
Webinar 045

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To all FCT colleagues and interested parties
Recording Summary of Webinar #045 was held on
November 30, 2015 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. Clinical Quizzes/FCT Ambulatory Services

1. Case A

Dr. Y,
I have been treating a pt for 3x now. Not getting much results with itchy welts on arms and back and waking her up. Pt is really frustrated! She thinks welts are a stress reaction. Her anxiety is worse with her menses. pt is a real estate agent who really emotionally cares for the client that they be taken care of. Real estate clients, transactions, busy mom, overwhelmed!
visit 1: Ut/ov with PA antibiotics and gave her support. Diet and supplements per fct
visit 2: mainly palliative with topical redox molecules and Auriculotherapy, gave short term relief only
Visit 3: mainly auriculotherapy for stress/anxiety –> emotionally better but hives are still there.

My questions:
1. unrelated to her case, I was not sure how antibiotics could affect the Ut/ov. Can AB residues be found anywhere?
2. In your experience with dermatitis and itchy welts, how often have you found it 100% from stress reaction.
3. other input on itchy hives/welts
Appreciate all your input. 🙂 All of the above questions were answered and general reasons for the failure of the treatment were discussed.

2. Case B
Hello Dr Yurkovsky.
Hope all is well.
Regarding stenosis, or calcification caused stenosis, of arteries including:
And other arteries in the leg (which I use “Art” filter for iliac and other arteries branching off Femoral)
Femoral Artery
Imaging work indicates severity level.
Once I commence with protocols to reduce the pernicious agents which match the specific artery and recheck that artery in follow up exams:
A. By placing the artery filter or specific “coronary artery” filter or “CRT ART”, etc on
the testing platform and it reveals no stress response and in no part of the exam these arteries show no need for support…and further subliminal questions reveal a clean artery is likely…is it safe to safe that a follow up arterial imaging study will at that moment produce a clean “no stenosis” or calcification free result?
Hope this question provides a clear understanding of my thoughts and questions.
Thank you.
The ensuing discussion concerned an important concept of a stressed organ versus just a diseased organ. It also concerned the correlation between the findings of BRT and conventional imaging tests.

II. FCT Medical Clinic

1. Beyond all odds or opening a FCT honeymoon club for seniors


Starting from the age of 64, Mr. B complained of the following sexual dysfunctions as becoming a growing problem.
Diminished desire, inability to reach or sustain erections and experiencing orgasms. Mrs. B, a patient of mine, too, and three years his senior, unhappily attested to the same state of affairs. Given the fact that he also had prostate cancer, which had been operated on with a laser, I told him that in spite of his age-related low testosterone I could not prescribe either testosterone replacement therapy or its precursors, such as DHEA, for fear of aggravating his prostate cancer. On occasion, during his annual follow-up visits over the ensuing three years, I would prescribe testes or related endocrine sarcodes +/- isodes, as necessary. Yet, over the same period of time while he was making progress with other health issues, his sexual problems became complete in all of the aforementioned categories. However, lo and behold, at his last visit and him being the mature age of 67, and his sweetheart, Mrs. B of 70, he reported that suddenly all of his sexual functions have resurrected full force. He has been having fully legitimate intercourse at least twice a week for the last two months. Mrs. B has confirmed this official report with a Mona Lisa type of smile. When I have examined his previous treatment, which immediately preceded this rather miraculous recovery, I found nothing special there, yet…

We had a detailed discussion about how his seemingly “unsexy” prior treatment might have resulted in this against-all-odds resurrection.

2. Four important don’ts for flu season or any infection were presented

3. From sex to food problems. The very revealing BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings of a young man who after long years of alternative and integrative medical treatments has been reduced to only being able to tolerate two foods, which he eats every single day – chicken and cucumber.
Among the treating doctors, allergy specialists.

III. Questions and Answers

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