
Webinar 048

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Attention and welcome to the spring
Recording Summary of Webinar #048 which
was held on March 7, 2016 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. FCT Clinical Quiz and One of the Toughest Ever!

1. This is not a patient of mine, but was referred to me by one of our colleagues for a memon-related consultation. In the process, she mentioned intense sensitivity to EMFs. Here is her email.

Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 3:14 PM
To: info@yurkovsky.com
Subject: RE: Memon

Thank you Dr. Yurkovsky,

We are just now getting to read some more of the information on the Memon products.

I do have a question but it is in regards to our phone conversation. Your questioning me about the cortisol use alerted me to look back over my journal as you were asking if the cortisol had something to do with my sudden reactions.

I do see a direct correlation to the time I increased the cortisol and the sudden onset of extreme sensitivity to all electric devices, stove, TV, laptop , Wi-Fi, lights, HVAC system and car ride.

Q: a) Why did I ask her that question and how might cortisol have caused this sudden onset of extreme EMF sensitivity?
b. If it did it, how about supplements, homeopathics and other treatments for adrenals? Can they produce similar effects?

Being so sensitive to EMFs in our world presents a “little” problem as there is simply no place to move to.

2. Some years ago I saw a nice, middle-aged woman from Boston. She did not have any medical problems until she saw a “progressive MD” who delivered an impressive speech to an audience on subclinical hypothyroidism. Following this speech, the nice woman saw him and received a thyroid hormone for some very questionable low thyroid symptoms and for “preventative” purposes. Months later she got in her car in the middle of the night loaded with tranquilizers and a razor in order to commit suicide. The reasons were severe depression and nervous breakdown due to extreme sleep deprivation beginning the day she started the thyroid pill. But, even after she discontinued it, just a few days later, the insomnia remained untouched. Multiple hospitalizations and drugs did not make the difference.

Q: a) Why?
b) Could other or non-drug thyroid stimulating treatments cause similar problems?

An important discussion and dialogue took place concerning this very important subject. This is because the treatments which enhance adrenal or thyroid functions are very common in conventional and especially in alternative medicine. Yet, they have often inadvertently led to serious, long-lasting and even permanent side-effects. This discussion also addressed this issue.

II. FCT Medical Clinic

1. The FCT experience is supported by scientific toxicological information concerning another mercury – toxic metals – in our environment, brain and the rest of the human anatomy.

Important clinical FCT experience with these was shared.

2. A novel experience with single probiotics versus the popular “best” probiotic cocktail-types of products, was shared through the use of bio-resonance testing and clinical feedback in order to determine the real winners.

I strongly believe this is the beginning of a new year in medicine of the more precise and effective use of probiotics. Just to support this statement, I could not even find a company that was making a line of single probiotics and it was only through my special order that one of the better probiotic companies agreed to establish such products and at a very reasonable price. The discussion also touched upon another FCT clinical emphasis concerning a great potential for probiotics causing harm.

3. The case of an apparently cured insulin dependent Type 1 diabetes, by an FCT practitioner!

We presented a brief medical history of a teenager, who was admitted to a hospital in serious condition, with a new onset of insulin-dependent diabetes Type 1, which was supported by all of the relevant medical tests. We also presented the remedies, based on the corresponding findings of bio-resonance testing, which were administered by a FCT practitioner, resulting in an apparent cure of this incurable disease. These were documented by all of the initially abnormal conventional medical tests, which have all, subsequently, normalized.

III. Questions and Answers

These concerned a variety of clinically useful issues.

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