
Webinar 030

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 030 – Recording (September 8th, 2014)

Webinar 30

“In religion, faith is a virtue. In science, faith is a vice.”
Jerry Coyne, Ph.D., Professor of Biology

I.   Science & Medicine

  1. Are all scientific theories born equal?
    Value of a theory and its brief discussion, as this also relates to medicine.


II.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. “Prey seeks its hunter.”
    Concerning science and medicine, one can’t find a better example of this Russian saying than in an unexpected detailed report from a patient which so vividly illustrates the subject of therapy optimization discussed in Webinar #029. She, inadvertently, logged among ‘a hundred complaints’ reflecting the actual results of optimization, before and after a mere step toward it. A true lesson for life for us and our patients!

  2. Another very practical case that concerns the same issue, but in a patient with only a few but quite debilitating complaints
    She always responded very well to FCT parasite treatments and, suddenly, has stopped doing so for months. As it turned out, what she was doing at that time – particularly with her being a professor and a very intelligent person – was quite beyond any reasonable guess.

  3. FCT in neurosurgical ICU, or more evidence that God’s ways are definitely not ours!
    It all started with a usual bike ride, last month, for this very skillful and devoted 23 year old bicyclist. However, the very first minute of the ride ended in a sudden medical catastrophe, where the experienced bicyclist seemed to have entirely lost control of his vehicle and flew off it, with his head slamming against a car.

    Following this, he was delivered comatose to a local university hospital, but only to engage in Part II of the proverbial Murphy’s Law, that day. For one, an emergency brain surgery added another injury to his brain when the neurosurgeon inadvertently severed his healthy brain artery, and two, while his brain was turned into a blood filled pressure cooker, the brain drainage catheter kept malfunctioning.

    While his parents attempted to turn to FCT and homeopathy in order for him to endure the ordeal and avoid another surgery, his neurosurgeon took a completely opposite stand. “It is not homeopathy, but another brain surgery is what he really needs to be saved,” was her uncompromising response to the parents. A different neurosurgeon concurred that another brain surgery was unavoidable. Yet, and finally to this young man’s better fortune, it turned out to be… the other way around!

    We will present more details concerning this bloody ordeal, including just a single FCT homeopathic treatment, preceding the turnaround. The next treatment is yet to be consumed by him will be discussed also.

  4. From brain to butt or – a case of a 4 year old girl with extreme constipation for over a year.
    She was treated with all of the conventional and ‘natural’ pharmaceutical laxatives possible, with clinical response ranging between zero and none. That is why she remained practically completely dependent on weekly enemas to expel any poops. However, following only two FCT treatments she has been happily and healthfully pooping ever since, while all of the ‘natural’ and unnatural aids have been discontinued. We have presented bio-resonance test findings concerning true causes of her severe constipation and their homeopathic treatment.

  5. From butt to joints, a follow up of a case of rheumatoid arthritis, presented initially in Webinar #006.
    Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be not only an incurable disease, but one of a particularly aggressive and destructive nature. Does this really have to be so?


III.   FCT Quiz or ‘Tooth for Tooth’ Issue
With the rate of ‘holistic’ dentists recommending to, and yanking the teeth of earnest citizens, the world is in imminent danger of running out of dentures, at this time. Quite a few and no less ‘holistic’ alternative practitioners followed suit, especially those who are ‘good’ at bio-resonance testing. I just recently saw another new victim/candidate for dentures, who has lost 20 teeth, due to these ‘holistic’ reasons. She was actually recommended to have six more removed, but thanks to my (allegedly) pacifistic nature and FCT, she was spared from being left with a toothless mouth. Perhaps only in some 5% of these cases might this ‘tooth for tooth’ measure be medically justified.
So, how does one precisely determine which teeth that tested as abnormal, indeed, need to be removed, and which ones to be spared from such dental activity? We have answered this question by displaying the bio-resonance testing performed.

IV.   Questions & Answers

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