
Webinar 029

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 029 – Recording (August 4th, 2014)

“The right to search for truth implies also a duty; one must
not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true.”
Albert Einstein

I.   Science & Medicine
Completing the criteria of predictive power of a theory and its application to medical approaches. How FCT addresses enhancement of predictive power, both for and against recovery.

II.   Clinical Quiz
A patient reports that he used to enjoy his daily morning ‘kick’, from coffee and jam. But, for some time the ‘kick’ has ceased kicking and changing coffee and jam brands did nothing to reboot it.

Q: Where and what do you think the block is in his body and how can we re-kick the ‘kick’?

III.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. As if on purpose, after this program was about to enter cyberspace, the ‘prodigal son’ or a patient who dropped out from FCT a year ago has returned after seeking a ‘better way’ through conventional and alternative medicines. She did improve, yet why did she return and, also, shared her journey with tears on her face?
          The main reason for presenting this case is because of its practical clinical weight as it relates to both predictive power and subject II, obscure scientific research… of webinar 27.

  2. Another case of desperately ill sick young woman who after years of seeing a sizable army of alternative and conventional medical practitioners remains just as sick.

    Please see attached her medical report:

From:                 [               @hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2014 7:20 PM
To: info@yurkovsky.com
Subject: RE: Follow Up Phone Consult

Hi Garland,

I put together a document to list all of my symptoms and I have begun to track changes/progress by each FCT treatment. Unfortunately, to date, there has been little improvement. With this, I have included full details on my case for Dr. Yurkovsky’s review and consideration. There is an infectious process going on in my case that is very resistant and wreaking havoc on my system. I have provided details on what few treatments have worked, which have had adverse effects, diagnostic findings conventionally and alternatively speaking, etc. I look forward to speaking with Dr. Yurkovsky on May 14th. I do hope he finds this document helpful in managing my case and I remain fully compliant and dedicated to his protocol and restoring my health.

Thank you kindly,

Updated: May 2014
Symptom List & Tracking of Progress with FCT – 1-10 (10 being severe)

Symptom Current May, 1st
Widespread deep pain all over 9
Joint pain (esp knees, wrists, etc.) 9
Nausea 8
Vaginitis (dryness, pain, itching – worse after eating anything) 9
Abdominal distention 9
Rectal Itching 9
Tingling all over (esp after eating) 9
Swelling & redness in fingers 9
Abdominal pain (deep razor like, stabbing, throbbing ) 9
Itchy, red eyes 8
Muscle twitching 8
Hyper reflexes 6
Cracking/crunching sound in head 9
Involuntary muscle movements 5
Thick yellow/white coated tongue 9
Sore red throat 7
Cracking at base of skull upon movement 7
Night sweats 7
Chills/sweats 8
Dizziness 8
Chills after eating 7
Deep squeezing pain in upper abdomen. Throbbing in stomach esp after eating 9
Low back pain 9
Heaviness, pain in pelvic region 7

Response from FCT Treatment

1st Treatment – Deep intestinal squeezing/pain with treatment, detox including nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for one day. Greatest response to Xenbiotics I believe. A little relief in pain and inflammation but it has since returned.

2nd Treatment – Notice no reactions to remedies

Notes of Importance/Highlights About My Case:

  • All began with gut issues 5 years ago (distention, rectal and vaginal itching (negative for yeast cultures), deep pain in abdomen and pelvic area))
  • Have tried many alternative therapies with various clinicians, physicians with little to no relief.
  • Agrisept (Grapefruit Seed Extract) in water offered 50% improvement in health within 1 week. Achieved approx. 60% health over two month period of taking Agrisept and then I developed an allergy to the treatment. Within 12 hours of stopping Agrisept, crippled with pain deep in tissues, sweats, severe pain in bowels, etc. all over again.
  • ND suspects possible issue with gut fermentation where microbes are present in upper digestive organs that should NOT be there. This would be confirmed by reaction to Allicin treatment. This could possibly be due to malfunctioning ileocecal valve that allows bacteria, etc. from large intestine to enter the small intestine. Majority of abdominal symptoms are in upper digestive organs!
  • Something from my gut is now systemic. With tissue involvement (hence eosonophils)!
  • Treatment for biofilm induced 24 hour vomiting of what is believed to be biofilm (likely from my intestines – which is protecting microbes)
  • Hyperbaric oxygen treatment – drove something deeper in to tissues (severe pain) – ND suspects some sort of pathogen that is anaerobic and can evade immune response.
  • Sugar makes me worse and causes deep tissue pain, however, eating in general intensifies many of my symptoms.
  • Constipation for days (up to 4 at a time) if I consume any carbohydrates/starches.
  • EAV testing indicates some sort of parasite infection causing the most stress. High stress on many organs including spleen, liver, intestines, joints, etc.
  • Clinic in Mexico suspects possible systemic case of Blastocystis Hominis or something like a parasitic yeast that feeds off of sugars/starches. EAV testing continues to show Blastocystis Hominis as major stress on body.
  • Overactive/auto immune state yet immune deficiency issues present
  • Began treatment of Allicin (garlic and cinnamon) used for intestinal yeasts, dysbiosis, fungus, parasites, etc. Intense reaction including nausea, deep intestinal pain and pulling sensation, vomiting, chills, etc.
  • Abnormal reaction to alpha lipoic acid IV given by ND. Flu like with pain all over for hours after IV. ALA detoxes heavy metals but also is used to detox mycotoxins and toxins stored in fatty cells.
  • Had relief following biological medicine treatment protocol consisting of heavy metal chelation, vitamin and mineral support, many Pleo Sanum remedies for gut repair, immune modulation, liver support, diet, etc. Achieved 100% health for three weeks and then without any warning or understanding, all symptoms came back immediately.
  • Some symptom relief with alkaline IV’s from naturopathic doctor.
  • One wisdom tooth cavitation treated with surgery at medical clinic in Mexico. Major flu like detox issue within hours of surgery.
  • Intolerance (pain, distention) to probiotics
  • Menstrual irregularities, bleeding during intercourse
  • Countless rounds of antibiotic treatments starting from young age for chronic ear infections and over past several years (see list of drugs prescribed by pharmacy dating back as far as they could provide)
  • On birth control pill (mainly Alesse) for 12 years. Stopped pill once I became ill in 2009.

Alternative Doctors’ Findings:

  • Significant gut dysbiosis, many opportunistic bacteria (yersinia, klebsellia). Little evidence of yeast in stool samples. Something present in gut that is causing chronic dysbiosis despite ongoing treatment for this imbalance.
  • Stool tests show fungal infection (species not specified), and a non-human protozoa parasite (not specified)
  • High levels of tissue acidity (likely as a by-product of the illness)
  • Lyme, mycoplasma (other cell wall deficient bacteria) infections
  • Severe global immune stress
  • Adrenal stress, thyroid dysfunction
  • High levels overall toxicity especially in tissues
  • Teeth/dental focus including cavitations from wisdom teeth extractions
  • Teeth focus is likely related to same microbes in gut are in gums.
  • All mucosal linings inflamed, stressed, dysbiotic
  • Impaired detoxification including MTHFR (metabolism of B vitamins for detox purposes) gene present.
  • Low levels of amino acids
  • Malabsorption due to gut issues
  • Leaky gut highly suspected – dysbiotic toxins in gut getting in to blood stream and stored in tissues, brain?
  • Suspect mycotoxins present as by-product of unidentified yeast/mold/fungus/parasite infection
  • Highly allergic condition that involves systemic immune response to foods, herbal remedies, etc.
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
  • Ileocecal valve dysfunction
  • Stool analysis indicates pancreatic insufficiency
  • Concern over vaccines administered prior to onset of illness including: MMR, Tetnaus, Tuberculosis test.
  • Jaw issue – possible TMJ/bite ?

Conventional Doctors’ Findings:

  • MCH/MCV red blood cells consistent with MTHFR genetic issue
  • Low WBC that fluctuate
  • High lymph that fluctuate
  • Eosonophilia – specifically at beginning of illness (30 times the normal range) prolonged for 3 months.
  • Reactive bone marrow biopsy
  • Bowel adhesions (found near ileocecal valve region and descending colon)
  • Benign bowel tumor (5cm) removed from ileocecal valve region
  • Nonspecific conjunctivitis
  • Autoimmune, toxicity, infectious process – very complex to identify and treat
  • High levels of viral titres including high MMR, EBV, Cyto virus, herpes
  • Finger edema with inflammatory cells indicates inflammatory auto immune process

List of Antibiotics & Other Drugs Taken Over The Years (some may be missing but this was the most comprehensive list dating back as far as 2008). I took antibiotics prior to this for strep throat and then others over the years for childhood ear infections, etc.

Cipro Doxycycline Flurometholone
Flagyl Naproxen Venlafaxine
Levofloxacin Cephalexin Fluorometholone
Amikacin (injection) Hyrodmorphone Dexamethaxone
Niacin Amitriptyline Lorazepam
Metronidazole Pantroprazole Azithromycin
Alprzolam Terconazole Vermox
Valacyclovir Zopiclone

An important warning in treating such patient(s).
In the process I will raise some bad questions, in anticipation of your good answers, concerning what we should perceive as disease in the first place. This is absolutely necessary not only for us to treat what is only necessary to be treated in order to succeed, but to also gain patient’s cooperation and understanding without which treatment fails and a patient drops out. To also note that if such a seemingly simple entity as disease was so simple, why then do we have conventional meaning of disease and, at least, 100 alternative ones? And by the way, we will illustrate a recent opinion of scientists, from perhaps the most prestigious medical school in the United States, regarding the mainstream understanding of disease. Yet, most of our patients are still under the illusion of this understanding

IV.   Questions & Answers

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