
Webinar 042

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FCT Webinar #042 Recording Program

Monday, August 31, 2015, 12pm (New York time)

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I. FCT clinic and quiz from medical science

1. Follow up on the patient presented in the last Webinar, #041, with a terminal disease – AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia).

• His prognosis for survival by the oncologists was not even as “good” as 10%, as I presented at the last Webinar, based on his oncologist’s quote to him for just humane reasons, but as conveyed to the family his real prognosis was 3 months left to live. This also meant that a positive response to chemotherapy was not even in the cards.
• Yet, his clinical response and documented by now, follow up bone marrow biopsy showed barely any presence of abnormal cells left! These following just a single course of chemotherapy and FCT, still dazzled his oncologists. We displayed the report.

• In the meantime, two interesting pieces of evidence have surfaced concerning this type of drug and AML. One of these clinically supports it yet another – a legitimate scientific study from a legitimate cancer institute – stated that this class of drugs must be effective against not just cancer, but specifically, AML?! This is so, the study said, because these drugs participate favorably in exactly the same biochemical pathway that leads to cancer and AML.

From here a million dollar medical science quiz. Your professional board has learned that you have stopped this valuable to treat AML drug and, even, worse prescribed a homeopathic isode to remove the drug residues from the marrow, all while this scientific paper states that it works against AML. They also accuse you of having no scientific evidence to justify such measures. What is your defense to this on purely scientific grounds?

Failure to answer this correctly may end up with you working a new job next to that miner in the photo displayed above.

2. Another terminal case

A man in his fifties with cystic fibrosis.

Over the years, as commonly is the case, his respiratory infections have increased progressively. And so have antibiotic treatments from once every 5 years to every 23 months, at present.

The common course leads to antibiotic resistance with uncontrolled bacterial and, also, fungal infections due to side effects of antibiotics. In addition, the last bout of antibiotics has produced such a severe state of imbalance that he can’t even walk without falling down.

His other problems, at his first visit, were severe bronchitis with gushing green mucous, difficulty breathing, walking only 100 feet before going into a state of imbalance, fatigue and others.

BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings, his treatment and his response to it, as well as the second visit BRT findings and based FCT treatment was presented. This by all means was a very sick and challenging case.

3. A boy with very severe PANDAS.

He was treated for years by conventional medicine with little success.
Following this, the parents took him for ‘natural’ or alternative treatments, with ‘nutraceuticals’.

The end result – he became sicker. Following this homeopathic treatment with isodes, based on bio-resonance testing, have him over the edge where he is virtually having non-stop myoclonic seizure-type twitches. His first visit’s BRT findings, treatment and discussion were presented.

Note: This ability of half-assed learnt BRT and homeopathy to produce the most severe side effects are very common, indeed. Recall a case of a mentally normal boy who ended up becoming severely autistic following DAN and, especially, homeopathic treatments. That is why the pattern of FCT, which I encounter from many new students continues to be of great concern.

II. Questions and answers


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