
Webinar 001

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Summary of Recording of Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 001 (30th Apr 2012)

A) List of Cases and Topics Covered:

  1. Case #1: A patient case of dermatitis that “ruins my life” + general discussion on petroleum products and other topics
  2. Introduction of new and very important filters of great clinical importance


B) Notes from Dr Yurkovsky introducing the programme:

I. Case #1: A patient case of dermatitis that “ruins my life” + general discussion on petroleum products and other topics:

Can you help this intensely suffering doctor, whose photo is attached? He has had mild eczema for 23 years that was “successfully” managed on medicinal ointments. However, this “success”, as all allopathic “successes”, conventional or alternative, came to an end as of four years ago where everything stopped “succeeding” or working at all. This means that 23 years were wasted while his still remaining defense reserves were getting steadily consumed and, finally, exhausted. Then, as the logistical outcome, the “specialists” offered him an immunosuppressive chemotherapeutic drug with multiple and very serious side-effects. Knowing better, he refused. Resorting to alternative treatments – NAET, rotation diets, herbs, nutritionists, nutritional supplements, candida treatments, etc., – has failed due to the inability to effectively determine and address the Stars/Bullets involved in his case. (see DVD course of October 7-9, 2011, “Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections & Morgellon’s Disease”). Certainly the illness, chronic illness as any, was systemic, that is, complex, whereas the treatments were attempting to catch only the fragments of this complexity and, as a result were doomed to fail.

His own words speak better than mine and which come from a doctor with considerable professional and financial success and with very upbeat personality: “It ruins my life.” Having stated this he was projecting a considerable dejection that this thing may not be curable at all.

His main complaint is: Raging dermatitis (far beyond eczema), disfiguring his face and at least 90% of his body, with maddening itch and scratching turning his body surface into a blood bath, day and night. Sometimes he can’t even come to work for fear of scaring his patients and stays home gluing his face with heavy layers of cortisone.

Aggravated by:

  • Sweets
  • Exposure to any chemical, inhaling or touching his skin with the latter among many things being shaving cream, bedding and clothing. He, in spite of buying all natural clothing, can wear only 100% cotton surgical scrubs because these are loose, yet still aggravate.

Other complaints:

  • Chronic upper back pain for seven years with diagnosed bulging cervical discs, and dependency on continuous chiropractic treatments.
  • Low energy by 6pm daily for 1-2 years, and he is only in his thirties.

Other factors:

Meds: cortisone ointment, as needed, but without much relief.

Vitamins: MVT and Vitamin C and, sometimes, Omega-3 fish oil

Mercury fillings: – only one and small

Uses LCD computer

TV – plasma

Cell phone use through the speaker only.

Generally “healthy”, athletic, and on a good diet for the last 5 years. Treated with antibiotics yearly, as a child, and a year ago, for a “gut infection” by a nutritionist who was managing his dermatitis.


FCT Course

In some 2-3 months into FCT, there was a 70-80% improvement in his dermatitis and a good 90%, by now, 4 months since the treatment has commenced.

Back pain, in spite of the bulging discs and discontinued chiropractic treatments, is completely resolved.

Energy is normal.

With this doctor’s conventional background and, consequently, not having a clue about homeopathy and its physiological actions, his unsolicited remarks about his observations during his clinical course speak for themselves.

“You know, I didn’t tell my girlfriend about my treatment with you or your findings of metals in my body. Yet, she’s been telling me ‘your body smells different, it smells like some metal.’ I, myself, also noted a metallic smell coming out from my armpits and my urine.

“I usually clean my shower stall every three weeks because there is basically nothing to clean except, by the end of the third week, barely a brownish stain on the edges. However, since your FCT treatment, I have to clean it every week because of a heavy dark circle on the floor around the drain. This is all very weird, let me get your book, I want to know how these drops can do such a thing.”


Your goal is:

To write down all possible pernicious agents and affected organs involved. Then we will discuss my actual BRT (bioresonance testing) findings , the general strategy of the case and his clinical response.

We are considering emailing the samples of his some 3 treatments to each webinar participant afterwards.


Note: in order to keep webinar information delivery at an optimum level, we will not be presenting patient cases from scratch, but only referring to these by a number and general clinical name. So, you are supposed to be familiar with the case, in advance, based on the program presentation like this.


Photos related to this case: (click for full-size)


II. Introduction of new and very important filters of great clinical importance:

  • BBB – Blood Brain Barrier – indispensable to all pathologies/disorders affecting the brain
  • Adrenals + – very important and even more so than Adrenals and Adrenal Cortex in addressing adrenal malfunction which is “only” 99% common.
  • Probiotic – this is to continue to address this treacherous pathophysiologic and evolutionary phenomenon, presented in the aforementioned seminar in October, 2011, concerning bioremediation. The value of this filter is quite striking.
  • Another very effective filter from the Extensive Kit, that greatly enhances energetic organ splitting, in addition to the existing group of 7 MEL (MultiEnergetic Level) filters.
  • Bone Marrow! The key to health! Revisited !!

Conclusion (and not very brief)

Let me conclude this brief expose on blind approaches in medicine with one very, very, very sobering statement. It has yet to be refuted and here it is: Mankind in our modern world has become profoundly intoxicated through ever-rising pollutants which cross the placenta and segregate in breast milk rendering all of us to be already born poisoned and immunosuppressed or, in simple words, already unhealthy. As a result, to be added here – inevitable chronic infections then a skyrocketed number of vaccinations, and enormous electromagnetic radiation. All of these create such an enormous spider web and chaotic state of countless pathological entities that all of the medical interventions, conventional and, especially, alternative, are bound not only to fail but to cause harm. And, often great harm! Why harm? Because, the degree of total assault of the aforementioned morbid agents and pathological states that they cause, afflicting so many organs, is so profound that there is practically no reserve left or the body’s capacity to compensate for the errors of treatments (see Channel concept in DVD Basic course). This particularly and paradoxically concerns alternative treatments even more than conventional.

Because while the latter harm by just suppressing or cementing morbid agents in the body, alternative treatments correctly aim to rid the body of these morbid agents.

However, here their enthusiasm far exceeds their ability and skill in doing so. As a result, all of these chelations, detoxifications, cleansings, metabolic balancing, immune enhancements, bombardments of infectious agents, etc., etc., whether carried out through “biomedical”, e.g., pharmaceutical treatments or energetic – homeopathics, acupuncture, Rife machine and other forms of electric zapping or “field balancing”, etc., – all carry such a great capacity for an aggravation or worsening of health or disease, by stirring immense toxic loads in the body that it makes it practically impossible to avoid their profound iatrogenic effects. What leaves an impression that this isn’t so is the simple fact that nobody likes to publish or disclose these facts. And the facts are that alternative medicine, while pointing a finger at its conventional Big Brother, has become a multibillion dollar per annum conglomerate itself, between products, teachings, media, machines, and professional organizations. So, telling the truth or telling it as it is would, undoubtedly, undermine both the image and the rest, the dollars. As the result, true and tragic facts are concealed while some anecdotal cases and theories which are based on enthusiasm rather than true knowledge become grossly overblown. This is the well-established yet little publicized fact that concerns concealment of data and distortion of data and is reflected on my page, “Autism: Factors which engendered and sustained it and why current treatments and research have failed it” has been acknowledged by respectable conventional academicians. More on this subject, someday in the DVD, “The power of missing knowledge: An explanation for the failures of conventional and alternative medicine in chronic and degenerative diseases”, where I wish to share how I was fooled by both the conventional academicians-scientists and alternative enthusiasts for many years, and exactly how most, if not all, health practitioners have been and are still being fooled. And yet how we can discern both the foolings and speckles of gold through capable tools of analyzing the quality of scientific knowledge. By the way, in the aftermath of our October, 2011 seminar, “Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections, & Morgellon’s Disease”, I have added quite a few pieces of extra information. One of these concerned this very delicate issue that everybody in alternative medicine innocently pretends that it does not exist or somehow does not concern them. This is the same issue of underreporting or concealing real data concerning the true percentage of successes in relation to failures. And I did pose this issue in relation to FCT. Watch it.

On the whole, what sets aside enthusiasts from more discerning practitioners in medicine are the QUESTIONS – the very foundation of science – not the doings, per se. This is what I tried to learn first from exact sciences which are responsible for tremendous technological and industrial progress. Or also learn it from the most successful people in any industry. For example, Warren Buffet, the most successful stock market investor ever has confessed that whenever he asked questions about the fundamentals of a company and its products, he had made billions in the long run. But whenever he, instead, looked just at some lucrative or shiny terms promising quick profits, he lost billions either literally or by tying up the moneys which would have made billions if invested in other companies based on the fundamentals. Yet, in the meantime, the majority of the investors looked shrewd by displaying short-term profits on paper, but losing their shirts in the long haul.

So, in the short run, many biomedical or just “natural” treatments for Lyme, autism and all chronic diseases might be even showing some progress where FCT might be lagging behind, yet in the long run, FCT, by addressing the fundamentals – Stars/Bullets – has demonstrated cure or great abolishment of the old and prevention of new serious chronic diseases while free of supplements or drugs, yet all of the others demoed “lost shirts” while on tons of pharmaceuticals.

So, the bottom line is: are medical approaches asking the right questions which concern the very fundamentals of chronic diseases before they proceed with the shiny doings?

Returning to our prior discussion concerning the aforementioned reasons for the global destruction of the human race, just listen to the testimony of our FCT colleague, the doctor of Oriental Medicine, Ken Andes, concerning the fate of acupuncture today, at the October, 2011 seminar: “Curable: Autism, ADHD, Lyme Disease with co-infections, & Morgellon’s Disease”. He confirms the fact that this great modality that has been helping people throughout the world, even resolving tumors, and for as long as 5 thousand years, has been reduced these days to some mere cosmetics with some temporary benefits in cravings, head or back aches. That’s it. I didn’t tell him to say that nor did I tell him to state, as he did, that as he was progressing in mastering FCT, his dispensation of nutritional supplements has plummeted. This means that his skills in addressing the Stars/Bullets has reached another higher level.

The same with classical homeopathy – a modality that, literally, used to perform miracles over a few centuries – has been reduced to, practically, nothing. Other approaches in alternative medicine compared to these two giants can be viewed as “fly by night” commercialized fairy tales.

Just following my completion of this draft, I had come across a recent study where so-called healthy children and teens have been found to be infected with EBV in as many as 70% of cases as detected by even conventional lab tests. This means that 70% of them are officially immunosuppressed. With FCT bioresonance testing, the actual figure is all – 100%. What happens to these “healthy” children even by their 20s? The current epidemic of autism is just a warm-up. Why has Alzheimer’s, a fairly rare disease even in the 1980s among the elderly, become not only another epidemic but also already afflicts middle-aged people? Such is the sign of degeneration and pending demise of mankind unless treated through FCT or a similar powerful medical system.

What is the lesson here for all and especially for FCT practitioners?

The lesson is obvious: The health of the modern population is degenerating rapidly, relentlessly and inevitably. The window of effective therapeutic opportunity has become microscopically narrow, the potential for error gigantic, the level of our skills to deal with these must transcend these conditions not remain below.

Yet, in light of this, some of you who practice FCT, approach it as some sort of a food-tasting station in a supermarket. This seminar one attends, the other, one skips. This DVD course or e-letter or webinar one studies, others don’t, these filters one bothers testing, but not the rest. This is no way to raise one’s skills, but only to sustain some fancying activity. As a result, it will be many failed patients who will be the best proof to this piecemeal learning.

In the end, what are you going to do with a very sick patient at the end of his tether, show him your FCT diploma or your skills? Another sobering fact is that neither our own bodies nor the ones of our family members are exempt somehow from the ravages of our toxic world. Had it not been for FCT over the years, I would likely be writing these notes to all of you from a hospital bed, if writing at all. No particular disease, just was poisoned as the rest of us. But the disease kitchen is that first we become poisoned and then a disease will surely find us.

At this, I will leave all of you to meditate, if only lightly, in the aftermath of these more or less thought provoking notes.

C) Simon’s notes during the webinar:

I. Case: A patient case of dermatitis that “ruins my life” + general discussion on petroleum products and other topics:

Misc tips/comments/things discussed:

– Use Staph Aureus in skin infections, allergies, dermatitis, eczema. Itching and scratching introduces the infection.

– Use of Tooth sarcode after dental removal

– His treatment included Discus and CN.T. and formaldehyde

– Expect your pt to become re-infected with parasites – so he has been given a prophylactic procedure: Any time after sex with whoever, take MPR, e.g. 40x or whatever.

– Menace – Omega 3 fish oil: stuffing him with Hg org and inorg

– Removed LCD screen


Discussion of new findings in relation to petroleum products and Hg:

Don’t ignore exposure to petroleum products:

– potent sources of Hg re-intoxication.

– Filters: Diesel, Petroleum, Benzene

– All fossil fuels, from coal to oil, come from the Earth, and contain Hg


Car driving stress:

– Car Memon is great at reducing it

– It also has to do with exposure to gas fumes – use any of the above 3 filters, and Hg in BM


[Q: Still use herbs?]

Concern about toxins in herbs.

Hom isodes more specific and reliable.


BRT – most important learning tool in medicine – database.

Machines – they are competing with each other, each saying they’re better, “Ours tests for 20,000 things, or 30 or 40 thousand!” BUT – this is just more variables – reduces chances of success. Rules of Lotto in U.S. – if you guess 6 out of 49 nos. you can win the lottery – but it’s a one in a billion chance.

Star Bullets – Only 7 – otherwise you drown in data.


Classical hom – I use it for mental-emotional and miasmatic, more than physical, complaints. Very gratifying experience. Yet also supplement that hom Rx with FCT.


Miasms – they are not just deleted. They consist of metals, chr. infections, residues of allopathic and alternative treatments, etc. – which get released. Homeopaths say, “Oh, he needs next remedy” – but actually he needs to be unblocked – EMFs, Memon, Organs/Toxins……


II. Introduction of new and very important filters of great clinical importance:

BBB – I attempted it yrs ago, but failed (not good results). But have finally put together one that has worked extremely well (comparable to FL and Head I filters). Far better learning, less brain fog, better memory. Has been clearly a good contributor.

Go via BRT, so if Brn or FL wins, or AC, then use it. But up to 80% of Px with brain-related pictures (from HAs to autism) will benefit.

Adr+ / Adrenals Plus – A new filter. I have combined Adrenals with related tissues, 5 or so sarcodes in it.

Probiotics isode – This was made from a culture with 12 or more bacterial flora indigenous to the gut. They store toxins – milk this phenomenon over and over – applying it to every single possible microflora – indigenous and acquired – be it bifidus, acidophilus, strep, enterococcus, parasites, candida, worms, etc. I tested this new filter – more Hg release after it? Yes, tons of it. Mostly heavy and other metals. I mostly use Probiotics #1, more tha #2.


FCT is not some kind of a fix – it’s a problem-solving system. So a stuck case is not due to a failure of FCT, but due to failure of the scope of knowledge or creativity.


3 new MEL filters: Splitting – up to now with a Gang of 7 MEL filters, but has introduced 3 new ones, so it will be a Gang of 10. The new ones are DNA in a high potency and 2 more filters related to Big Bang theory.


Bone marrow: Current bone marrow filter important – BMB #2. The bone marrow can retain many layers of toxic info – Hg, Pb, Ars, AB residue…. So keep testing it. It is lipophilic, and it is low-conducting and not easy to test. Very gratifying esp. in severe pathologies.


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