
Webinar 009

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Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 009 – Recording (December 17, 2012)

  1. A patient with rheumatoid arthritis, presented as almost cured in Webinar 006, has rather suddenly regressed and her rheumatoid arthritic pains began to return. The reason I reopened this case on this distressing note is that for many of you, who are particularly new to FCT, such a turn of events could be of a confidence-shattering nature. This, inevitably, will be relayed to a patient involved who will naturally, quite logically, question the quality of your treatment even more. So, how are you going to respond? The case, the reasons for the regression and how FCT has dealt with it, and her clinical response to it, have been presented and how this all ties in with FCT’s medical theory reflected in the Basic course and in further presentations.
  2. The importance of bone marrow in the etiology of all chronic diseases.
    I am aware that some FCT veterans may think that they’ve heard it from me, ad nauseam, but this topic itself continues to both fascinate and teach me as time goes on. So, perhaps some of you have felt the same way after I presented this segment with illustrations from BRT. Certainly, the depth of the testing and treating this single organ is many-fold more responsible, more than any other organ or all of them combined, for turning a seemingly hopeless case for decades into someone who is ready to walk on water after just one treatment. I realize that it is difficult for me to prove this through formal scientific criteria since we never treat a single organ but all of them in conjunction as a global disease state but this, nevertheless, remains my clinical experience. It becomes more evident when not infrequently, the treatment only for bone marrow, as a corrective or follow-up measure, was administered.
  3. A woman with multiple health problems through a decade-long journey of alternative treatments without relief. Her latest regimen consisted of 40 therapeutic items all based on bioresonance testing, some Quantum Reflex Analysis, was illustrated.

    A question: How does one support the claim of “Quantum”? Quantum reflex analysis, quantum nutrition, quantum healing, etc., and how these are being supported by the rules of science, not by marketing tactics. This, due to the lack of time, we did not cover but will in Webinar #010.

  4. Is celiac sprue a truly genetic disease? FCT experience.
    It is considered as an incurable genetic disease. Yet, FCT experience indicates it otherwise.

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