
Webinar 040

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 040 – Recording (July 6th, 2015)

Happy Fourth of July!

I. Important BRT (bio-resonance testing) Findings of a Common Household Cleaning Substance + the Dangers of Chlorinated Swimming Pools
II. Medical Literature Review with Important FCT Clinical Implications

  1. Recent research findings tying early menopause in women and serious pathologies with environmental chemicals.
  2. Recent research findings establishing the association between cell phone use and altered thyroid function. Other serious medical implications.
  3. Brain glucose metabolism, neuronal function and EMF.
  4. Numerous scientists from all continents confirm FCT’s major star-bullet-EMF in their recent joint statement announcing how it is destroying mankind.

III. FCT Behind ‘The Enemy Lines’ and How to be Everyone’s Best Friend While Conducting FCT Testing and Treatment in Hospital Medical Ward

The story: My 92 year old mom, a Boston resident, tripped, fell and fractured her hip and knee joint. This was followed by the surgery, that in its turn, by excessive IV fluid and blood overload, which in its turn by massive congestive heart failure, that in its turn by my arrival with piles of kits and machinery, there, two weeks ago. The situation was grave enough to warrant her stay in the Intensive Care Unit and, then, Cardiac Ward with a real glimpse of losing her. The ensued ordeal consisted of but was not limited to the following missions.

  • Bio-resonance testing
  • Neutralizing EMFs in the process
  • A special technique of administering remedies
  • Fighting with her doctors about discontinuing certain drugs due to their side effects
  • Winning the fight and losing half of my adrenals’ reserve
  • Cancelling the drugs via FCT
  • Preventing her from being poisoned by the ‘cardiac diet’

In summary and altogether, it was a fun trip.

IV. FCT Quizzes

  1. To wrap or not to wrap?
    Does aluminum foil wrapping protect from or destroy remedies and testing vials due to EMF?
  2. A Case
    Hi Savely,
    A patient has asked what you might advise. I have been treating her for a couple of years. Lots of sick systems. She has been involved in a couple of accidents years ago and suffered whiplash etc. She has degeneration if the cervical spine and bulging discs. She has been told never to have chiropractic treatments as her neck is so fragile. The surgeon wants to place pins in the most damaged areas, but has warned her of the risks. There is always a desire amongst patients to take ‘the holistic’ approach. But there has to be a point sometimes at which patients need surgery.
    FCT has not improved her neck/arm/nerve symptoms, although the situation is generally stable. How do we know when to advise surgery?

    This was followed by the analysis of the case and possible overlooked problems.

V. Questions and Answers

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