
Webinar 036

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 036 – Recording (March 2nd, 2015)


I.   FCT Clinical Quiz

  1. The forgotten important gland discussed in the last webinar, #035.
    What was one of its key functions which I forgot to mention? The oversight of this key function, as I will present in a future webinar, might have personally cost me some $32,000.00 in unnecessary expenses, not a funny figure.

II.   FCT Medical Science Quiz

  1. I requested that a heart patient, who was doing very well on FCT for many years, to strictly adhere to my request concerning his management, or else. He ignored my request, and within only 1-2 weeks, he sustained a myocardial infarction, necessitating the insertion of coronary artery stents.
    Following this, he disregards another strong recommendation of mine and another myocardial infarction, in spite of the stents, occurred.
  2. A very experienced FCT practitioner tests via FCT BRT (bio-resonance testing) and advises an FCT student and a chiropractic practitioner, only in his fifties, accordingly.
    While this FCT student has no history of preceding heart disease, is a non-smoker, and adheres to an overall healthy diet, ‘reinforced’ by some nutritional supplements, the experienced FCT practitioner warns him of his coronary arteries containing heavy metals and testing sick. Several appropriate recommendations concerning the proper FCT treatments and their correct timing have been ignored by the chiropractor FCT student.
    The tragic outcome that followed, not far off, was the student’s death due to myocardial infarction.

Q: What important scientific criteria of a sound theory has FCT met in both of these cases?

III.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. 15 years of FCT management with a hardcore drug and alcohol addict, 24/7. How and why, as he was being treated with FCT, has never missed a day of work.
  2. A case of serious brain encephalopathy – Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome, an equivalent of Alzheimer’s – with significant confusion, diabetes on high doses of insulin, severe gout arthritis, significant fatigue, shortness of breath due to possible congestive heart failure.
    This is a very interesting case of a longtime friend of mine, a very talented practitioner of Chinese Medicine. I always knew him as a person of very creative and vibrant mental faculties.
    He discontinued FCT treatments years ago and I was only loosely in touch with him recently. Sometime last fall, I was notified by his brother that this friend of mine was admitted to an intensive care unit at a local hospital in critical condition.
    He was in a diabetic coma, followed by severe confusion, extremely painful gout arthritis, and respiratory difficulty. His subsequent hospital stay was two months long it was notable for seriously deteriorated brain function, with episodes of prolonged confusion, to the point where he would even attack medical personnel, and was not cognizant of place, time, or circumstances. His relatives were informed that he would be incapable of living on his own due to his seriously compromised brain function.
    When I saw him in the office, after years of not seeing him, he looked more like a stranger than my old friend. Both his formerly sharp mind and physical energy were practically non-existent, he just looked like and old, crippled, and confused man, who could not even get onto my examining table on his own for bio-resonance testing, his brother and I were forced to place him there. He was no longer able to drive a vehicle as he would not even recognize his own street or house.
    In addition to all this, he was on high doses of insulin and medications for gout, and also on a slew of vitamins for his brain and other problems. We will report his bio-resonance testing findings, treatment, and both clinical and laboratory responses to just this first FCT treatment.

IV.   Medical Literature Review
Genetic testing – What you must warn your patients or your relatives about before they may decide to abort potentially perfectly normal babies. Also, how the public is being unnecessarily traumatized, scared, and forced into unnecessary and invasive procedures based on the findings of most genetic testing.
Years’ long successful management, so far, of a female patient with genetic abnormalities in the BRCA genes, which allegedly doomed her to breast cancer. It was strongly recommended that she have a bi-lateral mastectomy and even an ovariectomy, in order to spare her from developing cancer. However, she chose FCT instead.
Implications for genetic testing in alternative medicine, with the latter often confusing soft and hardcore science in this field, thus also necessitating unwarranted treatments.

V.   Questions and Answers


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