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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 038 – Recording (May 4th, 2015)
Happy Memorial Day!
I. FCT Clinical Quiz
A case of ‘LA Rash’ in a 14 day old baby.
The first picture right, dated April 15, 2015, before FCT and following failed treatments of a pediatrician, and dermatologist, which were discontinued, as per my instructions.
The second picture right, dated April 20, 2015, 3 days after FCT commenced but not even completed yet.
Q: What do you think caused ‘LA Rash’?
The discussion concerning this subject between all of the webinar participants was followed by the actual information concerning the bio-resonance testing findings and its based treatment. Also, the relevant health issues of the mother before her pregnancy were discussed.
II. This question was received from one of the FCT students,
A new patient is 7 months pregnant – suffers with chemical sensitivity – Can I treat her?
I have in the past (pre-FCT) avoided women while pregnant preferring to wait until after their delivery. I would appreciate your input.
Warm Wishes,
The discussion of this issue followed, concerning all of the pros and cons of treating pregnant women who have health problems. The discussion also concerned specific ways in which an unborn baby could be indirectly tested, also.
III. FCT Medical Clinic
- Documented case of disappeared large ovarian cyst with an expected surgical removal, after a single FCT intervention
The relevant bio-resonance testing and findings and the treatment were discussed.
- A 9 year old girl with OCD and other severe emotional pathology.
Psychological counseling has produced zero results and she was referred to a psychiatrist for psychotropic drugs. The parents brought her here for FCT, instead.
BRT findings and treatment, followed by the email from her mother describing a dramatic response to this single FCT treatment and particular remedies. The email quotations, emphasized reactions to specific remedies, were quite edifying.
- Very effective triple header remedies for protection of the brain and related structures against different EMF-related poisons.
IV. Questions and Answers