
Webinar 011

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 011 – Recording (February 11, 2013)


  1. Celiac sprue or celiac disease.
    • Its anatomy, pathophysiology and cues for bioresonance testing
    • Second clinical FCT case of the treatment of a patient with lifelong celiac disease.
  2. A case of a high risk for sudden death plus “a few more problems”.This case has been referred to me by an FCT practitioner where the prior treatments did not afford much relief. My assessment and treatment have been issued only a few days ago and the patient has not received the treatment yet. So, a response to my treatment remains in a “we will see what happens” land, at this time.In the meantime, I want you to examine the patients list of medical problems and think of the potential culprits.


    Dear Dr. Yurkovsky,

    I know you do not find surgeries block FCT, but want to mention that this patient can pass out or be brought around with contact or laser to the knee scar from the surgery at age 19.  What this means, I do not know.

    Vaginal birth
    Age 6 – Atypical Glandular fever for 6 months
    Teenage – Approx 7 Amalgams
    Age 19 – Glandular fever
    Age 19 – Locked knee playing rugby. Surgery to straighten. From then lost connection to emotions and health began to deteriorate with fatigue.
    Age 19 – ECT (Electro-convulsive Therapy) to attempt to restore the feelings.
    Age 20 – L knee meniscus removal
    Age 24 Married
    Age 30s – Exposed to wind borne farm sprays of pesticide/fertiliser/herbicide.
    35-40 – frequent forest visits with tics bites.
    Age 40 – due to slow decline in health, residential Ayurvedic massages daily for a week. THIS INCLUDED SWIFT ROTATION OF THE HEAD.
    2 weeks later – physically collapsed.  Head pain started and unable to walk or talk with any volume for several weeks. Health never recovered fully.
    Age 41 – Thistle down in left eye.  Never removed.  This eye is most sensitive.
    Age 45 – Amitriptilyne for sleep
    Age 46 – Divorced – traumatic and didn’t see daughter for several years
    Age 55 – Lyme treatment – Doxycyclin, Azithromyacin, Low Dose Naltrexone, Minocyclin etc etc
    Age 50s – ED commences.  Periods of loose bowel movements
    Age 61 – Amalgams removed – no improvement.
    Age 64 – Cardiac issue begin
    Age 65 – Atlas prophilax therapy – no improving
    Age 66 – Arnica injection in neck
    Age 66 – Aortic stenosis / leaky valve – expected open heard surgery in due course
    Now Age 67

    Involuntary head movements especially under osteopathy or attention to occiput.
    Periods of unconsciousness when touching the occuput or knee surgery.
    Can be brought around sometimes by touching knee surgery.
    Episodes of total muscle relaxation – floppy arms, legs, facial muscles etc

    Cayenne pepper in water lessens or stops heart pain, breathlessness and panic.
    Cranial osteopathy – relief only during the treatment.
    Dental anesthesia lessens the head pain.
    Very Occasional 5 minutes of peace – no apparent reason.
    FCT – very brief subtle relief

    Periods of extreme breathlessness – with minimal exertion
    Discomfort around the heart
    Episodes of fibrilation
    Current pulse approx 80bpm – may raise significantly.
    Blood Pressure 185 to 195 over 80 to 100
    Bouts of explosive sneezing  with resultant pressure on heart.
    24/7 crushing headache emanating from left occiputal lobe (started at age 40, two weeks after ayurvedic massage.  Could not talk or walk for several weeks after this)
    Headache also concentrates in frontal lobes and tmj
    Memory problems
    Light sensitivity
    Jumpy – with phobia of thunder
    Cannot cope with more than one conversation in his environment
    Social anxiety (although gregarious by nature)
    Cannot connect with emotions (since knee operation at age 19)
    Dental pain – right mandible – tooth lower right 6 extracted.  Lower Right 7 pain.
    Left Ear – deafness and tinnitus
    Periods of vertigo and sickness
    Plantar faciatis
    Erectile dysfunction
    Episodal extreme difficulty urinating.
    Urinary urgency.
    Waking many times at night to urinate
    Distended abdomen.
    Periods of very loose bowel movements with urgency.
    Clammy hands, cold feet and fungal smell.
    Split quadriceps on left leg since age 42 (knee cartilage op at 19)
    Has become insular  – was always optimistic and outgoing.
    Difficult off and on relationship with borderline personality disorder partner Ms. X.

    As you can tell the case is somewhat challenging.
    Dr. Yurkovsky’s clinical assessment of the case was presented.

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