
Webinar 034

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 034 – Recording (January 5th, 2015)


I.   Practical Lessons From Science & Medicine

How and why we must practice FCT according to the scientific method.

It is important to realize that the scientific method is not merely some dry and formal protocol for conducting lab experiments, but is a very important scientific process which one needs to adhere to in order to seek the highest productivity in any endeavor, including medical practice, once it is guided by a sound theory.

This topic also covers how FCT reached its medical heights by adhering to the scientific method, determined its’ boundaries for success, and created a sound basis for integrating other medical modalities, when necessary.

II.   FCT Clinical Quiz

Under what circumstances would administering mercury isodes, singularly or combined with sarcodes, be detrimental to mercury detoxification, and cause intense aggravations?

This issue brings up the dangers of all of the prevailing chelation and certain homeopathic treatments.

III.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. Do homeopathic autoisodes make the difference when isodes have failed? Should we even try the former under the circumstances?

    We have presented a documented case where homeopathic autoisodes succeeded where homeopathic isodes had not, and why.

  2. A very challenging and debilitating case of multiple sclerosis of some 40 year duration, that did not respond to either conventional or numerous alternative treatments.

    How FCT and bio-resonance testing is revealing the multi-factorial and deep nature of this serious illness, in this patient.

    Even at this very early stage of the treatment FCT has already produced definitively positive and hopeful signs. A brief discussion of the case and treatment details has been presented, as well as the important interpretation of a patient’s clinical response.

  3. A major source of sustaining old and acquiring new diseases, that is very commonly overlooked in alternative medicine. It is supported by the strikingly vivid clinical examples of the remaining ghost of dental mercury, years following the removal of the fillings. This is our best medical textbook in order to learn from and remember this important issue in medical practice.
    • Documented confirmation by a toxicological laboratory of FCT/bio-resonance test findings of residual mercury embedded in a tooth following the removal of mercury fillings. The report was issued by a world authority on toxicity of dental mercury, Professor Boyd Haley, Ph.D. of the University of Kentucky.

    In other words, patients continue to have mercury fillings in their teeth without mercury fillings in their mouth!!!

IV.   Questions and Answers


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