
Webinar 043

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To all FCT colleagues and interested parties
Recording Summary of Webinar #043 Program was held on
October 5, 2015 at 12 PM (New York time)

I. FCT Clinical Quiz: a Woman with Disappearing Muscles

A young woman with progressive muscle atrophy not due to neurological disease. Besides this, she was also treated for Lyme disease in a ‘progressive’ integrative medical clinic run, by a Lyme literate doctor, at the expense of $150,000 out of pocket over a 6 month period. The outcome was that she and dozens of her symptoms got worse, plus the treatments caused several mini strokes, which required hospitalizations. Lyme was not a major factor in her progressive muscle atrophy. What were the possible causes? It turned out to be not just mercury, but a very commonly overlooked entity.

II. FCT Clinic

1. We presented the brief medical history, BRT findings and treatment of the first visit for the aforementioned patient.

2. Follow up on a very sick, cystic fibrosis patient presented in the previous Webinar,#042.

Since all chronic diseases are caused also by infections, we should learn
how best to treat the most severe ones. In his case, his impressive clinical
improvement was also supported by objective indicators from conventional medical

3. Another tragic victim of alternative and integrative medicine.

A young woman with Lyme and mold infections was treated initially by
conventional medicine without any progress. Following this, she traveled to
Germany for the treatment by some notorious Lyme expert medical doctor.
Following his treatment, she ended up in anaphylactic shock, with gastrointestinal bleeding and diagnosed with pancreatitis. None of her chronic symptoms improved.
Following this ordeal, she sought the care of another notoriety in the field or
someone who is viewed in alternative medicine as the ultimate pioneer or go-to doctor above all others.
After spending a year and a six-digit figure on these treatments – detoxifications,chelations, antibiotics, homeopathics, supplements, neural therapy and others – she has become a complete bedridden invalid. On a good day, she said, she might walk 25-50 feet supporting herself against a wall, on a bad one, she crawls. Following the outcome, the doctor admitted that the treatment caused harm, the bio-resonance testing that guided it was flawed and, worst of all, he did not know how to undo the damage. He referred her here for FCT, in order to have the best chance of undoing the side effects.
Her symptoms are too many to list here.
The findings of her first BRT (bio-resonance testing) and treatment were presented.

III. The Most Bizarre Beneficial Effect of Memon That I Have Ever Encountered

IV. Questions and Answers

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