
Webinar 025

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 025 – Recording (March 31st, 2014)

Webinar 025

I.   Perhaps the single foremost important property of a theory – its explanatory power – as the prerequisite for problem solving in science, medicine, and ordinary life.

  • Appreciating the importance of understanding all of the fundamental aspects of a problem as the prerequisite to effective action, and how in the field of medicine just the opposite has taken place. The actions taken by those in the field are akin to placing the proverbial cart before the horse.
  • An illustration between lock – chronic diseases – and key – some therapeutic approach/paradigm, has been conveyed. While a lock has been presented with up to a dozen and a half different segments, the prevailing medical keys have been able to match only a few. Thereby, such treatments, conventional or alternative, are only doomed to fail, and even worse, damage the lock in the process.

II.   In depth discussion of general strategy concerning FCT algorithm of bio-resonance testing.

  • How to effectively and safely vary from an average initial prescribing of 10-20 remedies, to only two, or even a single one.
  • Do we necessarily support ‘the more the better’ principle?
  • What types of pernicious agents necessitate multiple sarcodes and which much fewer?
  • Working dynamics between mental software of a practitioner of bio-resonance testing and patient’s body. The war and conflict between the objective and subjective nature of bio-resonance testing, or its secret chest for both victories and failures.

III.   A follow up on a very challenging case of chronic hallucinogenic schizophrenia, initially presented in Webinar #024.

  • Understanding the dynamics of both positive and seemingly negative or worsening in a patient’s response, and still existing symptoms of a disease.
  • Understanding the comparative hierarchy and importance of the old and new symptoms, even if seemingly adverse ones, this might mislead one into believing that a disease is getting worse.
  • Importance of not being trigger happy with intervening too soon with additional treatment, regardless of whether we have the ‘best’ intentions or it ‘makes sense’ to do so. It is because such hasty actions may also terminate the previous and still acting effective remedies.
  • Bio-resonance testing as an indispensable guide in determining which remedies, constitutional or other homeopathics are still acting, it guides in commanding patience, or determining which organs and tissues are ready for extra help.

    This is where most of the homeopaths are making their chief mistakes and either ruin potential cures, or even worse, exacerbate the disease.

  • Importance of concurrently addressing blocks to the treatment in a patient’s lifestyle.

IV.   Questions and Answers – fielding and resolving important uncertainties.

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