
Webinar 057

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Summary of Recording of Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 057 (25th June 2018)


A)  List of Cases and Topics Covered:


  1. A Case of Stolen Identity and Its Kidnappers



B)  Notes from Dr Yurkovsky introducing the programme:



Sorry for consuming your time with this annoying subject, but as one of our FCT veterans stated, “this injustice must be confronted”, as it also concerns your further FCT training.
The two former FCT instructors, Kevin Eakins, ND and Simon Rees, ND have left FCT for the sake of launching their own enterprise, “Living Systems Method” (LSM). Understandably, the ‘necessity’ of this method could use some elated language, which their website certainly delivers. “We have taken the curriculum up onto a whole new level”, it is ‘ingenious’, offers ‘refinements and expansions’, etc., while falling short of the real facts, as the following.

  • 1. The only information of value in the entire ‘ingenious’ method is repackaged plagiarized FCT, with unnecessary for medical practice added packages to create an appearance of superior product, and charging far more for it.
  • 2. The cost for all levels is $7,300.00 that FCT offers for $995 (6 DVDs), quarterly hands-on clinical seminars ($385) and bi-monthly webinars ($30 each).
  • 3. Concerning ‘refinement and expansion’. Two months after I asked Simon Rees, ND to share the promised concrete ‘reasons’ and ‘innovations’ prompting this ‘new’ method and why it is better than FCT, I did not receive a single explanation until just a few days ago, after pressing the issue. Yet, these were represented only by distorted facts, namely that FCT is allegedly only some “quantum system” (??!), with another ‘flaw’ that it contains control concept, which, unbeknownst to the inventors, is the necessary aspect of any sound science-based technology. Indeed, the main advantage of FCT over other energy or any therapeutics is control, that is why Professor Tiller, who likely knows a little more about science than LSM’s thinkers, used the term controlled, in “Controlled Energy Fields” as the prerequisite for future medicine. Just ask your car mechanic to loosen a gas pedal or brakes, i.e., diminish control over the vehicle and report your experience. Besides, control also implicates high meaning and precision in a delivery of optimal diagnostic and therapeutic signals in disease. Is it that bad? So, unlike, so ‘limited’ as just some quantum and ‘controlled’ approach as FCT, LSM, I’ve been told, offers a new system approach. Yet, since 1999, as recorded on VHS, at the time and with our Basic Course FCT booklet, still stating, FCT has emphasized, above all, system approach to medicine, where it extended a credit to James Grier Miller, MD, PhD, for his seminal work, Living Systems, which leads to the next issue, ethics.
  • 4. The claim of alleged innovations and expansion of FCT. Ethical issues.
  • • No doubt that both the Living Systems Method and its institute ‘borrowed’ the names and ideas from FCT curriculum, while presenting themselves as ‘innovative’. The other ‘innovations’/expansions: “The Seven Fields of Influence”, “Bioterrain Evaluation”, “The Four Stage Clinical Process”, and similar marketed products on their website, obviously serve to convince of ‘improved’ FCT and justify the cost.
  • • It is obvious that the great majority of FCT members, even those few, who initially came directly to their seminars, have done so because of FCT, as it was established, evolved and promoted by me through my writings, other media and advertising, as well as by other grateful FCT members. Even though both the former instructors did help to organize FCT teaching events in Europe, still what generated the attendance was not them, me, or any person, but novelty and necessity of FCT itself. So, that is why I find it ethically questionable on their part, to use FCT community to build business for LSM. As to their claims of helping me to evolve FCT through some ‘innovations’, the only things which come to mind are: Supermini Kit, that according to the few students I heard from, was a piece of disaster. Next, Master Kit, which is a completely needless item that I discouraged all of you, in my past emails, from purchasing or using, even though we were forced to produce and charge for it because some students were taught it by the instructors. An independent opinion by an FCT colleague of this kit and “innovations”: “He has simply mixed a few things and created masters that allow practitioners to make a start earlier than appropriate for their understanding. Even the jetlag remedy which he marketed in his kit is one that he made from your recipe – having seen you take it after a long flight. Apparently, you told him this was for jetlag. Not satisfied, he asked what was in it. He gathers lots of information and stores it away and then uses it as his own idea. I see this on the website. He has definitely stolen much of your life’s work and used it as the basis for his group. Don’t be fooled by Simon’s attempt to muddy the waters.” Their handouts concerning testing and clinical aspects are all copied from my lectures and even if of use, hardly qualify for novelty.
  • • Use of deceit for having a formal reason for LSM training. The only reason I was initially given was for my own protection, or liability concerns, should some ill-trained FCT practitioners cause more patients’ complaints, as it is periodically the case. However, I declined this ‘protection’, and there is zero difference in liability concerns, between FCT or LSM education. Following my decline and mass email to everyone accepting the failure of FCT training, by the instructors, to produce many capable FCT practitioners through the taught Levels, culminating in certificates, with my taking over the training, they obviously felt out of place. That is how ‘innovations’, ‘expansions’ and ‘ingenious approach’ entered the stage. Yet, in spite of being full of innovations, Simon Rees has been caught red-handed by one of our FCT colleagues who felt appalled that he was secretly and illegally recording one of my recent in-office seminars, which explicitly forbade any recording. That was obviously done for the repackaging purposes. Besides, if FCT is such a ‘limited’ system, why bother attending my seminars in the first place?
  • • Yet, even the far more unscrupulous actions possible have not been spared to ‘prove’ the ‘virtues’ of LSM, through blatant forging of the testimonials of grateful FCT students, where their references to FCT have vanished…and been replaced with “LSM”, or “this one”, “method” in the forged version! In case of these having been removed from LSM website after I confronted Simon, examine these attached pages, with the corresponding highlighted spots documenting the forgery. Returning to the zeal of overriding FCT with ‘better’ LSM. To warn you all of wasting your time and resources, their shiny New Age-type topics, such as Seven Fields of Influence, Bio-terrain Evaluation, The Four-Stage Clinical Process and others, completely lack medical practicality. Such a ‘superfluous erudition’ (Einstein), “Fashionable Nonsense” (a book by two physics professors) and “intelligent fooling” (MIT scientist) “magnificent buildings without foundations” (Harvard biology Professor, Edward O. Wilson), are not new to science. As it is, FCT program calls for extensive study, yet it is focused on very practical and down to earth medical problems of daily practice, how to successfully treat anything from strep throat to Lyme disease and headaches, diabetes and hundreds of diverse medical conditions. So, if any of you know better than I do, how exactly an “implicate order” of theoretical physicist, David Bohm or “morphic resonance” of biologist Rupert Sheldrake, or another remote clinical subject, can help you to cure someone from chronic constipation, enlighten me, ASAP. The only reason FCT briefly covered related fields, in its Basic Course, was a scientific necessity to explain mechanisms behind a proposed diagnosis and treatment, and compare these with other medical approaches. This is also necessary for liability reasons, lest we are accused of scientifically groundless practice. Another ‘invention’/air castle is the ‘Four Clinical Stages’. How were these four versus twenty-four stages exactly determined? How can one even know this? There is only one stage, as always determined by an individual patient in his individual clinical state and stage on the day of each examination and testing, which call for the highest meaning or quality of treatment on that day. Any other stages represent mental fancies and medical incompetence.
  • 5. LSM’s offered levels of teachings and certificate, instead of analyzing, as FCT did, the reasons for failure to produce many capable practitioners, through relying on these. The main problem with the levels was not of testing, splitting layers, etc., but the weakness of the former instructors in both clinical medicine, on the whole, (which all non-MDs and DOs have, no offense) and FCT’s clinical medicine, in particular. While they tattoo themselves on the LSM website as ‘the world’s most experienced practitioners’, the actual facts are that, between both of them practicing FCT for some 20 years total, they have not submitted a single case of documented reversal of a single chronic disease. As the result, FCT training levels and many practitioners have lacked the necessary clinical information. The quote below is another one of many sobering facts, in a recent email from a concerned FCT colleague, attesting to an overinflated value of ‘Levels’ and ‘certificates’.“Reason I bring this up is I have a friend with … who has been seeing a level 3 certified FCT practitioner. I am convinced she had some layers hiding as she has over 18 documented treatments over 1.5 years claiming no change in symptoms. Naturally I’m encouraging her to stick with it but frankly I’m shocked she’s stuck with it this long. Being a practitioner and a student of FCT myself I reviewed all the protocols. I was shocked that she hasn’t been treated for any type of mercury. I’m convinced there’s mercury hiding….
    Because I’ve become close friends with this FCT patient, I asked if the practitioner just splits which the gang of 10. Claims she did ask the practitioner and confirmed that’s what they use exclusively as that’s what was taught by Kevin/Simon.”

    That is why I went back to teaching FCT myself, as of November 2016 and am continuing with regular hands-on seminars throughout the year, including patients, where each step of the way always underscores practical clinical value of both testing vials, diagnostic findings, remedies and, most importantly, their mutual systemic interrelationships. Relevant relationships, necessary facts, according to science, not just piles of facts are the key to success. The reason for failure of alternative and integrative medicines, which use many correct scientific facts, is absence of important relationships between these and other facts. Obviously, drawing pertinent relationships is the reason for medical residency, hands-on training, not just textbooks. This is the reason why I will be adding soon, a more in depth clinical training. So, if the Seven Fields exist, which they do and even more, some 12 reported, but so does organic matratz, and if the latter is more important for patient’s recovery than the inventory of fields, we use a matratz. As covered in our webinars on science (20-33), it values lean or elegant theories which do more with less than vice-versa. The foremost world authority on water physics, professor Gerald Pollack, PhD: “It is a goal of science to condense multiple layers of complexity into a few”, i.e., not the other way around. And that is where LSM’s jungle of needless facts and speculations will waste your time, resources, and opportunity to acquire true useful knowledge.

  • As always, I invite your constructive suggestions.
  • All the best,
    Dr. Yurkovsky
    SYYIHS, President


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