
Webinar 056

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Announcement of the Recording Summary of FCT Webinar #56, held on
May 8th, 2017

I.   A recent bio-resonance testing (BRT) stunner!

A very recent serious discovery concerning, perhaps, the #1 famous brand of sparkling water. The label says: “comes from pristine mountain area”, but it does not say that it can put you into your grave. The statements of patients who have consumed the isode of this pristine poison, speak for themselves. The importance of having exact isode for proper detoxification. So, if you or your patients have consumed this liquid in the past, beware!
II.   Does Wi-Fi interact with mercury fillings? Recent scientific findings.
III.   Questions from FCT colleagues

  1. Homeoprophylaxis in children (by a trained homeopath), classical homeopathy and the role of FCT

    This is a very practical question: how much weight can we really place on it? The answer was discussed.

  2. Weight loss, FCT’s way

    Concerning our colleague’s question about stubborn weight issue, discussed at the last webinar, #55, we displayed a quote of a patient after FCT drops, without him changing anything in his diet. His two previous treatments were displayed also.

IV.   From the high of a splendid seafood platter to the low of a wheel chair, within only hours!

A middle-aged couple had a seafood dinner, in a good restaurant and hours later became paralyzed for months.

Bio-resonance testing findings, remedies, response.
V.   Gut flora and probiotics, continued education.
VI.   Questions and Answers

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