
Webinar 041

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Summer time…

I.  Medical Alert! Urgent! Concerning a very common class of drugs used around the world, which cause the most lethal form of leukemia!

  • This very recent FCT discovery, I was told, was corroborated by some oncologists, too. However, this information has not been officially published, yet.Beware if your patients or your family members receive these drugs. 
  • We presented a concrete medical case of an elderly patient afflicted with this leukemia. His BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings, FCT treatment and clinical response following which his oncologists dropped their jaws due to the following unusual reasons.
  1. Following a single course of powerful chemotherapy, his normal blood counts, instead of expected continuing deterioration, continued to improve.
  2.  His abnormal leukemic bone marrow readings showed an improvement comparable to some 5 courses of chemotherapy under the best case scenario, and continued to improve.
  3.  After the first session of chemotherapy, the patient was so weak that he could barely stand on his feet. Yet, following a single FCT treatment, this 79 year old man stated that, “I feel like I am 17 years old and want to kick some ass.”

II.  FCT Clinical Quiz

      Questions from FCT practitioners and ensuing discussions.

1. A Case

Hi Dr. Y,

  1. Do you refer out for frozen shoulder? 
  2. If you do treat it with FCT, how many treatments are typical for results?
  3. Moderate case of eczema, break out on left hand, left medial elbow and front of neck. Must take topical steroids when bad. Treated for 5 x with minimal progress.   4th treatment seemed to make a difference because neck and elbow did not break out but hand required to applications of steroids. Pt holds out to the very end before applying steroid. Found multiple things on her over the last 5 tx.

2. Another Case

Dear Dr Yurkovsky,

Not quite sure if I treat Mother in the following situation. Mother is breast feeding her 17 month old toddler and wishes to continue right up to when she gets pregnant again.This child is about to start a FCT protocol for parasites, hg and Xenobiotics II, support for Brain, Lymph, LI Mucosa, Pineal (sleep problems) Kidney, Liver, Hypothalamus and more.

Mother has been tested – she too has parasites, hg, as well as Tetanus vaccine and pesticides – along with 12 organ, gland and systems support.

My questions are:

Will I be double treating the child? Can I treat her? 

I would much appreciate your help

III.   FCT Medical Clinic

1. A patient in her late 60’s has reported that following FCT treatment her fingers’ bone deformities reduced, which was a very significant finding, considering structural pathology.

We displayed her treatment that suggested some five layers of the underlying causative pathology.

2. A case of mysterious demyelinating neuropathy

A man in his 60’s with progressive muscle stiffness and difficulty walking for five years, in spite of medications. His rheumatologist and neurologist did not have the answer.

IV.  Medical Literature Review with Important Clinical Implications

Little known presentations of Lyme disease and other tick borne diseases, in their earlier stages, as liver and gastrointestinal disorders.       

V.   Questions and Answers

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