
Webinar 026

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 026 – Recording (April 28th, 2014)

I.   Science & Medicine

  1. Definition of what generally constitutes a sound explanation of a theory.
  2. How to evaluate the failures of a theory.
  3. Practical significance of the items #1 & #2, for medical practice. How do we distinguish a sound theory that may fail, from a flimsy theory that succeeds? How to apply this knowledge towards the existing and new approaches in conventional and alternative medicine.

II.   FCT Medical Clinic

  1. A very important major dental block and its bio-resonance testing forensics. Also, distinguishing a block from just a problem.Description of a formidable dental block to treatments. Their specific types, morbid effects, and related therapeutic strategy. Failing to recognize these dooms these treatments not only to failure, but to severe and even permanent aggravations and side effects.
  2. Is it necessary to remove dozens of teeth which do not bother a person, for the sake of saving that person from ‘dead’ teeth? This is the dilemma that one of our FCT colleagues is facing, in her 2nd opinion ‘chair’.

    What do we tell the patient?
  3. A case of two MD parents giving alternative medicine a chance, and the tragedy they face today as the result.

    This is the case of an initially bright and imaginative boy with only some speech delay, who was treated by three integrative DAN MDs, homeopathic practitioner of homotoxicology using complex homeopathics, two naturopathic doctors who used allergy desensitization, complex homeopathy and classical homeopathy, and an MD from a prestigious university medical center, who treated him for a mitochondrial disorder containing allegedly mitochondria enhancing ingredients. All of these practitioners and their treatments – without exception – have made him worse or much worse, where today, he is severely mentally retarded and had to be placed by his school into a classroom with full blown autistic children.

    This is one of many reasons why we teach a course on science, so that we all can readily discern medical naiveté and gullibility, which led to this mutilation. If these medical practitioners were familiar with, and understood the full meaning of just one important criterion of a theory – conflict – and took it seriously, this tragedy would not have occurred. Needless to say, and as this has been the case throughout my learning journey in alternative medicine, whether this is DAN, integrative medicine, complex or classical homeopathy, allergy desensitization, Lyme disease treatments, and 100 others, no one will disclose such failures at their corresponding teaching events or media. They exactly comply with the common formula that has been well-discerned in medical literature or one of selective reporting, where only a few positive outcomes are being presented, while the majority of failures and harmful outcomes like this remain withheld. This pattern has been identified as a single prevailing deceit in both alternative and conventional medicine.

    This boy’s years of medical history or essential tragedy, his bio-resonance testing findings and FCT treatment have been detailed.

    Can such damage be undone?

    Also, this boy, according to bio-resonance testing, has presented challenging, interesting, and unusual blocks to treatment for his age, which have led to aggravations with FCT. An expert’s information on the issue was also shared by one of the webinar participants.

    FCT strategy?

III.   Questions and Answers

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