
Webinar 023

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 023 – Recording (February 3rd, 2014)

I.   Science, medicine and the recent interview in the major media of the director of the National Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine, under the NIH (National Institute of Health in the United States), Josephine Briggs, MD.

  1. We have presented some of the very revealing points of this interview, taken place two weeks before, which inadvertently supports our overall low scientific assessment of conventional and alternative medicines. This inevitably raises a question, no longer “if”, but “why” do they carry low scientific value?
    • Dr. Briggs could not offer any explanations. This, coincidentally, we started offering in concrete terms since Webinar #20, with our introduction to the rules and fundamental criteria of science.
  2. Therefore, with Dr. Briggs’ ‘blessings’, we have continued where we left off in Webinar #22 in our analysis of what constitutes the very backbone of science and medicine, too – Theory – and how to effectively identify its strong and weak traits.

    [Note: Unfortunately due to webinar software malfunction, the single illustration was distorted during the webinar session, even though it checked as intact prior. However, I announced their actual criteria in Illustration I-1:

    3. Pertinence & Relevance
    4. Meaning or weight of pertinent knowledge
    5. Inclusiveness

    There are two solutions for this problem, if you still need a visual aid, one, you may review the illustration I-1 in the recording of Webinar #22, or two, we will email it upon request from a registrant.]

II.   Clinical Part

  1. Treating the flu well is good, but not overlooking the meningitis behind it is even better.
    • Every winter season undiagnosed, or diagnosed-too-late-meningitis, hiding behind the symptoms of the flu or common cold, claims a number of lives – some 1500 annually according to the NMA (National Meningitis Association).
      Even when the victims survive, due to prolonged hospitalizations and heavy use of antibiotics, the residual neurological deficits may persist for a lifetime.
      We presented two cases of detected meningococcal infection with their subtle signs, BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings, and homeopathic treatment.

      Because it is indeed easy to overlook the beginning stages of meningitis, particularly during the flu season, one can read reports of lawsuits against doctors or emergency rooms who receive the blame, afterwards.

  2. The recent CDC (Center for Disease Control) report, concerning the current flu strain and its fatalities.
  3. A very edifying case of a severe sports injury involving the ‘Master’ himself and subsequent surgery.

    • Homeopathic management with numerous classical and FCT remedies, following the injury, prior to, and in the aftermath of the surgery. How these remedies abated any need for the customary, under the circumstances, multiple medications – anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, painkillers – or physical therapy.

      Indeed, prior to the surgery, several regular painkillers were recommended and following it even a strong narcotic was prescribed also. Fortunately, none of them needed to be consumed, not even Tylenol.

      You may certainly apply the main principles of this approach towards any injury or pre and post-surgery.

      Unfortunately due to the aforementioned computer malfunction, the key notes displayed of classical homeopathic remedies with specific indications were distorted also and will be displayed in the next Webinar, #24.

  4. A refractory urinary tract infection due to a rather unusual bacteria and why.
  5. A significant improvement in mental function of a white collar professional following FCT treatment for parasites.

III.   Questions & answers are presented.

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