
Webinar 021

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 021 – Recording (December 2nd, 2013)

This webinar represents a combined program between the basic foundation and tools of science, and very challenging clinical cases.

I.   Science

  • Starting with Webinar #20, we continue to address the largest and most critical gap in medical education – rules, tools, and criteria for the understanding, evaluating, and assembling a sound structure of scientific knowledge. As it was presented through solid scientific sources in Webinar #20, this gap, and particularly in medicine, nobody wishes to even acknowledge for the fear of threat to the great majority of conventional, and especially alternative, specialties and products.
  • Thus, as the experience has clearly shown which we will continue to pinpoint, the great majority of conventional and alternative practitioners, without understanding these criteria have simply become prey to speculations, or formally scientific but weak theories, which they are truly unable to even recognize as such.
  • This section too, as its counterpart in Webinar #20, has been presented through common language and visual aids which convey complex scientific issues through easy to relate to concepts.
  • Among the topics presented:
    1. The main process that science uses in order to avoid its stagnation, adulteration, or production of low scientific value, speculative and unreliable knowledge.
    2. The main distinguishing features between: theories, hypotheses, scientific theories, and speculations.
    3. The foremost importance of correct scientific theory in science. Quotes of some of the most prominent scientists, including Nobel Laureates, concerning this subject.
    4. Rankings and hierarchy of significance between formally correct scientific theories. In the face of the billions of formally correct scientific findings pertaining to the human body and its environment in health and disease, is there an exact formula to construct these findings into reliable and effective theories? Or, do correct television parts necessarily equal to a working television? What does science state in this regard?
Q: Without this information, how do you know, exactly, if a specialty, technology, equipment, products we were trained to utilize, represent hypothesis, sound scientific theory, or a mere speculation covered up by ‘fashionable scientific nonsense’, as noted in Webinar #20?
As a practical demonstration we used two impressive looking medical textbooks of specialties which marshal thousands of formally correct scientific references in support. These specialties are very much in vogue, these days – Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine. Yet, once we subjected them to the simple, impartial criteria of scientific scrutiny, both specialties have revealed their real value.

II.   Challenging Clinical Cases

  1. This is the case of a young woman who has consumed only a few capsules of a natural supplement that, as many these days, promises delivery of active lifestyle, vigor, etc. However, following its administration she was hospitalized and became a chronic invalid.

    Here is exactly how she became ill:

    Webinar 021 Case

    At the time when I saw this young woman at my office, in November 2013, she presented a long list of the following medical problems:

    • Inability to walk due to legs buckling.
    • Swelling of tongue and throat.
    • Numbness in parts of the body.
    • Tingling.
    • Burning, in different parts of the body.
    • Headaches, migraines.
    • Sores in the mouth and thrush.
    • Ear infection.
    • Cold feet and numbness.
    • Weakness/Fatigue
    • Weakness in hands & feet
    • 40 lb. weight loss due to loss of appetite.
    • Frightened
    • Vertigo
    • Eyes shaking, eyes hurting, eyes burning
    • Eyeballs are moving and jumping if closes eyelids when trying to fall asleep.
    • Shaking inside the head
    • Whole body shaking
    • Crying
    • Feeling like body is being attacked from the inside out.

    She has seen numerous doctors: internists, neurologists, and ENT specialists. Except for the diagnosis of non-specified toxic neuropathy and positional vertigo, no concrete conclusion concerning the exact causes of her medical illness has been established. She was treated with eight drugs, at various times during her illness, however, she reacted with side-effects to all of them, and they had to be discontinued.

    • Bio-resonance testing and its findings.
    • FCT treatment.
    • The outcome
    • The follow up bio-resonance testing and clinical significance of its findings in her illness.

  2. FCT and the two very challenging, advanced metastatic cancer cases which had failed other treatments.
    1. BRT
    2. FCT management and cancer isodes not previously presented.
    3. Clinical response.
    4. Is the more vitamin C or antioxidants the better?
    5. The role of dietary regiment and Food Kit testing in it.


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