ended a several month-longcrisis of a patient with such a severe pneumonia that it required a thoracic surgery because of multiple pockets, filled with pus, followed bya small ton of antibiotics, oral and intravenous.
  3. A very interesting, challenging, puzzling and edifying case presented by an experienced FCT practitioner. A debilitated patient who has had dramatic recovery on FCT, suddenly developed “a huge aggravation recently”.

    Treatment, based on bio-resonance testing, as well as other pertinent information will be presented for our mutual detective work.

  4. Finishing with another plaque, besides EMF in our sick houses, that presents one of the common and vicious blocks to healing.

    A dramatic healing resolution of the actual very ill clinical case.

IV.   Questions and Answers

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