
Webinar 020

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 020 – Recording (November 4th, 2013)

“Since the days of revelation, in fact, the same four corrupting errors have been made over and over again: submission to faulty and unworthy authority; submission to what it was customary to believe; submission to the prejudices of the mob; and worst of all, concealment of ignorance by a false show of withheld knowledge, for no better reason than pride.” Roger Bacon (1214-1294). English Philosopher who emphasized the importance of establishing the scientific method in science, in order to aid in arriving at reliable knowledge. His work was inspired by Robert Grosseteste, of the 12th century, an English statesman and philosopher.

“We have to get rid of all sorts of ‘idols’, or generally held false beliefs; for these distort our observations.” Francis Bacon (1561-1626). English philosopher and scientist who emphasized the importance of verification in vetting out the different competing hypotheses within science.

This is pretty much where both conventional and alternative medicine is still in a deadlock concerning their different, individual approaches, and this is what we are undertaking to accomplish through these webinar series on science.

I.   This webinar begins a multi-series course in exposing and explaining the prevailing gross errors and misrepresentations in both conventional and alternative medicine concerning science, as these relate to management of chronic diseases throughout the world today.

  1. Behind the impressive terms and public images of scientists as deities in white robes, the more realistic view of scientists has been formulated through the concept of human ideals or priorities, which too often conflict with the true goals of science.
    • This quote concerning medical scientists speaks for itself: “I want the general public to know that science isn’t run the way they read about it in the newspapers and magazines. I want laypeople to understand that they cannot automatically accept scientists’ pronouncements at face value, for too often they’re self-serving and misleading. I want our citizens, nonscientists as well as investigators, to work to change the way research is administered. The way it’s currently funded and evaluated, we’re learning more and more and about less and less, and science is becoming our enemy instead of our friend.” Professor Robert Becker, MD SUNY Upstate Medical Center, Syracuse. Two-time Nobel Prize nominee and author of “Electromagnetism and Life”, “The Body Electric. Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life”, and “Cross Currents. The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of Electropollution”
    • Opinions, including some of the most revered scientists of all times on the subject of whether scientists necessarily advance or destroy scientific progress.
    • How do medical practitioners, conventional and alternative, including experts, choose their corresponding fields of practice?
  2. Examining the true scientific value of other main pillars of medical training in conventional and alternative medicine.
    • Teaching formally correct scientific findings based on scientific references and medical research.
    • Can doing something formally scientific be just as good of a formula for success as it is for profound failure?
    • Medical authority: notorious experts, teachers, specialists, and medical textbooks. Why impartial evaluation of the genuine, practical value of the opinions and concepts expressed by these sources has been avoided and silenced?
    • Majority of participants in or proponents of a certain medical specialty.
    • Prestigious universities or medical schools.
    • Scientific studies, clinical trials, scientific medicine, evidence-based medicine. Myths and reality.
  3. Does medicine, being an inexact science, have any means, unlike exact sciences, to even know or detect gross errors within its specialties?
  4. What is the ultimate goal of science?
    • Research?
    • Discoveries?
    • Publishing articles in scientific journals?
    • Advancing new theories?
    • None of the above?

    The correct answer is discussed.

II.   Have any of you ever found fluoride as a culprit in any disease?

  1. Have we been overlooking it? Or is there nothing to look for in the first place? The participants’ comments concerning this issue and findings are presented.

III.   Is aluminum another neuro-poison like thimerosal?
IV.   Questions & Answers

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