
Webinar 031

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 031 – Recording (October 6th, 2014)

I.   Science & Medicine
“…even on utilitarian grounds the interests of the medical profession would be well served by a more philosophically informed view of its own activities.”
Toward a Theory of Medical Fallibility. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 1976. vol. 1. no. 1.

The essence of this message is that medical profession is unable to make any head or toe of its activities due to lack of philosophical or underlying scientific information against which these activities can be reliably assessed. As the result the doctors can neither understand limits of their treatments nor their un-avoidance of causing harm. This is the main and utilitarian reason, also, why we are undertaking this course on medicine and science.

A brief lesson: A capacity of a theory to carry out self-correction, as this relates to its based approach in any sector: technological, medical, economic, etc., in case of encountered complications, side effects or failure.

II.   FCT Medical Clinic
Bridging science and medicine. We have practical lessons as this concerns ability of medical practitioners to self-correct. It is obvious that lack of such ability in medical practice has resulted in treatment failures, loss of patients and outright malpractice law suits.

  1. One of the cases, see the photo below, where the skill to correct is better to be present than not.Webinar-31-Rash

    This rash which has covered, burned and itched most of this patients body emerged shortly following alternative treatment. Can a medical practitioner correct this problem? This very edifying case was presented along with some important underlying factors which, likely, played a good role in leading to this severe complication of the seemingly very good treatment. Awareness of such and dozens of other important factors is what constitutes a high quality of mental software of a practitioner of bio-resonance testing versus the one that simply registers ‘muscle is weak’, ‘muscle is strong’, or ‘acupuncture points are balanced’ or not according to computer-machine. Should we not account for these factors a patient may end up in an emergency room where he/she is advised by conventional experts what to think of and, even, what to do with such good doctors like you and I.

  2. Patient has developed a tinnitus shortly following replacement of just one mercury filling.
    The tinnitus, most troublesome, has ruined his sleep at night and he feels depressed, physically and mentally exhausted and, altogether, being on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

    Considering how common removal of mercury fillings is in alternative medicine, including FCT, such a complication becomes far from being a purely scientific philosophical issue. As we have taught over the years, replacement of mercury fillings have led to numerous serious and long lasting side effects which chelations or other mercury detoxifying protocols, etc., have failed to correct. This case, in particular, and the issue in general will be covered.

    To add to the practicality of our ability to self-correct, in case of many malpractice law suits, legal expenses might run in thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars. Besides, in the cases like mercury fillings the courts are usually more persuaded by the mainstream medical experts – dentists, MD’s, etc. – whose current agenda remains that mercury fillings are no different from vitamin C. Yet, I have never encountered long term medical successes without removal of mercury fillings, when these were present, which means that we better prepare how to deal with potential side effects of the replacements.

  3. The facts are that severe and even crippling medical conditions followed after any medical interventions: Chinese medicine, osteopathic, chiropractic, nutritional, integrative medicine, chelations, functional medicine, classical homeopathy, homotoxicology and even massage and meditation and other and, certainly, after conventional medicine. We will present a good few of these. In none of these, especially alternative practitioners neither understood why it happened or how to correct these. So, in light of all of the above, our ability to correct is not an idle of an issue, overall.While in FCT we are not only warning of the possibilities of untoward effects of treatments, under what conditions these are likely to occur and how exactly minimize and correct these, practically, all of the alternative medical teachings avoid this important issue completely.

    One reason for this is that they honestly do not know why complications or outright crisis take place and another is that they do not wish to disclose this to their students for the fear of losing or discouraging them to continue their enrollments. The same general trend holds true in conventional medicine, except that it does teach about and how to recognize side effects of individual drugs, whereas synergistic side effects of several drugs is near impossible to predict or recognize. However, if these side effects happen to persist for the lack of ability to self-correct, then this is the way it is or a case of bad luck for a given patient.

    For those practitioners who might be concerned that FCT may produce some uncomfortable washouts, a word of reassurance. The word is that any alternative or conventional treatment can do this and the only way to avoid this completely is not to practice medicine, at all.

  4. A current public health threat from a new viral epidemic – EVD 68.
    It has sickened and hospitalized thousands of people, “and it quickly becomes life threatening in children”, quoting a pediatrician in one of children hospitals in the U.S. Quoting a father of one of the sick children, “It is scary seeing it to go from a cold to being probably minutes away from death.” Just a few days prior to this webinar I heard on the local news that a 10 year old child has died from apparent respiratory failure that ensued suddenly in a classroom. There is no drug, ‘natural’* or known homeopathic remedy for it. We will discuss the clinical presentation of this virus and FCT recommended preventative and therapeutic measures.

    * ‘Natural’ treatments, for the record, hardly exist. Strictly speaking ‘natural treatments’ essentially constitute either ignorance or marketing gimmick. Only because something is a non-drug it does not make it natural, per se. So, FCT, for better or worse, is not a natural treatment.

III.   FCT Clinical Quiz
A middle age man complains of having lowered energy, needing longer sleep, losing his creativity with difficulty in structuring longer sentences, lowered sex drive and muscle strength, feeling melancholic with inability to experience joy. Uncharacteristically for his A-type personality he is thinking of vacation more than of running his company.

His symptoms only slightly and short lifted after eating sweets, or fruit which normally boost him for much longer. Exposure to TV, computer, phones and low atmospheric pressure aggravates.

Following bio-resonance testing just one drop of a remedy resolved all of these problems. Fair to say that in alternative medicine, in particular, numerous treatments would have been the case.

What do you think was that remedy, or other legitimate ones???

IV.   Questions & Answers

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