
Webinar 032

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 032 – Recording (November 3rd, 2014)

Webinar 32

Happy Thanksgiving!

I.   Science & Medicine
Anomaly in Science
Understanding how encountering anomalies in science can lead to scientific progress, and likewise, their dismissal, as has been the case in medicine, can result in detriments to its progress.

II.   FCT Clinical Quiz
A patient with bronchitis returns to FCT after a long hiatus because his bronchitis bothers him day and night, and did not respond to antibiotic treatment. However, even following two FCT treatments with, primarily, infectious isodes, and him reporting much reduction in yellow-green phlegm, fever, and weakness, the sharp knife-like pain induced by the cough is still exhausting him.

Q: Which specific part of the respiratory system was affected and deserved good consideration in bio-resonance testing?

What do you think the main remedy was that ended the ordeal?

III.   FCT Medical Clinic
Follow up on medical self-correction issue, carried on from Webinar #031.

A patient with a bad rash – further FCT treatment and response.


IV.   Miscellaneous

  1. Serious long term side effects of local and general anesthetics.
    A very important clinical issue not to be numb about, but to include in our mental BRT software.
  2. Understanding great medical relevance of brain microglia and its role in numerous brain pathologies, to mention only a few:
    Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, and strokes.

    The causative agents which attack microglia from within and outside of the brain, to look for through bio-resonance testing.

  3. FCT & Exorcism.
    FCT’s ‘family’ photos provided by patients themselves who were exorcised from ‘demonic’ invasions.

V.   FCT & Practical Clinical Lessons
The fate of patients in stage IV and V (see Basic Course, stages of pathologic invasions) who abandoned FCT. Very important practical examples for us to better understand a state and gravity of patients’ illness and for them a realistic understanding of their total disease. This is crucial to patient’s compliance issues and loyalty.

VI.   Questions and Answers

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