
Webinar 054

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To All FCT Colleagues and Interested Parties:
Announcement of Recording of Webinar #054, which was held on
January 9th, 2017 at 12 PM (New York time)

I.   Findings from practice which are new, strange and unexpected.

How complexity turns medical science on its head. A very unusual positive response of patients to corresponding sarcodes which were not supposed to render these responses, according to basic medical knowledge.

  1. Immune organ sarcode relieves emotional problems
  2. While sarcode for emotion related zone, relieves neurological problem.

The discussion of the participants focused on possible biological mechanisms which were involved in these, rather, unexpected responses.

II.   Continuing with deepening our understanding of the role of probiotics in health and disease. As one scientist has correctly expressed this recently, with “inter-bacterial growth synergy is truly at the cutting edge of our understanding of the microbiome and health.”

Pay attention to the term, synergy, because this is the key to proper supplementation, not some ‘best probiotic formula’. Both the basic understanding of the role of the main families of microflora, including probiotics and prebiotics, combined with the guidance of bio-resonance testing, are crucial elements in assuring optimal synergy. Another major family of gut bacteria flora was presented, along with its multiple beneficial functions. Presentation of prebiotics, their function and combined use, along with probiotics, were discussed.

  • Presenting practical examples of this synergistic use of probiotics under the guidance of bio-resonance testing (BRT), using probiotic kit and proper probiotics.
  • Among these, how a single probiotic, prescribed through BRT has ended 8-month long constipation.
  • Discussing another important point, that probiotic supplementation cannot be possibly made synergistic, very effective or safe, without the guidance of bioresonance testing, since in medical text, there is a huge overlap in beneficial effects of probiotics. Therefore, it is impossible to intelligently prescribe them just based on technical medical information or manufacturer’s literature.

III.   Mixed bag: new findings, answering old questions of FCT colleagues, and running FCT medical clinic.

  1. A patient in his 60s, whose life was literally saved by a gluten and sugar free diet, that he could not deviate from over 50 years, eats both now, without blinking an eye.
  2. An important new FCT testing item and how one Smart Meter has turned the entire family into virtual invalids.

    This is not a placebo, as the several attempts in the past, while on FCT, still displayed the intolerance. The role of probiotic kit, probiotics, and cleansing the gut.

  3. Follow-up on ‘to wrap or not to wrap’, the issue of preserving or destroying remedies by aluminum foil.

    My earlier finding, through bio-resonance testing, presented in one of the prior webinars, have been corroborated by the measurements and novel explanations of an electrical engineer.

  4. Crucial update on safety of seafood, in relation to its mercury content.
  5. Old questions
    1. Some P.S. info concerning ED issue discussed in the previous webinar, #053
    2. FCT and supplementation: glandulars, vitamins, minerals, fish oils, digestive enzymes, herbs.In relation with some of these supplements, I will present, for better clinical association and retention, a recent concrete case of an 84-year-old man with pneumonia, whom even intravenous antibiotics didn’t get out of a life and death situation, and where certain supplementation was clearly necessary.

      As it was the case with supplementation with probiotics, where a key issue of synergy, as well as safety, could not be possibly determined by medical texts. Likewise, these cannot possibly determine effective or safe use of supplements, because there is an issue of synergy between these supplements and the rest of the body that such texts cannot properly address. This concerns an issue and science of complexity, that supplement manufacturers have been skillfully avoiding.

      The answer is the same: skillful bio-resonance testing, guided by the proper mental software, in order to derive optimal benefits from nutritional supplements.

  6. The best tutorial on the effectiveness of modern homeopathy and energy medicine, as practiced by FCT, and presented by this patient in her email, in her detailed dramatic clinical response to each remedy.

    This is another case of a patient, being sick from head to toe, especially due to the debilitating chronic pain. She was diagnosed with Lyme and coinfections and numerous other conditions, yet 20 years of alternative and conventional treatments, prior to FCT, yielded no response.

IV.   Questions & Answers exchanged

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