
Webinar 047

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Recording Summary of Webinar #047 which was held on February 1, 2016 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. Important Medical Literature News

1. Astonishing findings, as these come from a distinguished professor of infectious diseases from an Ivy League medical school, which confirm BRT findings of FCT concerning the enormous harm of antibiotics on health and causing lifelong chronic diseases.
These include cancer, allergies, autoimmune diseases, obesity, female hormonal imbalance and many other serious conditions were displayed.

2. Some of these findings are new to me and how I have incorporated their lessons in FCT in order to maximize clinical results.
Among these topics an important discussion concerning probiotics which represent a triple edge sword as being: necessary, useless and very harmful! FCT experience and a relevant patient’s email concerning his experience with probiotics prior to and with FCT.
Recording Summary of Webinar 047 Page 2 of 2 2/2/2016 Overall the subject of the enormous harm of antibiotics reinforces the importance of FCT curriculum which teaches how to diagnose and remove residues of antibiotics from the internal organs and tissues, where they can remain indefinitely long and cause and sustain many chronic diseases.

II.   FCT Medical Clinic 

1. A patient with stubborn bronchitis which resisted several initial FCT interventions with, I am certain, well prescribed infectious isodes.

Yet, as uncovered by subsequent testing the problem/block was quite different. Afterwards, I found the same block in a patient with chronic sinusitis.
After all, this block or agent is very common in our environment and paying more attention to it in bio-resonance testing and treatment may greatly expedite recovery processes of certain infections and allergies.

2. Very interesting follow-up to our presentation on the striking response of a patient’s diabetes to FCT, presented in the prior Webinar #46.

We shared interesting reports from our two colleagues concerning the cure of chronic hypoglycemia in one case, and even cure of insulin dependent Type 1 diabetes in a girl!

III.   Questions and Answers

Many good questions and comments were presented and discussed.


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