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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 019 – Recording (October 7th, 2013)
To all FCT colleagues and interested parties
Announcement of Webinar 019 Program to be held on
Monday, 10/17/13 at 12 PM (New York time)
I. Subjects: Old and New.
- Blood and other autoisodes and related issues.
We continued our discussion at Webinar 18 concerning some interesting and important subjects. Some of these I caught on to after reviewing your questions on the webinar recording, and others through emails which followed. Both of these sources have revealed some uncertainties and weaknesses which we have addressed during this discussion of such an important clinical issue. This concerns both therapeutic and testing matters. Also, some emailed suggestions were provocative and, potentially, of use which have analyzed. We have also, utilizing some pertinent, scientific data presented at FCT Basic DVD course, have pointed to the truly dual nature of bio-resonance testing, generically, as being both objective and subjective; where subjectivity originates from a practitioner’s scope of knowledge or mental software that can both lead him in the right direction and lure him in the wrong one, just as easily.
- Do the rich have different poisons in their bodies from us poor slobs? Even as the end is the same…
In case Bill Gates or Warren Buffet walks into your office, tomorrow, as a new patient, you may find this information useful, and know exactly what to test these guys for. Some interesting data was presented as well as its clinical significance.
- A follow up on our star patient with molds, Lyme co-infections, insomnia, insanity, 101 allergies, and everything else under the sun, who was presented in Webinar #012.
We have presented a series of FCT treatments and along with her feedback. This journey has been as much fun as tight-rope walking between two sky scrapers, however, so far the walk has been very gratifying for both myself, professionally, and the patient. - A patient who experienced an exodus of worms on FCT treatment even though it did not contain anything for parasites.
Some interesting immune sarcodes were presented along with the entire treatment.
- An old prophecy and FCT.
- I have recently reopened an old book written by a very intelligent doctor, decades back. The last time I perused it was some 20 years ago, when his prophetic words concerning EMF were not fully appreciated by me. However, this time I could fully relate to these. We have displayed his statement for all of you to see because of its very practical meaning for our medical practice and survival too, both of which FCT has been stressing. He stated that pharmaceutical treatments are all doomed to begin with, since they are too superficial to accomplish true healing. Yet, energetic treatments such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and named other, are seriously compromised because of onslaught of EMF. Again, it is remarkable that he stated this as long as some 30 years ago, when EMF demon was half the size of today’s.
- Also a statement from a physicist and the author of several books concerning homeopathics and EMF has been presented.
II. Questions and Answers