
Webinar 049

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To all FCT colleagues and interested parties Recording Summary of Webinar #049 which was held on April 4, 2016 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. Bio-resonance Testing: Very Important News

Extremely important discussion of the very inconspicuous blocks in bio- resonance testing. Their respective illustrations-photos and their corrections were presented, along with the specific testing filters to overcome these.

II.  FCT Medical Clinic

1. And the deaf shall hear and the blind see  

A very interesting experience with an elderly man’s very         impaired hearing the decades, becoming normal, and elderly woman’s optic nerve apparently regenerating.

2. A very challenging new patient with a very serious disease – ulcerative colitis.

This is a family member of one of our new FCT sudents, an alternative doctor. All possible alternative treatments were tried for 15 years, with zero response. Conventional treatment, and as the rule in this disease, did not help, either.

3. A five year old boy with a severe neurological genetic disease – Angelman Syndrome.

In spite of his multiple problems from head to toe and severe genetic disease he responded quite well to the initial FCT treatments. BRT findings and treatment were presented.

III. Maters of Interest

1. Brief demonstration of the new Memon product to specifically lower EMF radiation from modems and WIFI.

2. How reliable is a popular test, breast thermography, which is being presented as an alternative to mammography?

3. Treating worms in the brain that crawl out through…!

Photos were shown.

4. A line of single probiotics, an update

Since our recent email of these items, the company has, upon my request, searched and added more items. We displayed the entire list, thus far.

III. Questions and Answers

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