
Webinar 027

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 027 – Recording (June 2nd, 2014)

In commemoration of Memorial DayIn commemoration of Memorial Day

I.   Science & Medicine

  • The predictive power of a theory is one of the essential criteria to judge the capability of different medical approaches.

    “A serious hypothesis can be distinguished from an unserious one by the fact that it has predictive power which can be examined by critical experiments.”

    Professor of physics, Fritz-Albert Popp, Ph.D., pioneer in biophoton research and coherence systems in biology.

    Understanding these criteria is a great aid for medical practitioners not to invest considerable time and resources into medical approaches which lack predictive power.

    Clear illustrations from sciences and medicine are discussed.

II.   Obscure scientific research of tremendous clinical importance concerning HIV type of mechanisms of numerous infectious agents, from Lyme to intestinal parasites, which can disarm protective mechanisms of our immune system

  • This obscure scientific review article of tremendous medical importance presents numerous treacherous mechanisms through which all four major categories of microbes – funguses (yeasts, molds), bacteria, viruses and parasites – turn off, or impair host’s immune defenses. Many exact mechanisms have been discussed.

    This data confirms FCT’s long held notion that most of chronic infections are not killable or solved through ‘better’ or ‘stronger’ antimicrobial agents, conventional or alternative. Instead, these are resolved through the two major therapeutic strategies.

    One is aimed at enhancing immune capacity of the host by addressing immune suppressive factors such as environmental pollutants, diet, EMFs, total load of infectious organisms, and other important factors. And the other, at training immune system to enhance its response against chronic infections, through the corresponding homeopathic stimulation or remedies prepared from the same infectious agents which cause these infections.

III.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. Prediction and a documented case of a cured autistic boy through FCT, with initial genetic abnormality that would require lifelong ‘special supplements’ to ‘correct’ it.

    This case of a boy with autism and pronounced ADHD has been initially evaluated by DAN (defeat autism now) doctor, through myriad of lab tests which suggested even genetic defect, significant infections and other abnormalities. However, the mother turned out to have enough intelligence to take my advice to ignore all of these tests and undertake FCT, instead.

    The end result, as documented by a report of a pediatric neurologist, a cured boy. Some of the BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings and treatments are presented.

    Other very useful points for medical practice, in this case:

    • Addressing important variables which lead to enhanced predictive power of FCT
    • Crisis with the parents due to the boy hitting a plateau or dead end, in the middle of his treatment course
    • Effective dialogue with and illustration to parents why and how they were blocking the therapeutic process

    Lack of effective explanations to patients for slow coming therapeutic success, constitutes the most common reason for them discontinuing their further care.

  2. The MD parents of autistic boy presented in Webinar #026, wish to discontinue FCT because it seems to be just a continuation of homeopathic side effects which they had encountered aplenty prior to FCT. And…

    Understanding complexity involved in chronic diseases and how consistently addressing its important variables enhances predictive power for the success of FCT.

IV.   Questions and Answers

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