
Webinar 022

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 022 – Recording (January 6th, 2014)

I.   Science

  1. Scientific theories, good and bad.
    • Continuation of previous webinars on the subject of key principles of science and their role in determining the most effective medical approaches and their means toward chronic diseases.
    • Since science deems theory as the single most important tool to solve its problems, we will briefly present some dozen main criterion based on which science grades quality of its theories, e.g., scientific four star generals versus just privates.
    • One will be able to also apply these impartial and reliable standards toward any medical claims, starting with FCT, as well as any piece of medical machinery, product, test, etc.

II.   Clinical Part

  1. A case of chronic disabling disease, due to fluoroquinolones antibiotic toxicity that was cured in a single FCT treatment.
    • In one of our previous, recent Webinars we brought up this new and very debilitating chronic disease that has affected tens of thousands of people, if not more, worldwide. I suspect that most of its underreported victims are not able to relate their illness to those antibiotics, due to several factors. One of these is that the illness started after some time lapse following the administration, and another is that these deadly antibiotics are present in our food and drinking water. This involves residual and permanent toxicity to the following antibiotics: Cirpo, Avelox, Levaquin, Amifloxacin, Levofloxacin, Rufloxacin, and others. So far, neither conventional nor alternative medicine has had any answers for these victims. From their Facebook group, the suffering reported is of such great intensity and is lasting literally around the clock for many, that several of these victims have reportedly committed suicide. Some of their bloggers have reported DNA damage, according to medical testing.

      It is my strong belief that FCT is the only solution to this problem and, therefore, it is important for all of us to be capable of treating these victims with the utmost facility.

    • Here is this patient’s medical presentation. She is a woman in her 50’s with the following medical history. She considered herself healthy, until the time she developed a urinary tract infection earlier this year, and took Cipro antibiotic. Following this, the urinary tract infection was not resolved, but went away after taking the Macrobid antibiotic. Soon after this she developed another urinary tract infection, due to a urinary catheter which was placed at the time of orthopedic surgery, and had to consume another antibiotic from the fluoroquinolone family – Levaquin, for 10 days. Shortly after she developed muscle weakness and fatigue, and fell as a result, tearing a tendon in her pelvic area in the process. Following this injury she developed yet another urinary tract infection, for which she was prescribed Levaquin, again. However, 6 days into the course, her fatigue had become extreme and she started suffering from generalized muscle pains and experiencing micro-tears of the psoas muscle in her pelvis, upon even minor movements. To treat these tears, a course of Prednisone was summoned following which she had become even sicker. Her pain increased in severity, and she developed generalized tendinitis in her upper body, and had to use a walker to just move a few steps. She also developed sore Achilles tendons and felt that one of her chest muscles tore too. Along with this she started suffering from vaginal yeast infections, deteriorated vision, and obtunded memory for words with episodes of confusion, urinary urgency, and severe peripheral neuropathy with intense burning around the clock. Both her internist and orthopedist, who prescribed fluoroquinolones, felt sorry for her, but did not know how to undo these side effects.

      Her past medical history is remarkable for a torn Achilles tendon in 2008, and she is not sure if she had taken Cipro prior to that. All five of her mercury fillings were removed in the 1990’s.

    • As one can tell, there is little margin for error in cases like these, and many of these victims did experience severe side effects from many ‘natural’ treatments which they tried.
      BRT (bio-resonance testing) findings and their based treatment items will be displayed, and a brief analysis of the case rendered.

  2. On a related issue: How the presence of fluoroquinolones, other antibiotics, and other very toxic and carcinogenic substances in our foods and drinking water may not only induce, but forever sustain any chronic disease.
    • We will illustrate official scientific data concerning routine presence of these ingredients in our daily diet.
    • The ‘best’ part of this is that except for BRT, there are virtually no readily available practical tests to spot this mass poisoning of entire nations, worldwide.
  3. A patient opts for mercury filling replacement and ends up in a hospital ICU (intensive care unit). Important medical and legal implications for referring health practitioners will be discussed.

III.   Questions & answers are presented.

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