
Webinar 044

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Happy Thanksgiving!
To all FCT colleagues and interested parties
Recording Summary of Webinar #044 Program was held on
November 2, 2015 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. Interesting Medical News

1. The latest findings and a different theory concerning the real source of benefits of fruits and vegetables which you, as I have, will never guess.

We have discussed some of the participants’ ideas concerning this subject, including one of the myths of so-called structured water, and have revealed this new secret!!!

II. FCT Medical Quiz Presented by One of Our Colleagues

Patient is a 43yo single female. She has never been married and works as an accountant.
Subjective Complaints: Migraine headaches PMS with painful menstruation

Hot flashes with mood swings Fatigue Digestive dysfunction – bloating, gas Low back pain at night Hair falling out Rosacea Severe dry skin Bumps on knuckles Raynaud’s
Past History: She states her migraines have been chronic since 1994 and seem to be worse around her menstrual cycle. She notes her adrenal fatigue started in 1998. She takes numerous supplements and Equate aspirin (up to 4 per day) when she has a migraine. She takes no medications or uses BCP.
She sleeps fairly well but wakes feeling tired. She follows a decent diet. Her stress level is rated at 4/10. She has never smoked. A full blood workup with RA markers was performed in November of 2014 and all were normal. She traveled to Romania in 2000 and 2001.
She did have her amalgams removed in 1999 by her regular dentist. Prior to this a urine test showed high levels of mercury.
FCT Analysis: When I first saw this patient I was using the Introduction Kit so my testing analysis was limited.

5/14/2015 Overview of systems: (+) = stress response Bedroom/Geo (+) Brain EMF (+) (emf pollution) The following showed (+): Immune System, K, LI-M, Liv S, A, Pin, Thy-d, Pan, Fem S, Emotion, Brn, Resp, Ear, Sns, Hrt, Msc Skl, Sk, Vasc . GALT (+) for Abs, Para, Fungal Findings/Treatment: Day 1 – Hm 50m; Strep 50m; Imm 100X; Brn 10mm; Adr 140X Day 4 – Pest 50m; Female 60X; Kidney 120X Day 6 – X-ray 50m; tobacco 50m; Immune; LI-M 120X Day 13 – Immune Day 20 – Immune Follow up in 3 weeks. Emf avoidance as best as possible on tx days. Instructed on bedroom emf reduction.

6/9/15 No notable changes in symptoms. Patient did have her home tested for radon which was very high (16.5pCi/L). She is planning on having radon mitigation done asap. Findings/Treatment: No Bedroom Geo or Brain emf was detected. Day 1 – Fl. Lt 100m; HM 30m; Glyphos 30m; Immune 100X; Female 10mm Day 3 – HgM 30m; Immune; Female; Kidney 150X; Emotion Ctr 100m

Day 7 – Pancreas 100m; Thyroid 100m; Nerv. 100m Follow up in 3 weeks. Emf avoidance as best possible on tx days.
7/2/15 Patient notes that menstrual cycle symptoms has improved however she sees no improvement in migraines. Findings/Treatment: Bedroom Geo and Brain emf stress is (+). Made a referral for patient to have her home evaluated for emf levels. Day 1 tx protocol: Glyphos 10mm; HgM 10mm; Ab’s 10mm; Para 100m; GALT 50X; Lymph 10mm; Kidney 10mm; LI-M 20X; Female 100m; Brn 10mm; Enceph 100m; Sinus 10mm; Mskl-Sk 10mm Follow up in 3 weeks and follow same emf avoidance instruction.
8/6/15 Note: As of this date I am able to test patients with all the kits in the FCT program.
PMS continues to be improved. No change in migraines or fatigue. Home emf evaluation by a professional found a large electromagnetic field in the wall directly behind her headboard. This emf field was from the electrical wires coming from the breaker box in her basement and feeding the electrical supply for her second floor where her bedroom was. She moved her bed from that wall and has taken steps to improve other findings of emf in the home also.
Findings/Tx: Bedroom/Geo and brain emf were stressed. Key system stresses included: A, AC, Thy-d, Ov, FL, Brn, ENT. LI-Ly showed AB and Pars. RES showed radon. (She just had her home mitigated of radon and readings fell to significantly low.) Day 1 – DM-Hg 50m; Silv Amg 10X; Pest 30X; Herbicides 30X; Organophosphate 20X; Ovary 40X; Ad 30X; FL 30X; K 50X; Ly 10mm; Pineal 20X; Brn 20X Day 3 – Ovary; FL Patient received Brn Emf remedy to be taken after work daily. Continue emf avoidance during tx. Re-evaluate in 3 weeks.
9/8/15 Migraines continue and she relates she has had two since her last visit. Findings/Tx: No bedroom or brain emf stress. LI-Ly shows Ab and Pars. RES shows radon. Day 1 – Radon 140X; Parietal L. 240X; Occipital L. 100X; Glia 150X Day 3 – HgM 140X; Herb 140X; K 140X; Pineal 120X Day 5 – Ovary 140X Day 6 – Parietal; Kidney Follow up in 4 weeks.
The analysis of this case has engaged quite a few students and generated a dynamic and very useful clinical discussion.

III. FCT Medical Clinic

1. A tragic case of a typical American boy these days.

A 17 year old teen with the following medical problems: bi-polar disorder and chronic anxiety, which did not respond to psychotropic drugs, but only to heavy use of marijuana, for years. He is aware of this taxing addiction and wants to be delivered from it. Other problems include insomnia, low energy, addiction to sweets and highly concentrated caffeinated energy drinks, for years.
Even while he was expressing his desire to quit marijuana, I found that such desires often express rather a good idea to do so than the real concerted effort. Here, and particularly with teens, I have found that finding the right language to really motivate them plays an even more important part that the treatment, itself. It appeared from the impression of his face, as blank as it was, that my language made an impression on him. Part of my strategy was to praise drugs… I have presented his entire case including the BRT findings and his very positive response to the first treatment. We have also discussed his BRT findings and the treatment from his second visit.
I am eager to hear any constructive ideas from all of you concerning the issue of finding the effective language to properly motivate these victims to abandon their addictions.

IV. Your Questions, My Answers and Vice Versa

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