
Webinar 050

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The 50th Anniversary Issue
To all FCT colleagues and interested parties
Recording Summary of Webinar #050 which was held on
May 2, 2016 at 12 PM (New York time)

I.   Factors which block BRT (bio-resonance testing)

Presenting some useful comments from the participants of the last webinar, where this subject was presented.

II.   Points of Interest:

  1. Good, non-traveling uses of the Travel Kit
  2. “Doctor, nothing has changed following the treatment, everything is the same.”

    This was reported by even one of our FCT students. Let us see what the real facts were, when we have the right system in place to check these.

  3. Air purifiers or environmental hazards?

    There is a Russian saying: “For as long as one lives for just as long one learns.” The example presented is a real good one along this track.

  4. Medical clairvoyants, psychics and mediums – what is their real worth and what to tell patients who seek or saw them?

    A report of a patient who used these services out of desperation following years of alternative and conventional medicine failing. Her first FCT treatment and response will be presented.

  5. When having lots of money is not an asset. A pitiful ordeal of a rich man with Lyme disease who wished to buy less inconvenient treatment than FCT, due to its EMF precautions.

    The story of his sampling of all the ‘best’ alternative/integrative doctors and clinics, ‘specializing in Lyme’, throughout the US over seven years. You can print out for your patients, from the Recording Summary, this patient’s current treatment for Lyme (that looks like the New York Times Sunday edition) which will be displayed at the Webinar. This he has shared with me upon his reluctant return to FCT.

  6. The prophesy of an 85 year old renowned NYC ophthalmologist concerning computer use and the eyes of children.

III.   Questions and Answers

Important issues were covered concerning FCT for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Also, administration of mercury isode in people who still have mercury fillings.

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