
Webinar 033

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 033 – Recording (December 1st, 2014)

Webinar 33

“Don’t drink and sled!”

Happy Holidays & Merry New Year!

I.   Science & Medicine

Completing formal course on the subject that has started with Webinar #020, with the Scientific Method – the single major source of achievement and deceit in science, and particularly in medicine. Among the issues covered, the ultimate importance of adhering to scientific method in your practice.

II.   FCT Clinical Quiz

A discussion and answer to a request for some cues concerning a difficult case, from one of our students:

  • Dear Doctor,

    I am hoping you may be able to help me shed some light on a case – Alex is a 11 year old autistic boy – his mother has been used as a surrogate for his treatments – he progressed normally until age 2 years of age – no vaccinations – soil around home was found to be full of Lead and Arsenic – he still lives at this address – he slid very quickly into a autistic state after a tick bite – his vocabulary is almost zero – prior to treatment (3) he was doing a lot of head banging but still picks at one spot on his forehead – his mother says that she can see that things are starting to register and he is a lot more placid – however, one major problem is that 3 months ago he lost complete control of his bladder with no sense of urinating and has been returned to diapers (he wore these up until 4 years ago – his parents have solar polar panels on the roof.

    So the questions are:

    1. How can I help with his incontinence?
    2. Would it be correct in saying that until he is removed from his home environment he cannot improve?

    His treatments have included some of the following: MPI, Worms, Lead, Mercury, Arsenic, EMF, Pesticides along support for many parts of the Brain. Testing shows he has quite a strong body with most of the poisoning in the Brain region.


III.   Very Important Medical News

  1. While in the last Webinar #032, we displayed ‘family photos’ of worms exiting the bodies of FCT patient, here, we will display worms, indeed, invading a human brain, as shown by recent very MRI images!
  2. The real danger of GMO, genetically modified foods, that is to serve as bio-resonance testing (BRT) alert.
  3. While FCT has emphasized, over many years an overlooked disaster site of most of the chronic diseases – bone marrow – a very recent report in conventional medicine presents this as a medical revelation.


IV.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. Follow up on self-correction issue as it relates to severe tinnitus, as the result of the removal of a single mercury filling and local anesthesia. But, were these the only culprits?
  2. Finishing a leftover case from Webinar #032: FCT & Supernatural!

    A 74 year old woman, FCT veteran patient, fractures her bone in a car accident. She takes FCT treatment and just six days after X-Ray of her bone is repeated. Following this, her orthopedist has gone speechless.

    We will report FCT treatment, the X-Ray findings and the orthopedist’s current speech condition.


V.   Questions and Answers


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