
Webinar 053

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To all FCT colleagues and interested parties:
Announcement of the Recording of Webinar #053, which was held on
November 14, 2016.

The clinical quiz of the century!!!
Concerning my own case of medical crisis: A Medical Mystery

“And when he was in affliction, he besought the Lord his God, and humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers.”
II Chronicles 33:12

Part 1:

On the seemingly peaceful night of September 19th, rolling to the end of the usual routine of my dozing off to sleep while perusing a medical text, I experienced some strange discomfort in my back upon detaching it from the couch. Assuming that this was due to purely positional reasons, I calmly ignored it. However, when a few minutes later the discomfort had doubled in intensity, it still fell short of my sufficient respect to subject it to BRT (bio-resonance testing) and I just shoved a drop of whatever potency of Supportive Apparatus under the tongue. Yet, this phased the discomfort the least, which, half an hour later, turned itself into a formal pain. Nevertheless, I still managed to fall asleep in my bed, but to only be awoken soon after because of the pain of considerable intensity. But, instead of following through on the reasonable thought of traveling to another part of the house in order to test myself with the BRT kits, I foolishly settled for the comfort of staying in bed hoping to solve the situation by just going back to sleep. However, this hope was quickly ruined by the pain that kept doubling in intensity literally by the minute, and to the point where I was no longer physically able to either get on my feet or test myself with a clear mind. The pain itself was of the most vague and mysterious location, nature and origin imaginable, somewhere in the right lower back. Yet, no matter how much I was pressing there with my finger in order to determine a tissue to target all felt completely painless. Likewise, trying to rule out radiating pain from somewhere in the abdomen (appendix, colon, kidney, anything) pressing and hitting here and there did not produce a trace of discomfort or a lead in the investigation. The nature of the pain was just as elusive, it could only be approximated as semi-throbbing/pulsating and sometimes not at all, but of rapidly accelerating severity, that I had never experienced in my life. Upon my wife’s delivery of a pendulum, which I used for mental rather than physical BRT with the test kits, and with my brain being in agony, I kept pulling straws with remedies – all of which kept failing. The fact that we did not have a single allopathic pain reliever in the house even in the likes of Tylenol, didn’t help, and my beloved spouse’s multiple appeals to call an ambulance to cart myself into the emergency room were decisively repealed. The only thing that was easing this demonic pain for minutes at a time were periodic applications of hot compresses. Finally, after 3 AM, the last dowsed ‘straw’ – sarcode – brought the pain’s intensity considerably down, allowing me to fall asleep. While the next close to 48-hour pain-free period prompted me to start the planning of the celebration party…

Part 2 of the ordeal broke out with my being awakened at 1 AM on September 22nd with the exact same but even worse pain. As I, again, kept rejecting the family appeals for calling an ambulance in order to see “real doctors” in the local ER, I forced myself to crawl to the testing kits, yet only ending up with the failed remedy. Following this, I had to fall back on a pendulum with only mental BRT testing, due to being too incapacitated to return to my testing station. Hot compresses stopped working, cold compresses, instead, seemed to produce either an imaginary relief, or sometimes aggravations, and were all abandoned. By 2 AM, my wife hit the road for a local 24-hour gas station to buy any over the counter pain pills in sight, whereas I started actually hoping for some angel from heaven to deliver an old fashioned shot of morphine instead, to either put me to sleep or into a better testing shape. Upon her return with a bag of pills, the pendulum picked the winner, Advil, which did afford some relief but only for as ‘long’ as 15 ½ minutes. But, either because this was a sufficient time window for me to crawl back to my testing kits or due to a better testing shape or sheer luck to finally pick the right remedy, yet, after the 15 ½ minute truce when the pain had returned with vengeance, the remedy stopped it in its tracks, allowing me to fall asleep by 6 AM. Since then, the pain has never returned, so far. Following this positive event and abandoning the plans for another celebration party out of superstition, this ‘interesting’ experience offers a truly interesting several points for discussion.

The discussion between the participants and myself have concerned the following issues:

  1. The real origin/organ/tissue of this pain.
  2. The actual sarcode that turned it off in the course of the part one ordeal
  3. The actual isode that has seemed to permanently end it, so far
  4. The law of synchronicity: how the concepts of that obscure article presented in the previous webinar, #52 Part I section, had to play a crucial role for me to suddenly become vulnerable to the bullet which, most likely, caused this crisis.

I.   Probiotics, the real state of a very popular, these days, yet virtually unknown game. Its pros and cons and new probiotic kit, as well as an introduction to one of the large families of God, microflora, were presented.

II.   FCT Neurology Clinic

  1. Responding to a request of one of our colleagues to share an FCT experience with Parkinson’s disease, we have presented two cases of the exact or similar pathology.
    1. 72-year-old man’s complete cure of a neurological disease indistinguishable from Parkinson’s, in a total of three treatments.
    2. 69-year-old man’s complete cessation of Parkinson-like disease following a single FCT treatment.
  2. Another medical mystery of LA Bath, this time!

    69-year-old woman following a soak bath with fairly natural powder, consisting of salt, glycerin, and Red #33, immediately developed a severe neurological autoimmune disease – transverse myelitis – requiring hospitalization. Commensurate with its gravity was her hospital bill, including the charges of 14 specialists, for only a three week stay in the hospital, $307,198.58! She was discharged on a very high dose of Prednisone and another medication for neuropathy and still in poor condition. The Prednisone dose was discontinued, and after a single FCT treatment, she responded quite dramatically. Another piece of positive news was that the cost of this service was less than $307,198.58. Nevertheless, and to my honor, I resisted charging her more than the hospital and its 14 specialists. As in the aforementioned cases, BRT findings and remedies were presented.

    Not a bad question: why would a natural soak bath do such a bad thing, was discussed.

III.   Some of the answers to emailed questions from our colleagues involved men’s ED.

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