
Webinar 007

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Summary of Recording of Dr Yurkovsky’s Webinar 007 (October 29, 2012)


  1. Flu alert for this season
    • It is a new and very aggressive strain not being matched by any of our existing homeopathic flu strains.  Its clinical picture and therapeutic strategy against.
    • A case of an 83-year old elderly woman with heart, lung and kidney disease, hypertension, diabetes, who was kept alive in the Intensive Care Unit through an artificial lung support machine due to pneumonia as the result of this flu.  In light of all of these grave circumstances, her chances for survival were deemed as minimal and that is why her doctors, out of desperation, consented to FCT help.  She was removed from the machine and showed rather dramatic progress within 24-36 hours following FCT treatment.
      The treatment details will be presented.
  2. Our multiple sclerosis case
    While the “promised” return of some crisis, according to Hering’s law, is still being in the “weather forecast”, the patient’s own ideas about her clinical course have turned out to be better than mine.As the consequence, she started leaving her wheelchair in order to …. walk.   We should be able to demonstrate the process through our “homemade video” taken at her last visit a few days ago when she climbed, with assistance, a very long and steep staircase in my office building (e.g., on visit #3).  Considering the fact that the first two visits, three persons, myself included, were subjecting ourselves to a multi-hernia job by pushing her (far from being a petite woman) plus a wheelchair all the way up, this certainly is a positive development for my personal health, also.

    Now, I can relate a little better to what the construction workers of the Egyptian pyramids went through and with even a lighter compensation package than mine.

    We will review her previous FCT treatment and present the current one.

  3. Homeopathic remedies destroy cancer cells!  And act on genes!
    Rather astonishing report in conventional oncology journal from one of the top cancer research centers in the world.
  4. This leftover case from the previous announcement:
    Somewhere at a crossover between EMFs, parasites and mercury, which all, according to BRT, affected the brain of an autistic boy who was cured from autism (not of severe form, nonetheless autism) with significant speech impairment and other mental limitations, in just one FCT treatment.  The parents reported that the boy not only can fully read and recite a book completely on his own, but even compose and read his own poetry.  Certainly, I gave him no pills and whatever supplements and (seven) homeopathics, he was taking were all discontinued.  It might be of great interest to all of you to read his mother’s email to me prior to his visit.  This email reflects an allegedly far more “sophisticated” and “thorough” approach toward autism and ADHD on the part of DAN/Yasko/functional medicine practitioners.  Here is the email:

    Dear Dr Yurkovsky,
    My son was diagnosed with PDD and we went to a DAN (yasko) doctor.
    Blood tests showed
    – gene mutation called compound heterozygous MTHFR  and as a result inability to  process group  B vitamins (the results came just for B12).
    –  casein intolerance
    –  bacteria overgrowth (mychoplazma and Lyme),
    – Diphtheria virus positive
    –  myelin antibodies positive
    – high level of copper and zync.

    The following protocol was suggested:
    – MB12 shots, omega fish oil, probiotic, multivitamin. No cows milk.
    – chelation
    – allergy test (needles)
    – MRIs
    – Antibiotic treatment for lyme and mychoplazma

    All I did was just probiotic and elimination of cow’s milk.
    I am very skeptical about chelation.  Also not sure about MRIs for 3 years old.
    I tried NAET diagnostic… It does not seem objective to me. I did not start treatment with NAET.
    NAET doctor scheduled an appointment and only in her office I learned, that the treatment can fail and behaviors can worsen, and that for treatment to succeed a child has to remain for 20 min in the same position he was treated without touching anything (not very feasible for 3 years old).

    I am very concerned about myelin antibodies. How does FCT addresses structural changes in brain?
    As far as I understand you do not want to look at blood tests at all. Not even after the completion of treatments? What about MRIs?

    I would appreciate your reply

    Best regards



    A humble question to all of you: what exactly is FCT doing wrong here?  Before you answer this question, you may find it helpful to review our DVD course of October 2011 concerning autism, Lyme and, in principle, all chronic diseases in relation to the radical difference between the Star-Bullets of FCT in the genesis of chronic diseases, on the one hand, and the dots and bandaids utilized by the rest of the medical world, on the other.

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