
Webinar 012

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 012 – Recording (March 11th, 2013)


  1. Two Clinical updates on: A case of high risk of sudden death plus “a few more problems”, from Webinar #11 (2nd case)
  2. Brief comment of simple but important oversights which I have observed in the cases of both North American and European students which render treatments as ineffective. And how addressing these simple oversights have started promptly correcting medical conditions of patients.
    A common and crucial mistake in both conventional and all of alternative medicine where the main focus is placed on treatments, themselves, while key factors in patient’s life style and environment effectively block treatments. Analysis of concrete patient cases with diverse chronic diseases where these key factors have been ignored.
  3. A case that is beyond challenging and how, mainly, alternative medical practitioners have brought this patient on a verge of dying.
    This is a quite similar scenario to the one I presented years ago in the article “The Law of Unintended Consequences and Non-Disease Treatment of Diseases (part 1 and 2, https://www.yurkovsky.com/books-and-media/articles/#consequences),” but even far more severe and tragic.This case, among numerous other cases, which I have observed, successfully treated and presented throughout FCT® educational media, clearly demonstrates one key lesson. This lesson is to be particularly edifying for all alternative or integrative medical practitioners, regardless of their specialty. This lesson does not originate from FCT® or me, per se, but from exact sciences and solid scientific disciplines which unlike medicine, are, known for superior and consistent success. One of these disciplines – Laws of Complex Systems – emphasizes in the Law of Unintended Consequences that ‘we can never do merely one thing’ in relation to complex or highly interdependent and interconnected system, such as, and particularly, human body. Meaning that every single action, no matter how well intended or seemingly benign for one part or, in medicine: ‘natural’, ‘holistic’, ‘progressive’, ‘detoxifying’, ‘balancing’, ‘clearing’ ,‘chelating, etc., runs an inevitable risk of producing harm to other parts of complex system. Certainly, the more actions and/or with deeper acting therapeutic means these are being carried the far more multiples the risk. Among the endless library of such cases, which I have observed and treated over decades, this case is a medical textbook classic where this suffering, and destitute by now, woman was damaged by so many alternative ‘progressive’ treatments, and subjected to myriads of their senseless tests, too. I am presenting this case intentionally before I treated her, as many similar FCT webinar cases, in order to avoid a common deception in alternative medicine — selective reporting — where for one demonstrated or rumoured successful case, thousands of the failed ones remain silenced. This selective reporting (not only my detection) is, unfortunately, purposeful in order to spare ‘good reputation’ of a method, specialty, teacher, professional teaching organization, medical products etc.

    Let us see, by following through on her and other cases with very challenging and advanced chronic diseases, whether FCT® would make the difference.

    Read carefully her own testimony, the ‘famous’ treatments she went through, some ‘big experts’ she quotes, yet the final outcome speaks for itself.

    Here is the patient’s tragic ordeal in her own words.

    Case – 3 Part #1

    Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:03PM
    To: info@yurkovsky.com
    Subject: Dr. Yurkovsky
    Dear Dr Yurkovsky,

    I am about to fill in your forms but my story is so long I decided to send you this chronology of what has happened.
    Here is the first part of the story – I wrote this long ago and it explains some of the terrible trauma I have gone through. But I will send you another e mail that tells you the recent, more relevant stuff that has so disturbed me and made me give up hope.

    Family history:
    * Father (died age 72 of lung cancer), alcoholic; did not know his father so this side of family ancestry unknown – possibly American. Paternal grandmother (died of cirhosis of the liver) also alcoholic.
    * Mother, now 82, fibromyalgia all her life. Now many symptoms dry eyes, sore lymph nodes, heart disease, IBS, osteoporosis.
    * Twin sister; lyme, babesia; possible co-infections, asthma, allergies, teenage anorexia, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, ocd, chlamydia pneumonia, depression, anxiety.
    * Older sister, sick as a child; asthma, scarlet fever, rarely at school.
    * Older brother, hayfever, rage, possible alcoholism.
    * Eldest brother; severe depression, brain fog, anxiety, indecisive, unable to work for unexplained reasons, fibromyalgia. Extremely creative but can’t complete tasks.* I was born into a very working class family in 1964, an identical twin. Both of us have been extremely unwell; chronically for the last eight years – but really all our lives. Mother had gestational diabetes and thyroid disorder whilst pregnant with us.
    *Grew up in very mouldy house – black mould visible; damp household.
    * Growing up main symptoms psychological. Always suffered serious depression, racing thoughts and spacey feeling, like I wasn’t real. This scared me greatly. Always falling asleep. Both twin and I had bad asthma, allergies to dust, dogs, cats, pollen. Always very thin. Regular penicillin as a child.* Had first nervous breakdown at 18 upon going to university where I studied theology. Had to drop out of studies for a year and was first given ativan then. Returned later and enjoyed two good years at college but always started to be ill when I went home.
    *After university worked in Upstate New York at a children’s camp. Love travel and adventure. Bitten constantly ( especially round ankles) by mosquitoes. Only years later in Scotland did I discover a bulls-eye rash on hand. Now have yellow/red rings on elbows that come and fade.

    *Return home and train as a journalist. Depression and anxiety continue along with brain fog and difficulty in concentrating. Had to try harder than everyone else with studies though end up working as freelance for national and international  publications.
    *For most of 20s and 30s treated with array of antidepressants from trycyclics to SSRIs, lithium and MAOIs and then a benzodiazepine sleeping pill. They assisted only in getting me to work and may have taken the edge off my depression but nothing too wonderful.

    *Love travelling and feel need to runaway from symptoms. Go to India, Africa, Armenia, Bosnia, Romania, Vietnam, Costa Rica and across Europe and the Sahara. Have many vaccinations in 20s and early 30s: hepatitis, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever (after which I become very ill), polio. Get amoebic dysentary and various stomach bugs. Take doses of doxycycline to prevent malaria. Feel depressed and fatigued in it.

    *At 30 stop trycyclic cold and cut out gluten, milk and sugar in experiment. I had just returned from Africa with a bug after yellow fever vaccine. Fall ill with first episode of chronic fatigue syndrome, withdrawals, paranoia, severe depression etc for nine months. In the end return to old diet and start taking Paxil. Return to work but walking sick.

    *By 37, after years on antidepressants, am given a benzodiazepine to treat the side effects of the MAOIs. After 12 weeks, I stop it and plunge into withdrawals again. It’s horrific – I think I will die. Have to go to clinic in US for detox (£10,000).
    * There they treat me concommitently with IV vit c and for candida. Diflucan 100mg a day for five days leaves me screaming. Again foods removed from diet and suffer hypoglycaemia.
    *Every time I try to kill candida I feel poisoned and paranoid. Eventually get off antidepressants and benzodiazepines. Then begins eight years of serious illness with debilitation, brain fog and CFS. I have to quit work.
    * This is all very distressing but I still believe we can get well. A lot of the mental problems had been aleviated with the nutrition.

    *I expect the candida treatment will make me well but the slightest challenge to it with the mildest supplement gives a horrible herx reaction; depression and paranoia.

    * Go to Patricia Kane’s clinic in Philadelphia. Spend thousands. Have port put in and IV phospytidal choline. Makes me fatigued, depressed and toxic. Cry a lot. Glutathione shots make me worse. Feel very ill but persist for about four months. No better though more mobile.
    * Learn at Patricia Kane’s I have Lyme and bartonella. My sister has Lyme and babesia. (Western Blot/ Igenex). Suspect other co-infections.
    *Then see homeopath who uses German products. Using vega machine tests me positively for coxsackie, bruscelosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, lyme, epstein bar and a host of others. Start remedies and begin experiencing first of neurological symptoms. Terrible burning in thighs and shooting pains like lightning in head. Feel like going insane; scary mental symptoms, paranoia and general toxicity. Go hysterical on these and think I will die.

    *Then a doctor suggests thyroid/adrenals exhausted.One doctor gives us armour thyroid which works well. Then he puts us on hydrocortisol for adrenals at 80mg for a few weeks. This was the single worse episode of my life. Suffered steroid induced psychosis, deep depression and the beginning of all over body paraesthesia. For 18 months I had this burning, tickling nerve pain, all over but especially in my legs. Screamed almost every day – thought I would never recover.

    *Then do IV rocephyn for six weeks. Horrific herx. Had to sell house to pay for this. No better.

    * Finally discover the Marshall Protocol. Offered real hope. But herx horrendous. In the dark for 2.5 years. Burning paraesthesia gets worse, terrible light sensitivity, fibro, gastritis, depression and anxiety. Eventually the clindamyacin takes away the paraesthesia for a good two years. See some improvements in energy and lose CFS.
    *But have a terrible poisoned feeling throughout and awful depression. Put on ativan again for screaming anxiety. Go up to 4mg.
    *Eventually suspect a paradoxical effect and addiction to the valium. Come off the Marshall Protocol and things don’t get any better. Start reducing the ativan which is translated to valium.
    * It takes 18 months to get to where I am now at 2mg. Been suicidal all this time and looking for help.

    * During MP suffer lots of menstrual bleeding; a possible herx? Have had this since 29 and have had three endometrial cysts removed. Needed two blood transfusions whilst on the MP. Had first two years ago and then six months later.
    * Doctors tried me on progestagin . I couldn’t tolerate it and felt mad. I am very sensitive to drugs and even homeopathics.

    * Now have an ovarian cyst (endometrial) about 5.5cm on left ovary and two fibroids. The doctor wants to operate in afew months but I feel too ill and am constantly anaemic.
    I feel I have candida and have been tested for vaginal strep B.

    *Dr Greg Blaney in Canada was treating me on the MP. But now he seems to have disappeared. The treatment was making me and my sister worse in some respects – though there were some measurable improvements. My depression worsened and I felt overloaded. But Trevor Marshall had said if you don’t do the MP you will die. I was scared and now feel I have PTSD and am upset that I can’t get back on the benicar.

    * Went to Canada with hardly any money in August 2010 to see Dr Blaney. He suggested removing gluten and milk from my diet. I did this and reduced sugar. From being up and mobile, albeit, paranoid and nervy (with a sore nervous system), I became very ill again. I had sticky eyes, sinuses, a sore throat, earache, and was so spaced out and dizzy I could hardly walk. Thinking became impossible and I was having very disturbing, almost psychedelic thoughts.
    *The burning paraesthesia has returned along with fibromyalgia. Dr Blaney said this was just detox and withdrawal and to go back to him when I was through it. It habn’t gone. I caught a cold also from a lyme patient and felt I had a head infection.

    * I don’t know how I got back to the UK. I am now on 2mg valium, 18mg doxeipin and 60mg armour thyroid plus various supplements.

    * Try bentonite clay to detox.  It immediately helped the pain, however, the paranoia is getting worse as I increase the dose and I have terrible fatigue and depression. I can feel the toxins circulating and feel this is the way to go but I feel I need some kind of palliation to help me through. I wondered if it was pulling out the valium too fast? But I am scared of getting addicted again by taking more. Also feel I need something for depression.

    *Just now I feel extremely poisoned, confused, dizzy, depressed, agorophobic, paranoid, and have palpitations, tremors, a sore throat, blocked sinuses and ocd about never getting well. I feel like I want to jump out of my skin.

    *Much of the money has run out though I hope to try to raise some funds. I love life so much and so does my twin. We just want to get well. We hear that you are a good doctor and hope you can help.

    * My twin sister, mother and niece are all very ill. We have no carers except for my sister’s boyfriend. We just want our lives back.


    Case – 3 Part #2

    Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:05PM

    To: info@yurkovsky.com
    Subject: FW: from 2010 until now

    Dear Dr Yurkovsky,

    This is a report of what happened since 2010. My boyfriend lives in a mouldy monastery and had a lot of EMF in  his room.

    I suspected the mould was making my symptoms a lot worse and so I called my CFS doctor.

    She said she thought I had black mold sensitivity and to get some neutralisation shots. I went to see an Immunologist in Manchester and he gave me shots for black mold and candida.

    Then began the most terrifying, traumatising event of my life. I became so sensitive to mold I was inflammed all over and could not stop screaming. I woke one night having hallucinations that I would go to hell. It was like a dream but very real. I wanted to commit suicide and checked the internet about what happens when you do this. I read that you go to hell and became petrified and utterly frozen with fear. I was also at this time reducing valium and bouncing up and down on doses. I became sensitive to everything from dust to chemicals.

    But then a very distressing thing happened. I was asleep on my own at my sister’s house and woke up to see a curtain pole in the bedroom bashing against the wall on its own. I did not believe in spirits but it completely convinced me that there was something else in the house haunting me.

    After that I became more concerned as strange things started happening to me.People have told me that it was because of all my negative energy – I had been screaming; quite literally for years because of my symptoms of inflammation after the steroids – and had a mantra that I was going to commit suicide.

    Various healers have since tried to heal me and said that I had some kind of curse because of links with black magic, though I have no notion of ever participating in anything like this.

    The physical stuff continued; in my house in Edinburgh I would become drugged and sleepy in the mould. My thoughts were very wonky and I was screaming all the time.

    My screaming caused violence from family members who did not want to see me hospitalised. I don’t blame them, there was nothing else they could do. But it has been extremely traumatising.

    The screaming went on until I got out of the mouldy house which took two years and now I feel broken.

    I have moved to France to my brother’s appartment. He doesn’t know I am ill and will not tolerate it at all so I have to pretend I am well. He is not  here just now.

    Being in a dry place has helped. I bumped into a homeopath after praying one night and believing I would die. I feel that she was sent by God. She said she would treat me for free because I have no money at all and have spent everything £100,000 trying to get well.

    I had been bitten by a mosquito and the bite was like a bullseye rash he size of my opened hand.

    I told her everything that happened and she said she was still convinced that I could get well but that i had to bite the bullet and endure the remedies.

    However, this is easier said than done. I am so seriously traumatised by everything that has happened and everything that I believe could happen – ie fear of being kicked-out of my brothers and forced to live back in the mould where I screamed all day long. Tha’s why I contacted Peter Chappell because I believe that along with a remedy for the illness I need some remedies for deep trauma.

    My homeopath is very kind but quite proud. She uses high doses of single remedies and believes her method succeeds where others don’t because of this.

    But since we started I have been violently ill in bed for eight weeks now. I have had permanent flu type symptoms, aching kidneys, my nose has broken out in blisters, my period has started, I am seriously depressed and tired and hopeless.

    She is pleased with these symptoms and says it is evidence that it is working. I hadn’t had a period for six months and was becoming menopausal.

    Essentially I need something for trauma and to stop the terrible inflammation the mold caused and the ongoing effects of Lyme. I need to be able to stabilise my mood in order to endure the treatment.

    My homeopath gave me lychopodium 50 m and phosphorus 10m – they have knocked my socks off and I have become super sensitive to EMF now. I cry and scream all the time like a baby, it is hugely embarrassing.

    It is as though I want someone to look after me because of fear, that I can’t believe I can possibly do it on my own.I am filled with fear,huge anger, grief, anxiety and hopelessness.

    I had been so suicidal before meeting the homeopath – which was by serendipity. I had been praying for help and the next day she showed up.

    That’s why I am scared off leaving her because it was as though God had put her there for me.

    However, my trauma is so acute, I don’t know how I will get through the remedies. She says she gave me these remedies because my liver seemed shot with all the prescribed meds I have taken in the past. I looked to Peter Chappell because of his resonances for trauma – he told me that you knew all about these.

    I am so lost – please help.



    Case – 3 Part #3

    Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013
    To: info@yurkovsky.com
    Subject: FW: symptoms


    From childhood: Terrible fear of spirits; God and the devil. Feel unreal, spaced-out, cry constantly, depression, anxiety, anger, but at the same time very loving and sometimes calm.

    Nose bleed at six had me hospitalised. Parents just splitting up – incident got them back together. Blamed myself for this, wanted to live away from my Dad at my Gran’s house in the country which was beautiful.

    Very frightened of medical and dental interventions; a number of very scary events at the dentist and in hospital.

    Always a very strong fear of death. Churches, funerals frighten me. Scared of end of world.

    Constant burping after eating food or drinking. Nervous breakdown at 18 on leaving home and my twin for university.

    Felt socially inadequate at university; homesick and cried a lot to go home. Put on ativan. Very depressed and upset.

    Always tired – like CFS. At school could not cope with cross country running.

    Jealous of friends that have nice lives;very working class.

    But I am a kind person and try to help people.

    Need antidepressants for depression.Try all of them but become very sensitive to most drugs.Get bad reactions to drugs and to treatments for illness – told detoxification system not working.

    Allergic to everything from dust to car fumes and later chemicals.

    Angry with doctors for not getting me well- lose trust in doctors after so many treatments. Hopeless and depressed. Hysterical, slap myself in the face and cause bruising. Tramatised, in shock, sick with anxiety. Fear spiritual things, God, esp the devil and anything of this nature. Frightened I will never get well, scared of accidents, worry constantly for family.

    Violent – bit my boyfriend and yet concerned and desperate to get well to help others.

    Cry constantly.

    Heavy bleeding most of adult life. Menstruation stopped six months ago. Now back after lychopodium and phosphorous.

    Now feel like I have been beaten up, lungs hurt, cough, nose and sinuses very blocked, though easier after phosphorus and lychopodium. Tongue burns and funny taste. Kidneys ache, very sensitive to computer. Utterly exhausted. Terrified of having to go back to mould. Don’t feel responsible like an adult should, child like, frozen in panic, won’t move from bed, fibroyalgia, aching back and joints, huge sadness, confusion, dizzy, tight behind knees, lump in throat when emotional, won’tallow myself to feel happy or enjoy lifr, feel I am being punished, don’t feel worthy of being well, guilty feeling huge, feel brusied all over, fever all over but internal not external, buzzing feeling, aching groin, constipation, dry tongue, regrets about unfulfilled potential, fear about how long treatment will take, fear of not stabilising.

    Long for child – regret abortion. long for love and close relationships. Very angry, feel violent and out of control.

    Terrible fear because some healers have said I might be cursed or in some way possessed.

    Terrified because dr Klinghardt has said some people never recover from mold because their genetics won’t let them.




    Case – 3 Part #4

    Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:12PM
    To: info@yurkovsky.com
    Subject: FW: meds



    Almost every single intervention has made me worse to the point that I am utterly terrified of everything now. I am too afraid to live like this and too afraid to die.


    As a child I had regular antibiotics in liquid form and took asthma inhalers don’t remember much else.

    At about six I was hospitalised for nose bleeds and extremely traumatised by having to have my nose cauterised to stop the bleeding. They took my Mum away from me. I screamed and screamed and didn’t want anyone near me.

    I was given gas for a dental procedure when I was less than 10. I became hysterical and was fighting two men to stop them putting me in the dentists chair.

    Later another dentist hit a nerve when I was a child and it terrified me. I would let my teeth rot rather than complain and have to go to the dentist. But now my teeth are fine.


    Then at 18 put on series of antidepressants and tranquillisers – valium – for mood problems that I feel were probably caused by candida and mold and infections.


    18 – valium for a year. Then abrupt withdrawal which caused terror and weight loss and I had to quit university after nervous breakdown.


    20 – 38 on and off antidepressant for severe depression and anxiety. Each one had side effects and could not take away this deep sadness, grief, depression and anger.



    At 38 given temazepam – a sleeping pill – suffered horrific violent withdrawals, visions, terrors etc. Up until this time, this was probably the worse thing to have happened to me. A lot worse was to follow. Went to a clinic in America to be withdrawn from all these drugs.

    It was hellish and they put me on DIFLUCAN – for candida which they said was causing the depression. After five days on the drug and an anti-fungal diet, I screamed and screamed. The fungus and perhaps Lyme was dying and i was overwhelmed.

    That was the first time the screaming started. I could not have believed how horrific things would get,


    At 23 I had a pregnancy terminated. I was under anaesthetic; don’t know the specific drugs.


    At about 31 I was given an ANTI-EMETIC- for nausea and developed akathesia,a terrible condition in which you think you must jump out of your body because you cannot stop moving. People in psychiatric hospitals develop this. It is horrifying.


    At 28 I had the first of a series of vaccines for travel. I think I had the usual for travel to India; polio, typhoid, cholera and tetanus and hepatitis.

    I had more vaccines in the years up until about 33. They were standard travel ones but after a yellow fever vaccine at 31 ish I had the biggest shock. At the same time I had withdrawn from my anti depressants cold. I became violently ill, so much so that I could not even remember my name. Coming off the antidepressants was obviously key but I think the yellow fever did a number on my immune system.


    I went back on anti-depressants and felt somewhat better.

    Then the real catalogue of woes:


    40 ish went to a clinic for Lyme. Full of patients dying from ALS. It was very disturbing. Had IV’s of phosphotydyl choline and glutathione. Horrible herxheimer reactions but worse – had a pic line put in my arm and had to have this treatment administered by my sister’s boyfriend every day. It was experimental and extremely frightening.

    Just as frightening – having it pulled out a year later.

    before the pic line daily infusions of this through a port in the arm. Self injections of B12. Lots of horror stories in clinic.


    Then at 41 go to homeopath in California. She is sure she can get me well with nosodes of Lyme, babesia, coxsackie, bruscella etc etc.Each month devastated by herxheimer symptoms. Each month I got worse and worse. No-one would believe how bad it was. After a year, she said I would need stem cells and did not know if I would recover.


    At 42 THE MOST HORRIFYING EVENT SO FAR. I was given STEROIDS (by an Integrative Medicine, MD and a thyroid and hormone specialist , in UK) and  went crazy. I was so inflamed that my whole body burned and I got steroid induced psychosis. I also had horrific paraesthesia and kept thinking of suicide. SINCE THAT DAY I HAVE NO IDEA HOW I SURVIVED. I HAVE SUCH TRAUMA NOW AND CANT BELIEVE IT WILL EVER GO.


    A few weeks later I was given IV Rocephyn for Lyme for six weeks (by a German MD, in England). it sent me crazy; I was burning and had horrible mental symptoms, horrible fear and anguish.


    Then I was put on valium (by alternative MD and chronic fatigue specialist, in England) to handle this – again addiction which took five years of agonising withdrawals only just completed.


    Then at about 42 the Marshall Protocol.(By osteopathic doctor and homeopath, in Canada.) Angiotensin receptor blockers and three antibiotics over three years. During this horrible protocol you had to avoid light; each exposure caused vomiting, dizzyness, burnng etc etc. I had to live in a room without the slightest chink of light. It was harrowing because the antibiotics caused horrible immune reactions. Every symptom under the sun.


    Realised it was not working after three years and devastated.


    Then the valium withdrawals started.  I have gone through agonising withdrawals for five years that still are not over.

    I also bled heavily from periods and detoxification and had to have two blood transfusions. It was all hugely traumatic.


    I had a number of ovarian cysts removed under anaesthetic. The worst was three years ago when they gave me an ANTI-EMETIC again for sickness despite me telling them that I could  not tolerate them. Again, the worst akasthesia you can imagine. I wanted to jump out of my skin but no one would believe me.

    ( From my phone notes. She consulted with Lyme disease specialist, MD in Flordia, who charged her some $800 for 15 minute phone consultation. Three consultations in total costed her some $2,400 – 2,500. She followed the specialist’s recommendations and took Cholestoramine to detox Lyme’s herxheimer reaction. Following this she felt even worse)

    Then the most devastating experience that I feel I will never recover from.

    I was becoming increasingly sensitive to mold and was falling asleep whenever I was in a moldy environment and feeling very ill indeed; especially around EMF  and mold.

    So I want to see an allergist who gave me vaccines for black and mixed molds and candida. I went crazy; i was having visions of hell,like i was on LSD. I dreamt or rather had a vision that I would soon be going to hell. It was horrific. I am a journalist and began researching what happens when you kill yourself and I found all these near death experiences of people who come back from hell.

    It was all very terrifying. Then, a few days later, i was at my sisters house looking after it while they were away. i woke up at 3 in the morning and a curtain pole was bashing against the wall on its own. It terrified me.


    So, in the end my partner and I have moved to the south of France to escape the mold. We have no money, don’t speak the language and I am so traumatised that no-one seems to be able to help.


    Doctors have said the mould problemis not allergy but poisoning caused by genetic defects that cannot detoxify mold or lyme. Many have said I should be dead by now and all the interventions have made me angry, terrified, upset and unable to believe that anything will work.


    In France I met a homeopath who said she was sure she could get me better. I had been suicidal and could not believe her. But she insisted that she try. I tried to tell her the hell Ihad been through but she insisted. She gave me lycopodium 50m and phosphorous 10m and said I would definitly get well.


    The effects were harrowing, my nose started to blister and become inflamed. My neck has puffed up around the collar and I began suffering flu, blocked sinuses, terrible joint pain and fear. She then became unwell herself and said she could not treat me because I was screaming all the time with fear of the mold.


    She did not know wht todo when my symptoms got so bad. I am scared now I have cancer because the lymph swelling is so bad.


    Also, last week I got another very strong mold exposure in France at my partner’s aunt’s house. At first it felt like I would tolerate it but the day after I am violently ill.

    I am devastated because, as I react violently to mold I cannot ever go home. It’s like I’ve died. I cannot visit any of my friends, I cannot speak the language here or get out to meet people and my partner, is withdrawing from drugs and though a wonderful man can barely cope.


    It feels like the end. I am only human but how will I cope.



    Case – 3 Part #5

    Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:00 AM
    To: info@yurkovsky.com
    Subject: Re: Photos of me now and two years ago


    Hi Dr Yurkovsky,


    Also; listed are my main problems, fears, anxieties and stumbling blocks:

    * Main issue; mold exposure, can barely live in most buildings – reached point of knowing that livng in a tent could be my only option. Horrific inflammation all over, mental symptoms from poisons, and terrible PTSD (though the trauma is not over) of thinking their is no cure. Klinghardt and Shoemaker say 25 per cent of patients cannot detox Lyme and mold and unless you follow their rigid, expensive protocols that involve leaving your house and burning everything, you cannot recover.

    * Diagnosis Lyme, co-infections, bartonella, babesia etc etc.

    * Near death type experience that has given me heightened awareness of consciousness and a belief that I will go to hell for being such a bad person. The mold toxins make me think bizarre, angry, horrible thougts which I cannot overcome and I am consumed with fear and guilt that I will go to hell.

    * Fear of God, the devil, ghosts and feeling I am unreal, not grounded, ethereal, since a child. Want to feel solid and in the body.

    * Fear that I will never get well – too analytical, need to know how everything works. Trauma from being damaged by every single medical intervention from antibiotics to homeopathic nosodes for Lyme. Terror of treatment. Huge sensitivities to medicine and the environment.

    * Grief at having to leave all family, including 85 year old mother to come from the UK to France to get away from the mold – though it is still pretty ubiquitous here – and never being able to return to see them again because just tiny bits affect me. terror that I only have a few weeks in this appartment which is my brother’s. He does not believe I am ill and has said I can only stay a few weeks. I only have £3000 to my name and my partner and I have no-where guaranteed safe to go after here. No-one believes the extent of this problem and it is very scary.

    * Also, my partner is the only person who has been ableto look after me because of the screaming and crying, day in and out for the last two years and crying all my life before. Finally, all these fears of judgement and punishment have increased my thirst for spiritual growth. But despite praying and praying, I feel my prayers are not being answered and that i cannot pray properly. Some healers have said that i am not healing because I am cursed or that some kind of black magic in previous lifetimes is the cause for both mine and my partner’s suffering. As you can imagine this terrifies me – though I have pursued spirit healing.

    Through all of this my beautiful twin sister suffers the same condition. She does not understand just how bad it can get because she did not have the same problems with mold shots and EMF but i worry so badly for her. My 85 year old mother is sick and I am afraid she will die without me having quaility time with her and my niece and brothers suffer also.

    I also have a terror or relapse from the treatment and fear of going mad in the mold and EMF

    Thank you for listening to me

    PS. Finally, the welfare benefits people in the UK have called me back for an assessment interview in the UK in a couple of weeks. I am terrified because of the mold and EMF but, whilst I can probably stall it for awhile, won’t be able to avoid it indefinitely. Is there anything you can do to strengthen me  to do this?



    A few notes of mine following a presentation of this raw and bleeding human tragedy.


            I.            This is what the Marshall Protocol is proclaimed to be on the internet. For our information Trevor Marshall is Ph.D. in something who does not even have a proper medical training to treat people with pharmaceutical agents.


    About the Marshall Protocol

    The Marshall Protocol is a medical treatment being used by physicians worldwide to treat a variety of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases including (but not limited to) sarcoidosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s Disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. While other treatments for chronic diseases use palliative medications in an effort to cover up symptoms, the Marshall Protocol is a curative treatment, which strives to address the root causes of the disease process.”


    What happened to this patient, the protocol’s victim, obviously fully attests to the real credibility of the above statement and begs an innocent question if both the inventor and his PR/marketing crew might benefit from something like an electric shock treatments in order to address their severe mental detachment from reality.

          II.            Following my observations of countless number of patients (which I have presented only a meager fraction of, to all of you so far), I had to raise the several necessary questions.

                    1. Has alternative medicine managed to accomplish an almost impossible task of exceeding conventional medicine in iatrogenic outcomes?

                    2. If this is true, why is this true? Or why does this even have to be the case?

                    3. If this is not true, likewise, offer sound reasons, for.

        III.            I am about to issue this patient a first treatment the outcome of which I will not know by our gathering day, on March 11th. So, I cannot be possibly presenting this case as an already known ‘winner’. But we will certainly follow through on this patient for as long as she remains under FCT care.

    A strategic clinical question to all of you concerning the case.

    1. As incredibly complex as it certainly is, which would be the first two remedies that even without testing her, she needs with almost 100% certainty to start the treatment with?
    2. And, why exactly these two remedies?
    3. What do you think the main causative agents are playing the role in her current disease state?
    4. Try to entertain approximate potency range for each.

    Certainly the chief pedagogical reason for presenting cases of such a degree of difficulty like this and similar ones, that if we learn how to successfully manage these types of cases, the rest will be quite easy to succeed with.


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